New here

Hello!! I am a 24 year old looking for some support from people close to my age range. Any tips or ticks to be healthy and still have fun?! :) Any motivation will help



  • clm3347
    clm3347 Posts: 6 Member
    I recently have been getting really into smoothies! I put all my fruits and non fat yogurt and even spinach. I find they fill me up and I am tricking my mind into thinking it's a treat! Welcome aboard! :)
  • Hi! I'm quite new here as well, but I still have a tip :) The zombie run 5k app. Its so much fun and lets you map your route and calories easy. I'm actually really looking foreward to my next run and zombie mission, if Im not too sore I'll do it tomorrow.
    For me a spesific challenge is motivating, like trying to eat clean for most meals for a week.
  • I have been thinking about smoothies doing smoothies! I have signed up for 2 5K runs, one called Hero Rush and one called Dirty Girl Mudder for breast cancer. They are all obstacle runs so im excited about that. The zombie app sounds awesome too i'll have to check that out. If i have a specific challenge and its fun im more apt to do it. :) THANKS!
  • the zombie 5K is so much fun! I downloaded it after you suggested it :) Love it. Thank you
  • Jennie272
    Jennie272 Posts: 5 Member
    welcome!!! I've fallen in love with sugarless gum to help ease my cravings!! and I always carry a little Tupperware of my favorite fruits to munch on throughout the day instead of hitting the vending machines. good luck!
  • Thanks!!! my work had a bunch of donuts and pastries delivered to our office from a patient of ours... I was so proud, i ate some grapes instead lol :)
  • Hey I have been at this for a while but this time I'm sticking with it! A big help for me has been yogurt, fiber one brownies and coffee! I love yogurt now, I go to Wal-Mart and get the Great Value Light kind and they are only 80 calories(Pina Colada and Banana Cream Pie are divine)! The fiber one brownies are my chocolate fix and I have to have my coffee, it actually fills me up and puts off unecessary snacking!