Official Week 2 end weigh-in! (Up to Mon Jan 21st)



  • x0emz0x
    x0emz0x Posts: 38 Member
    0.8lbs lost this week. happy with that, although small, its still a loss :)
  • Majal10
    Majal10 Posts: 79 Member
    down 3 lbs
  • ameliad87
    ameliad87 Posts: 66 Member
    unfortunately I have gained .8 lbs. Had a death in the family, so lots of unexpected events this week and eating out without being able to really work out. Back on the wagon this morning though, and hopefully I can make up for it by working out extra hard this week. Just bought the Your Shape Evolved 2012 for XBox, and looking forward to using it.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    Down 1.3 lbs this week so that's official two week total of 5 lbs. They say slow and steady wins the race... I guess I need to work on my patience!!!! :explode: :laugh:
  • freindsofmine
    freindsofmine Posts: 123 Member
    1 down ,but next week will be better I'm sure
  • MelK129
    MelK129 Posts: 15 Member
    A little TMI but it is my TOM and I didnt lose any or gain any - so i will take the 185 lbs and walk away. LOL

    I know this week I could have done a lot better with eating healthy and well working out better - but I will not let myself stay down, this is a new week and I am ready to move on and UP.

    Here is to week three!!
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    I'm thinking about 3 pounds. I'll weigh in on Monday though.
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    Lost 1.1lb this week so officially under 150!!! Comparing to last week's weight loss I might have done better if I didn't have so many sweets this last week (I've been having brownies and ice cream almost every day...yeah, I know :frown: ). Going back to what works best for me.
  • allycat5723
    allycat5723 Posts: 189 Member
    This week was MUCH better than week one for me. I am slowly getting back to my weight before the foot surgery. This entire week has felt push and shove to me, but things are slowly falling back into place. I am loving reading about these losses though. You are all rocking this!
  • seligcrystal
    seligcrystal Posts: 34 Member
    SW 224.5
    GW: 170 (ultimate) 204.5 (this challenge)
    CW: 226.5 (up half a pound from last week)

    It's very frustrating to keep gaining, last week I gained 2 lbs this week a half a pound, so that is progress. I am thinking it is water weight due to my muscles being worked more then they have been in a long time, and on a more regular basis. So that being said I am really hoping to start seeing the pounds drop instead of rise sooner rather then later!!! Or I will never get to my goal weight for this challenge
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    CSW 6Jan: 198.8 lbs
    LW 12Jan: 198.8
    CW 19Jan: 197.0

    It isn't much, but 1.8 lbs is finally a move on the scale. It hasn't twitched since Christmas other than the daily up a little, down a little, etc. I weigh daily for trend tracking, but only 'record' weekly. My weigh in's are on Sundays.. Sunday #1 198.8, Sunday #2 198.8, Sunday #3 197.0. So yay!
  • whimsy38
    whimsy38 Posts: 158 Member
    Down 1 :)
  • that_tall_girl
    that_tall_girl Posts: 95 Member
    Last week: 338.4
    This week: 337
    Total loss: 1.4 lbs

    I'll take it!
  • caribbeanbrett
    caribbeanbrett Posts: 8 Member
    Exactly the same! No change... Ah well... This week it will happen...
  • heart_explodes
    heart_explodes Posts: 48 Member
    Bit disappointed this week, I'm back up a little bit :( Oh well, I'll just try harder this week!
  • BluNinjaneer
    BluNinjaneer Posts: 32 Member
    Considering I wasn't able to work out all week (damn you seasonal cold!), any loss is acceptable. Here's hoping that during this upcoming week I can maintain my calorie intake while increasing my exercise!
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    Great week, everyone! I'm down 0.8, but I'll take it!
  • Gemalar
    Gemalar Posts: 301 Member
    No change for me :(but at least it wasn't a gain
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
  • I was dealing with the same thing (TOM though I call it Aunt Flo came visiting. yes TMI for some), and was disappointed that I couldn't loose, in fact it went up for a couple days due to water weight Ended the week at 173.2 Last week was excited with 173.4 because I'd lost 3.6 that week. Funny how even though it's slightly less this week Im still not happy with a number that thrilled me a week ago. It's because I want more.
    Well, I hope that this week rocks and we can find the numbers dropping again. Hugs and encouragement.
    Even on The Biggest Looser (I watched the first few seasons years ago) people would occassionally have an off week and then the next week was great. I wish that for the 2 of us, and anyone else who struggled this week (as apparant on the pdf spreadsheet)