Weigh in week 2

kithalloyd Posts: 135 Member
Sorry guys I know I am a day late. I had a bit of an emergecy with my son and thus I have been behind since Thursday. Please place your weight and loss for the week.

I stayed the same!!

I will try to get back on track this week since we are now home. Good luck everyone


  • DebbyMargaret
    DebbyMargaret Posts: 10 Member
    Good morning! I hope your son is well.

    Initial weigh-in: 160
    Week 2: 157.1

    Total loss to date 2.9 pounds
  • hello.
    Hope your son is doing much better. Scary when our babies get sick =(

    Beginning weight ( 1-7-13}
    since last weigh in (weekly) 341.6
    today's is 338
    so..3.8 loss
  • jbalistriere
    jbalistriere Posts: 300 Member
    I hope your son is doing better!

    Beginning Weight - 173
    Week 1 - 168
    Week 2 - 167 (not sure how to count it since I used the Wii Fit instead of the same scale I used last week due to time off of work)

    Six pound total weight loss
  • MurderMeSomeFat
    MurderMeSomeFat Posts: 68 Member
    Weight last week: 245.4
    Weight today: 238.2

    Total lost for week two: 7.2 lbs! (and I thought I was failing...lol)
  • JerriBeasley
    JerriBeasley Posts: 14 Member
    GOALS: 01-07-13 - 278.6 * 2-18-13 Halfway Goal - 270 * 4-01-13 Complete Goal - 262

    01-14-13 - 275.0 (3.6 lb loss)
    01-21-13 - 275.0 (0 loss)
  • rabbyduby
    rabbyduby Posts: 123 Member
    Starting weight: 213
    Weight last week: 210
    Weight today: 210

    Total lost for week two: 0 lbs
