PCOS and Weightloss


Feel like im in a rut, just cant seem to lose weight and everytime i step on the scale it is going the opposite way of what i want it to!

I have PCOS and am on my first week of Metformin, taking 1x500 in the morning before breakfast, after my first week i start taking 2 a day.

I have been doing a lot of reading and see that some people recommend a low carb/atkins diet... just wondering if anyone has a plan that i could follow to help me.

I am currently at my heaviest - 203 lbs :( and want to get to 147 lbs. I feel if i can get my weight under control it will help me deal with all the other nasty symptoms that comes with PCOS!

In desperate need of support and advice!!!

Thanks x


  • nornas42
    nornas42 Posts: 73 Member
    I've talked with my doctor and a nutritionist and they both advised not to go low-carb/atkins as they are so protein heavy and carbs are good for you. The key is getting the right kind of carbs. They recommended I follow a diabetic diet where you carb count. Every serving of carbs is 15 grams. You get 4 at breakfast, 5 at lunch, and 4 at dinner plus a a snack of 1 serving. I followed this diet while on metformin and lost 20 lbs in 6 months with no exercise or any other changes.

    Good (complex) carbs: whole wheat, whole grain pasta, brown rice, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, and the like.

    Bad (simple or processed) carbs: white rice, regular pasta, white flour, etc.

    A lot of people put potatoes in the bad category, but they are low in calories and rich in potassium and vitamin C and have a high water content, so I count them as good carbs but don't make sure I get a good mix.
  • nornas42
    nornas42 Posts: 73 Member
    PS - you can do this! :)
  • Whirlagirl
    I follow a lower carb, higher protein Paleo style meal plan, which includes enough grain or grain-like products to reach my fiber requirements. For exercise, I lift heavy and add in some bike riding, walking, or HIIT for cardiovascular health.

    Following the plan helped me lose about 20+ pounds last year, which is a lot for me as PCOS slows weight loss. My advice is to tinker with diet and exercise plans, find what you like that also brings results (I like lifting weights and carbs make me sluggish), and make it a sustained lifestyle change.

    Good luck!
  • Missrachel1990
    thanks very much :)

    il get there eventually x
  • lucy529
    lucy529 Posts: 127 Member
    missrachel i totally understand where you are comming from i too had that problem along with full blown diabetes, that was 2 1/2 months ago, now my diabetes is in remission, my blood pressure is in control along with my RA. I have lost some weight and the best part am getting periods and most important am ovulating on my own (I'm TTC) something that has not happened in years.

    I began a program that gave me great energy and that helped me get into the routine of working out and eating well my dr was so impressed when i saw last week i did begin the program with her consent and continue to be on it until I get healthy and at my goal weight so am really happy with what am doing

    just to add i did try doing it with just diet and exercise alone when nothing happened i went on the atkins and low carb, all over the counter weightloss and nothing happened the scale would go the wrong way now it's steadily moving in the right direction I know that people on here say that doing it with a good diet and exercising but that does not work for everyone
  • beautifullyhumantp
    Hello, I feel your pain. I am in a rut now, but I am getting back on the right track. In the past I have lost between 10-12lbs in a 5week time span by eating right and working out everyday. Eat steel or old fashioned oats for breakfast w/cinnamon instead of brown sugar and 8 egg whites that should keep you full for a couple of hours. Lunch do a lean protein (lean beef or turkey w/ a salad and a apple) snack in between. Do a protein shake w/water or some fruit. Dinner lean protein, whole grain, vegetables (skinless white chicken, turkey or fish) broccoli and spinach are the best and short grain brown rice or brown basmati rice. Try smoothies for a snack as well. My favorite is green because it allows me to get my daily fruit and vegetable intake. Google some recipes. My favorite is 2c spinach w/yoplait light strawberry, pineapple mago smoothie mix, i use water in place of milk and a scoop of protein powder. Thats 1 fruit and 2 vegetables and you can't even taste the spinach! I would walk 3miles a day, walk up and down the stairs for 1/2hour and park far from the door when I go places. Start at your own pace but get atleast 30-45min of cardio a day. And do not stress it will happen. I have lost 60lbs so far, but it has been a slow process.
  • thatsingergirl
    thatsingergirl Posts: 70 Member
    I can completely relate! Please add me (and that goes for anyone on here too!) if you want support and accountability! I try to stay under 100 carbs a day, and 30 per meal... not always succeeding.
  • purplekitty13
    Today my doctor said that the best thing to try is a low glycemic index diet, and mentioned South Beach as well. That's pretty much the direction my diet has been going since I joined MFP in August. Weight loss has been slow and what I'm seeing is that I'll stay at a plateau for weeks or even more than a month and then suddenly, I'll see a 1-2 pound drop.
  • mylla013
    mylla013 Posts: 25 Member
    I have been really struggling with PCOS and weight loss too. I feel like I am working myself to death trying to work in exercise and calorie count and pay attention to nutrition and the scale doesn't budge. I'm getting very frustrated and at a loss. My husband and friends don't really seem to understand what a struggle it is for me and how different my body works than theirs and when I ask for some support that means more than just a pat on the back and a 'way to go'.