Looking for more UK friends



  • Jennystimetolose
    Jennystimetolose Posts: 58 Member
    Add me toooooo x
  • anyone can add me, been on here for around 6 months and lost close to 30lbs so far
  • Hi All

    Just started in January need to lose 28lbs, love to chat all help appreciated!!!!:smile::smile: :smile: :smile:
  • darrenpclark
    darrenpclark Posts: 6 Member
    I could so with some motivation too - so Feel Free to Add me - 35 Married with 4 kids and have piled on the pounds as desk based and untill recentally not very active. Based in Leeds
  • teshiburu
    teshiburu Posts: 262 Member
    Hey looking for friends in and around the kent area
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    Can't remember if I've posted in this thread. At work so typing hurriedly. Anyway, I'm from London, UK :smile: