curious as to how many have done a low carb before??

there are 3 reasons as to why iam doing carb cycling
1. bc it was a change
2.bc i get a free day which helps SOOOOO MUCH
3.bc my no card diet was stalling and this was supposed to be a faster weight loss.

i have done low to no carb most my life and weight flew off.. the last time it was so hard so i switched to this.. but iam seeing it is not as fast as a weight loss as i expected from other members on here??

how do you guys feel about that??


  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    I did south beach, and it was pure torture. It was so long ago I don't remember the details completely, but I lost maybe 5-10 pounds in 8 weeks or so. But then I completely stalled out, and then started gaining.

    I've never been able to lose more than about 1 pound a week on any diet I've been on so far... until CTL. So it works for me. From June to November I averaged about 2 pounds a week. Some weeks were more, and some were under, but the average was there. December I essentially maintained, and so far in January I have lost the few pounds I gained between Christmas and New Year, plus another 1 for a new low. :)

    But then again, I'm not in this for a quick weight loss. I know I did not put it on overnight, so it will take months if not years to take it all off.

    Chris says in the book that you should be able to expect around a 1% loss on average per week. For me, right now, that is just over 2 pounds a week. Except for the full week after new years, I have not had a 2 pound loss in a single week since before Thanksgiving. But, that's okay with me, because I'm down a full jean size since Thanksgiving. So I see that as a whole bunch of win! :wink:
  • munecagirl22
    munecagirl22 Posts: 39 Member
    oh wow thats really good:)... right now iam in a size 24... pants 3x shirt.... :( everyone i know can not believe it i hold my weight well first bc iam on the taller side and its more all over then in any certain area.. and my stomach is hard... everyone who touches me says wooow ur skin is so hard and tight...

    BUT STILLL iam in a 24 once i got sick i started packing on like food was going to be rationed!!!! and iam now 320 i was 336!!!!
    i know its on me nothing i can do to make this any faster.. but its so frusterating bc iam very inpatient! thats why nothing ever works for me -not just eating healthy...i need it off and its stubborn!

    my ultimate goal is a 12 or a 10.. we will see when that time comes.. but i know i will look great in a 16/18 so thats my first mini goal.. the 14/16.. and so on.. i hope i can get most of it off in a year or less.. time will tell i always have so many set backs tho...
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    I did strict low carb from March of 1999 until July 2003. I lost super easy and maintained for a few years in the 130's. I really went overboard after my dad died in 2003. Over all those years until now I just kept gaining and falling on and off strict low carb. 2 years ago when my only sibling died I went on a major bender again and quickly gained 35 more pounds. Up until I recently started chose to lose I was still trying to stay strict low carb and falling off. The best I have managed to do after my fast gain after the last death was hit around 216 and then jump up again to 228. I really think choose to lose is a clear winner for me. I get the foods I fell off strict low carb for. I feel good. The fun day is great. I can't expect to lose 80+ pounds in less than half a year like I did back then. I am almost 43 so things are different now.

    You are both doing great!!! !
  • munecagirl22
    munecagirl22 Posts: 39 Member
    wow- that does make perfect since iam 27 and was a lot younger hs days when loosing so quickly before.. and thats exactly why i was fallong off my low carb

    explained perfectly :) ... this is just me if i do not see atleatst 2-3 lbs off in a week i hate myself.. that is just who iam tho..

    iam okay if i loose like 4 one week and say 1 the next iam good w that lol.. i have a weird mind??

    once l get under my 300 mark and about 290 280 i know i will be looking sexy again!! haha so my first mini goal
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Now pretty lady you can not go hating on your self if you don't lose so much per week. Your already doing so awesome!!! Our body's are fickle creatures and refuse to follow a set path it seems as far as the scale goes. . I think one of the best things i ever did when I successfully lost so much before was now own a scale to be honest. Since I have owned one ( and gained and gained) it is too easy to say I'm not losing so i might as well skip exercise and pig out. Measure some areas of the body because that will tell the truth. I think looking at it over a month is a lot better gauge because most of us lose in a crazy up down pattern.

    I might sound like a goof but i firmly believe it and i am one fluffy chick! Confidence, a direct look and a flirty smile are sexy at any size so you just work that sexy you ALREADY have right now :)
  • munecagirl22
    munecagirl22 Posts: 39 Member

    yaaaa i try to work it.. just never works w the men:( my hubbie just left me of 8 yrs bc i gained so much.. soo yeah pretty darn down now
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Chin up pretty girl!