annnnd still no loss

Hello Ladies! So after three weeks of MFP (and many changes in my food choices), and doing Zumba 3 times a week (was not working out at all before)....I have lost NOTHING!! I am insulin resistent and I am on Metformin and Yasmin (BC) for the PCOS. Anyone else ever see NO results. It really is just rude to not even give me a 1 pound loss!! Oh this PCOS is the devil....


  • emma_louise_23
    Same here its really doing my head in now, im trying to stay under 100g of carbs per day to see if that helps as ive seen a lot of people on here with pcos doing the low carb thing and theyve had weight loss so fingers (and toes) crossed :)
  • michelledawnt
    michelledawnt Posts: 20 Member
    Hold in there, it will come with time. It is frustrating, I know I have been there, but patience. Losing weight isn't easy for a normal person and even harder with those with PCOS. But with patience it can be done. I have lost 130lb over several years and I still often go months without a loss.
    Patience and hard work will get you there. keep tweaking what you are doing and you will get there.
    Low carb definitely helped me.Generally I try to keep my carbs between 50-100g and protein about .9g per pound of body weight. I also cut starchy foods out like white potatoes, carrots, and other root veggies and high fat foods. It helped with the side effects of Metformin, too.
  • birdiephd77
    I am the same way. I have been tracking for about a month and working out 4-5 times a week. I have lost only a pound. I am very frustrated as well. I am going to start paying more attention to my carbs and see what that can do for me.
  • shannonsky
    shannonsky Posts: 75 Member
    Can you open up your food diary? Or feel free to friend request me if you want it friends only.
  • striveforhealthy
    striveforhealthy Posts: 137 Member
    Are you seeing changes in the way your clothing fits? Or using a measuring tape and seeing if you're losing inches rather than weight?
  • michellevt725
    michellevt725 Posts: 190 Member
    I'm feeling the same way right now. I've been back at it, doing what I though I did in the past and had success doing. But, it's been two weeks and I've not lost anything. I know I need to tackle weekends, that is my battle ground right now. But even during the week I try so hard and see nothing. I really wanted to be down 8lbs when I went to see the RE on 2/20, idk if that is going to happen now. Of course these post mc emotions aren't helping, today I just want to dive face first into that box of dunkin donuts on the break room table.
  • threeohtwo
    threeohtwo Posts: 153 Member
    I feel you. As in I lost 6 pounds in 4 months of busting my *kitten* and eating 1500 calories a day so I gave up. I'm not letting myself go but I'm not pushing myself. I'm pissed. I tried low carb - nothing. I tried eating the IR diet - nothing. I have a doctors appointment on Monday to get on Metformin and I hope it gives me the push I need and rights my body.

    I have a few questions for you:

    1. What is your met dosage?
    2. Are you eating back exercise calories?
    3. What are your macros set at?
    4. Have you attempted reducing your carb intake slightly?
    5. How often are you exercising and for how long?
  • nataliescalories
    nataliescalories Posts: 292 Member
    Hi ladies! I have PCOS (diagnosed 10 years ago). I am also insulin resistant. I don't take metformin (I have a sever reaction to it--even extended release and with gradual increases). I also can't take birth control because of a family history of cancer. That said, I have been very successful this past month by sticking to a 1200 calorie diet (no cheat day at all) and by adding cardio (walking, walking, walkin, and now walking with 20 seconds of sprinting). I'm also FINALLY drinking enough water (which it roughly half of one's body weight and can significantly boost one's metabolism). And I feel like, after so much research, I've found a great macro (carbs, protein, fat) breakdown of 35%, 25%, 40%.

    This is just what works for me, but if you'd like to add me and check out my diary; I'd love to be of help and have more PCOS buddies.

    My one month weigh in will be this Wednesday, but so far I have lost 20lbs, completed two 5ks (walking), and lost 1.5 inches on each thigh, 1.25 on each upper arm, 2 off my hips, and 1 off my waist. I also have more energy than I've had in years.

    Looking forward to meeting some of you!
  • melodymedlin
    melodymedlin Posts: 254 Member
    Your doing a fine job~ I'm not sure about how much your exercising (min) but try upping to 30+ min at least 4days a week. I was informed that 3days was just keeping maintance. Your body has to get used to this huge change!!!! Keep up the good work. God bless

    ps. measurements help even when the scale doesn't say anything. Measure waist, hips, bust, ab, thigh, calf etc. Mostly you loose inches before pounds.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    are you taking your measurements? Most women with PCOS retain muscle mass better than an average woman because most have higher levels of testosterone, which aids in holding on to that muscle you have! And no that doesn't mean we are like men in anyway. Mine is about 2.4 above the normal, but men's testosterone levels are in the 100's, as where ours will never be.

    Exercise is very important so make sure you do what you can, try watching the things you are eating, try not to get a bunch of sugars or processed, refined carbs. Because there is so much CRAP in our food supply, what you eat does matter for a lot of women with PCOS. ALOT of products have soy in them, and meats and dairy have hormones and antibiotics in the meat and dairy if you are not buying organic. Just be more knowledgeable about what you get, could definitely help.

    Just some suggestions for things that have helped me, what it really comes down to is patience. The more consistent you are though, it will start to catch up. Good luck huN!