Scale Back Alabama First timer

Hello, has anyone every participated in Scale Back Alabama? This is my first year. I live in Calhoun County. Where are you from? Have you located team members and your weight in site. Tomorrow is the last opportunity to sign up. The toughest part so far was creating a team of four. I am excited to see how much weight I wll be able to lose.


  • qmonee77
    qmonee77 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm participating at my job in Birmingham. This is my second time trying it. I also felt like it was difficult to really find co-workers who wanted to participate. Most told me they didn't want the pressure of competing. I'm so excited about it, though! I weighed in on yesterday. I'm sure we'll do just fine and exceed the 10 lb goal. Good luck!
  • Victory308
    I have been trying to develop a plan of action. This program is a great starting point. I plan on sharing it with my other team members. We all weighed in Tuesday.
  • qmonee77
    qmonee77 Posts: 4 Member
    I think a plan of action would be a great idea. One thing I want to do for myself and I will suggest it to teammates is to have a check list of things I will consider non-negotiable on a daily basis. Like making sure I drink at least 100 oz of water a day and doing cardio for at least 30 minutes and so on. So what ever I feel will help me lose the weight and stay on track, I will have on the list so I can check it off each day.
  • Victory308
    I have to increase my water. I am getting only 1 to 2 bottles of water in me per day. I need to do better. Especially when I start exercising.