Crossfit Open Games 12.1

sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
I am surprised I was able to get any sleep last night after I looked up what this morning's WOD had in store for me: the Crossfit Open Games workout 12.1. This WOD is AMRAP in 7 minutes of:


Ugh. I hate burpees. This WOD was a challenge not only physically, but (maybe moreso) mentally. We did it in pairs and my partner went first, which I think made it worse, but then also gave me something to aspire to.

In the end, I did 71 burpees. I was really impressed with myself - still am! If I achieve nothing else today, at least I can say I did 71 burpees!


  • shaywallis
    shaywallis Posts: 165 Member
    71 burpees?!! your my hero! I HHHHAATTTEEEE burpees lol
  • Sasquatchrider
    Sasquatchrider Posts: 77 Member
    Nice work! I really hate burpees. I usually do them in sets of 10. I can do more in a row I just dont want to. I feel the same about thrusters
  • mrskperry
    mrskperry Posts: 24 Member
    Damn. I'm glad that wasn't my WOD! :) Good job!!!
  • JoLEnEo6
    JoLEnEo6 Posts: 8 Member
    UGH! burpees yuck! 71 is a GREAT number! you should be proud of that!