
:heart: Welcome to the Newhearts. We are based in the Carolinas, but anyone is welcome to post or ask questions. I have found weight control, post transplant, a very difficult task. Fitness Pal is a great tool to assist heart transplant patients in weight loss and control. Make no mistake, Fitness Pal will not make you get off that couch and do your exercise, but if used daily and correctly, it will motivate you to do them. Make that new heart last as long as possible. I have lost 23 pounds thus far using Fitness Pal and making the decision to get off the couch. If you are a heart transplant receipent, on the waiting list, or just intrested in the subject, please share your experiences here.


  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    Hello, my mom is on the transplant list in the NW, has been now for 2 years. She has pretty rare antibodies thats making it difficult to make a match, but we are praying!
  • Newheart2008
    Newheart2008 Posts: 5 Member
    Hopefully a match will come along soon ! Good luck with the weight loss. I seem to have bottomed out !
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    Nah, never. When i lot a lot of weight earlier with MFP, i would go a month without the scale budging, and then overnight i would drop 7 lbs. Keep at it, bodies want to hold on to the weight as long as they possibly can!
  • cjc123
    cjc123 Posts: 10 Member
    I live in Central Massachusetts. I had a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implanted in October. I have lost a little over 32 pounds in the last year. I hope to receive a heart transplant in the next year or so. In the mean time I plan to keep losing weight. I could use to loose another 10 to 20 pounds. I'll get there somehow!!
  • Newheart2008
    Newheart2008 Posts: 5 Member
    I think it's great that you can still work out and loose weight with advanced heart failure and an LVAD. Before I had my transplant, I was in such bad shape that I could hardly do anything. Good luck with the waiting list and let us know when your transplanted. Keep losing that weight - every little bit will make recovery that much eaiser !

    D. Duke Newhearts of the Carolinas
  • HealthyLivingKathy
    HealthyLivingKathy Posts: 190 Member
    I just joined MFP yesterday and found this group today. I had a heart transplant at Duke, Durham NC 12/31/09. I also have ty[e 2 diabetes and peripheral neuropathy. I am on a 5mg dose of prednisone ( as well of lots of other meds) which messes with a lot of things. The prednisone give me a moon face, hunger and moodiness. I need friends on here to help me as I help them with their journey.
  • cjc123
    cjc123 Posts: 10 Member
    I finally received a new heart on January 3, 2013. The transplant went very well. I had a setback with some severe internal bleeding and had to be re-hospitalized for another 11 days. Just got home and have a lot of weight to loose from all the units of blood I received. I'm working on dieting and getting my strength back. I'm very weak after all the blood l lost.