January 7 - What is your resolution for 2012?



  • daoc1972
    daoc1972 Posts: 92 Member
    I resolve to add a weight lifting routine so that I can rev up my metabolism. I love food. I want to enjoy food with my friends and family without feeling guilty.

    I resolve to bring my body fat percentage down to a healthy level. I've had fatty liver diagnosis that has been curbed by losing weight. I never want to be pricked that much again. Blood tests suck.

    I resolve to spend time with my family doing the things two little boys want to do. My baby turns 1 next month. I lost my "baby" weight back in June, but my pre-baby weight wasn't anything to brag about. My older baby turns 5 in a few more months and he is asking to do things like riding bikes, going to the park, camping, and hiking. I chose to have my kids late in life and I really want to live a high quality life with my boys.
  • My new year resolution... Get to my pre-pregnancy weight. I have never been much of healthy eater or exerciser but I have never hd to worry about it till now. So its going to be a big challenge. Hopefully I can stick with it!
  • meganlymon
    meganlymon Posts: 3 Member
    I resolve to do the impossible, I will lose the weight that I have always wanted to lose and KEEP IT OFF!!!! People do the impossible EVERYDAY!!!
  • jsmith30030
    jsmith30030 Posts: 9 Member
    I want to lose weight but not in a "I'm on a diet" mentality. I want to lose weight b/c I am changing the way I eat and exercise for the rest of my life.
  • kudhu
    kudhu Posts: 1 Member
    I wanna reach my goal weight by trying to keep away from sweets. I have such a sweet tooth which makes it a lot difficulte to lose the weight.
  • shrinkinc
    shrinkinc Posts: 74 Member
    Lose 52 lbs (1 lb a week) and run a 5k, 10k and 1/2 marathon.