Starting Weight & Methods

ladykaey Posts: 9 Member
Hello all! I'm Kaetlyn, 20yo trying to get healthy and need this kick int eh but to jump start my progress!

I'm surrently 163.6lbs (74.2 kilos or 11.7 stone) and getting under 160 would mean a lot to me.

I'll be trying out Alternative Day Fasting. I'll alternate a "feeding" day (anywhere from 1200-1800 calories) with a "fasting day" where I'll eat at most 500 calories (for men it's 600).

What's your starting weight, your goal, and your method?

(PS: Add me if you like!)


  • dtban
    dtban Posts: 111 Member
    Hi I am Tara, my sw is 168.5 my method is just cutting back and watching what I eat and I am starting Turbo Jam today, please feel free to add me and possibly join my group
  • micabrito2012
    micabrito2012 Posts: 103 Member
    Hello MIchelle here, I weigh 213.1 lbs and I am trying to stay under calories and do more activity. I am drinking a lot of water, I do the slim fast shake in the am to help me start the day cause I do not like making breakfast during the week. I go to a physical therapy place on the 1st floor of our building at lunch and use their treadmill at lunch time then I walk to cafeteria. I go walking at trail by my house for 30 minutes and try to do a 5 minute Zumba class on youtube at least 6 times some nights. I'm excited about this. I'm not giving up!
  • Qlow
    Qlow Posts: 92
    I'm on a two weeks diet now, day 4. It's a detox diet with a lots of fruits and vegetables, no portion sizes but it's pretty hard to resist temptation:) . Every day I walk 75 minutes dropping off/picking up the kids from nursery (I work as a child-minder/au pair), 3 times a week I exercise on elliptical trainer/treadmill for at least 30 minutes. If the weather is better, I go for a run.
    I will finish this diet than go back to 1200 cals/day dieting and probably try to exercise a bit more to get rid of that 6 nasty lbs.
  • minikhan95
    minikhan95 Posts: 52 Member
    Hey, it's Aisha! :)

    Starting weight: 143.4 lbs.

    So if I lose 6 more I'll be at 137.4, a number that is very appealing, might I add! :)

    My method: To consume 1200 calories a day and finish up Jillian Michaels 30 day shred (on day 17) and then start her Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVD. I will do a DVD workout session per day and throw in some light cardio in the form of walking my dog around the block every morning and every night! :)
  • madisons_mummy
    madisons_mummy Posts: 169 Member
    Starting at 160lbs (73.2kgs) doing jillians shred, starting level 2 tomorrow, no rest days. Eating 1600 cals a day. No extra exercise :)
  • df1982
    df1982 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm starting at 144. My methods will be: trying to burn 500-600 calories a day by exercising, and trying to eat around 1300-1400 calories a day (for a deficit of around 7000 calories a week). I'll eat more if I exercise more. I find if I don't hit that balance I am STARVING and end up eating a lot over the weekend before getting myself back on track again (and the cycle continues!).

    Oh, and limit alcohol to two drinks a week - another thing that makes me eat on the weekends, since after a few drinks reaching for chips instead of carrot sticks starts to seem very appealing.

    Good luck everyone!
  • bereal75
    bereal75 Posts: 17 Member
    Starting at 187 lbs (85kg).

    - 1800 net calorie amount, which means to eat back all exercise calories
    - Avoiding processed foods
    - 6 workouts a week, with a focus on weightlifting.
  • luceeleanor
    luceeleanor Posts: 48 Member
    So maybe I'd better post how I'm going to do it....

    I used to do slimming world, which is amazing! But this time I'm going to do plain old calorie counting. This is what MFP is for eh? I'm going to plan what I will have all day in the morning, so I can see how many calories I'm going to have and that will stop me eating anything else! Fingers crossed guys!

    I'm so pleased you all joined my group, has put a smile on my face and is really motivating me!

    L x
  • Ariana120689
    Ariana120689 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi, my name is Ariana. I am from Milwaukee, WI. I would love to lose 6 pounds by Valentines day. My starting weight is 184.6 pounds. I hope to be in the 170's by that time.
  • Sindaelys
    Sindaelys Posts: 37 Member
    Hey, I'm Becky, and I'm starting at 150 lbs. I'm not going super crazy in meeting the 6 pound goal at all costs, but I'm hoping that being in this group will help motivate me to eat better on weekends (my main problem), and keep me on track for the 30 day shred!

    When I started using MFP seriously I was at 1200 calories a day, but a few to many rumbly tummies after meals actually left me quite miserable, so I raised my calories to my BMR, about 1500 a day. Between that and starting to eat breakfast, what a difference! Sure, the inches aren't melting off any more, but I'll take slow weight loss and a happy me over miserable mealtimes any day of the week! Not that anyone asked for advice, but I'll give it anyway: make sure whatever your plan makes you happy!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Hi I'm Mara, my starting weight for this challenge is 140.8, my highest is almost 250, my highest MFP weight is from November 2011 and it's 232.

    I use a ketogenic program to lose weight and it's been working for seven months and fifty pounds. I also count calories, go to the gym for weights and other cross training and run or run/walk.

    Oh, and I hate hate hate Valentine's Day!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I was 274.4 when I started. I'm watching my calorie intake, drinking 12+ glasses of water a day and going to the gym for 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week. :) I'm also lightly active at my job (I do a lot of running around getting supplies and stuff for the people I assist) so that helps too!
  • newmrswood
    newmrswood Posts: 167 Member
    HI, I'm Heather! I'm cutting out all drinks other than water and sugarless peppermint Tazo tea and I'm trying to stay AT my calorie goal and not over. When I go to school I now park half a mile away and the days I don't go to school I do strength training.
  • ladykaey
    ladykaey Posts: 9 Member
    I'll be trying out Alternative Day Fasting. I'll alternate a "feeding" day (anywhere from 1200-1800 calories) with a "fasting day" where I'll eat at most 500 calories (for men it's 600).

    Scratch the above, I'll be doing plain calorie counting and increace my percentage of vegetarian & vegan meals. Plus work outs at least 3 times a week.

    Funny side note:
    My friends in high school used to have "Disney Day" the day after Valintine's day. We'd all pile over to someone's house after school and watch Disney (and other kid's animated) movies and eat a bunch of discount chocolate.
  • Qlow
    Qlow Posts: 92
    So glad to see everyone planning and being excited about it. So tomorrow I'll finish my 1 week diet (I wanted to do it for two weeks, but I don't think it will be healthy, I miss my cheese and milk).
    I re-joined MFP 2 days before this group was created. Since the group was started I lost 5 lbs so 1 more to go. I have to say in these last 4 days I've pushed my limits.
    But I'm aiming for 16 lbs till Valentines so there is nothing that will stop me now :)

    6 pounds aren't much at all people! We all can do it and to do it in 2-3 weeks doesn't take any effort at all, just eat healthy food, cook for yourself and avoid fast-foods/ready-meals/snacks, crisps, chocolate, too much sugar and fats.

    But being 6 lbs lighter counts, my confidence grows with every lb lost and gives me motivation to attack the treadmill.

    I know I'll get negative feed-back on this, but I'll start the 3 days diet cycles ("military" diet) on Monday. If there's anyone who didn't hear about it yet it's: sticking to the diet for 3 days-> 4 days off, eating what you want (I'll do 1500 cal days) than back to those 3 days again and so on... It worked for me in the past and I didn't gain back the weight I've lost. So if therw's anyone else who wants to do it with me, feel free to add me and message me.

    Great and happy journey to everyone, I'll keep you updated on my progress and I'd like to read about yours as well :).

    Ps: Sorry for my bad english, it's mostly self-taught
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    Ok so posted my start weight on the other thread but will do so again.

    Currently 228lbs.

    Between August and November I dropped 36 pounds down to 222 but have plateau'd for various reasons since. Over Christmas I got back up to 229lbs and then dropped down to 223 again, and have fluctuated up and down by a few lbs over the last week or so. I did this by eating at initially 1000 cals a day then up to 1200, then more recently 1400, plus strength training 2-3 times a week (90 minutes each time), running (min 5k) or HIIT cardio 2 times a week if possible, rugby training once a week and playing rugby once a week.

    Doing this though I have struggled for energy, and now appear to have hit the much debated starvation mode/metabolic slow down plateau. I have now decided to implement the IPOARM plan going forwards, as I always knew that the extreme deficit I was working to was only short term, so I am now eating at -20% against TDEE (2150 cals) and will try to add in boxing training once a week alongside the other training. Am also putting together a clean eating plan in advance and looking into supplements.

    Given that have just started the IPOARM plan I am expecting my weight my go up again first as it has done this week, but hopefully will drop by at least 6lbs in time for Valentines day. Not that will be doing anything that day anyway!!

    Long term I am signed up for Tough Mudder in June, and also looking at doing Survival of the Fittest in September, and maybe a few other events.

    ps. Qlow, you're English is perfectly good if you ask me, and better than many people where I'm from in England!!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Completely editing since I already said all that above. :D I'm losing my mind apparently!
  • chickenroti
    chickenroti Posts: 12 Member
    Since getting married, I love Valentines day! Being lighter will be fantastic and losing 6 lbs will get rid of my Christmas weight. Rock on :)
    Current weight : 147
    Valentines weight: 141
    Goal weight: 133

    Look forward to reading everyone's progress
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Starting weight: 230
    Goal weight: 224
    Ultimate Goal: 130-145

    I'm going to Curves gym at least 3 times a week and a regular gym on Saturday's as well as staying around 1200-1300 calories/day.