Goals - what is yours?

GC2B Posts: 168 Member
Do you have a goal in mind? Be it weight, dress size, fitness?
Add it here


  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    I try to look at goals at a little step at a time.
    I would love to be back at 9st. (126lb)

    Current mini goal is -4lb (140lb)

    I also want to take part in more 5km runs, and do the ParkRun's too
  • Oleh123
    Oleh123 Posts: 10 Member
    I want to be 8 stone 7 in 4 months, less if possible. I currently weigh 9 stone 10 so a way to go. When I ordered my dress I was 9 stone.

    My goal is to try to be 9 stone 8 at the end of this week and 9 stone by the 1st of March. I am following a high protein diet with weight training (chalean extreme) and walking. I tried insanity but for various reasons could not keep up with it so might try it again.

    Wishing you all the best of luck with your weight loss,


    P.S. I am small boned and only 5 foot 3 xxx
  • lulaloops
    lulaloops Posts: 78 Member
    My overall goal is to lose another 7lb. then I will have lost 77lb & 5.5stone. My healthy range is 8st 1 - 10st 1 and ive set my goal to 9st 12.
    I've gone off the track recently and was looking at 0.5lb to get back onto losing (i put on 4.5lb over xmas, and lost 4lb of it) but after missing last weeks WW and weighing myself today think its going to be a tough one.

    Mini goals is how i do it when it works for me!! when im having a good wk.
    so currently my mini goals are lose the remaining 0.5lb to get back on track, or whatever i may end up having put on this week (find out weds) then will be to get to the 10st 1 target. then obviously it will be to lose another 3 to get to my overall goal.

    Originally I wanted to get to GOAL by xmas and then use jan/feb to lose xmas weight then go onto lose a bit more before the wedding / honeymoon. Was aiming for another half stone. so if i go by that ive got 14lb to go.
    and 4 months which is 16 weeks. so after this wk, if i can lose 1lb a week ill be happy!!

    But obviously, focussing on getting to main goal of 9st 12 is the key here.
    First off that 1/2lb!!!

  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    1st of February so my goal for the month is to be -4lb by the 1st of march
  • lulaloops
    lulaloops Posts: 78 Member
    February Mini Goal - be lighter than I am today by Feb 28th. Or March 1st whichever way you want to look at it.
  • alicia1626
    alicia1626 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't have an weight I want to be I'll just know what it is when I get there. My range for my height is 9.5stone to 11 stone 13lb apparently. I had last 1 stone 3 lb before Xmas but since mid dec to now I've put on 9lb!!! Disgraceful! I'm doing a really strict 3 day diet to try & pull me back to reality starting tomorrow.
  • lulaloops
    lulaloops Posts: 78 Member
    change to my Feb goal. Lose the 2lb I managed to put on in Jan :(
    Cant believe havent lost weight since Jan 8th!! This month I will do it! one weds down but still got 3 to go!! i can and will do it, thats my goal for this month.
    Get back on track, lose the gained weight.