1/27/2013 How'd you do?

How'd you do?


  • Had a fantastic week! Lost 1 lb, which put me weighing in at 139....first time in the 130's in years! Super big accomplishment for me. Rocked my workouts this week and my eating was pretty good too. Today I ran 1.8 miles in 17 minutes....my best run ever! I'm finally starting to feel like I will be ready for the 5K in April! :)
  • onfiresis
    onfiresis Posts: 22 Member
    I have been on a roller coaster. I am down 4.2 so far for the year. Not the greatest but trying.
  • taffymangos
    taffymangos Posts: 60 Member
    not so good i gained back 2 pounds. i had a bad week. but this is a new week and i plan on getting back on track:smile: .
  • Maintained, but also worked six days this week, so I didn't make it to the gym as much as I would have liked to.I do now have my husband on the band wagon, so this is good. Our youngest son went to college this year, so it has been an adjustment cooking for just the two of us.
  • I'm down a little over 2lbs. I just hope to keep up the pace of 1-2lbs a week for a while at least.
  • Lost 3 lbs!!!!
  • Deebug60
    Deebug60 Posts: 62 Member
    I was down a pound from last week. Slow and steady for me
  • Squirlgirly
    Squirlgirly Posts: 11 Member
    My first slip up with pizza this weekend, no doubt why the scale didn't move that much! Lesson learned, and with nearly 10 lbs gone since the beginning of January I am pretty pleased :smile:
  • down 3 lbs :) yay and I already notice a difference in muscle tone
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    CW 174.5
    Arms 11.75 - biceps are visible now
    Waist 30
    Belly Button: 37
    Hips 37
    Thighs 22

    so a loss of 5 lbs, (technically 7 because I went up two lbs more than my SW) and 10.25"