I just did it!

Mommy4812 Posts: 649 Member
Well, I just did Day1Level1...Not as scary as I thought...I took beginning measurements before I started to keep track of how may inches I will lose. I will admit i snuck a few sips of water right before,during, or after the cardio parts...I just had to..but I keep listening to Jillian about doing just doing it to get the results...WE CAN DO THIS!!!


  • futrformrfatty
    futrformrfatty Posts: 38 Member
    Just finished d1L1, whew, i'm outta breath! I admit a few of the moves i had to modify a little bit, my knees are not in the best shape, but i'll get there. And that reverse crunch? yeah, not easy. I have injurys from an old car accident, but hopefully in due time i will be able to do it! I did it!
  • Mommy4812
    Mommy4812 Posts: 649 Member
    YAY! Doesn't it feel great just to say you got through the first day? Modified or not...I'm sure we did the best we could!
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    Love It!! I did Mine Earlier this Morning... Love Feeling The Burn From Jillian... Great Job Ladies...xoxo

  • xaniza
    xaniza Posts: 250 Member
    I did it! This is my 3rd go and it was way better this time than my previous times :)
    Also, I did it after work instead of early in the morning- maybe that helped :)

    PS Side lunges & raises still suck!
  • Kayciemae02
    Kayciemae02 Posts: 58 Member
    I made it through D1L1! My body sure felt the burn! Push ups were a killer!! Looking forward to this :happy:
  • pagonapenelope
    pagonapenelope Posts: 5 Member
    I woke up early and did L1D1 today - ouch!
    I have not worked out for quite a while... since I started my weight loss journey in October I've basically focused on diet and walking.

    Thanks for setting up this challenge, it's exactly what I needed to start me on the next level!
  • Level 1, day 3: I felt like I was going to puke during jumping jacks, it was more of a struggle to do the modified push ups, the bicycle crunches were near impossible (I had to make my own modified version toward the end) the weights felt heavier. When it was done it seemed worth the pain so all is good! Ready for day 4 tomorrow...bring it on
  • Mommy4812
    Mommy4812 Posts: 649 Member
    Great job ladies! Keep it up everyone! We can push through it!
  • everydaymom
    everydaymom Posts: 13 Member
    I managed through level 1 day 4 today!! Feeling the burn!
  • sperocras
    sperocras Posts: 60 Member
    Just finished L1D1. I thought I might die. No, strike that, I thought I might kill Jillian. It's a good thing she wasn't actually in the room. Just when I thought I'd reached my limit and we were about to stop, she'd shout "five more!" and I'd moan but somehow manage it. And the stretching at the end felt magnificent. I'm hoping I won't have too much trouble moving around tomorrow. Here's to day two!
  • Redheadedsunshine
    Redheadedsunshine Posts: 102 Member
    Today's weather sucked so I started 30DS today... yikes, I forgot how tough it can be tough. 1 day down, 29 to go!
  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    I am so mad at myself I totally didn't even do the workout at all today, it was a busy monday and I didn't make doing this workout a top priority, and I've been doing so good with sticking to my other workouts, I'm thinking about trying to do day one and 2 tomorrow, just doing one in the morning and then one later still not sure though but, I won't let this bring me down or let it make me think I can't just pick up and do it anyway. I made horrible food choices too, but tomorrow is another day, I already have pretty good stuff picked out to cook for us tomorrow, with lots of veggies so I won't let this day get me feeling bad about myself it's just one day, I just have to stop it from happening again
  • futrformrfatty
    futrformrfatty Posts: 38 Member
    Good job today ladies! (and gents if there are any) So glad I started this program with ya'll. I took measurements today before I started and I'll take some before pics tomorrow. I'm not sure i'll lose a significant amount of weight doing 30ds, but I sure as heck know it will help build my stamina and metabolism. Although sore, I feel so good. Anyone else feel like they had a lot more energy the rest of the day afterwards? I sure did. Come on day 2, bring it on!
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I did it too :) D1L1 done!!!
  • FabnFit2013
    FabnFit2013 Posts: 80 Member
    completed D1L1 ...wohooo !! 29 more to go ---just watching it seemed easy but when u got into it - gives a sense of reality - glad am doing it though...!! good job ladies - keep crunching!
  • Did L1,D2 this morning. For anyone who may be like me and HATE working out inside, I have figured out that I can play it on YouTube on my iPad while I watch something else. For instance, last night I leaned the iPad up against my tv while biggest loser was on. This is not my first go around with 30DS, so I really just need to watch it to know how long to do each exercise. It's an idea...if anyone else gets bored like me :)
  • Jaynehr
    Jaynehr Posts: 167 Member
    I'm just finishing up the 30 day shred that I started on 1/1 for 30 days and then I'd like to jump in and continue with another 30 days with this group. I'll be done with level 3 the end of the week and then I may stay on level 3 for awhile and maybe try to mix up the levels a bit. I think I like l3 the best so I may stay with it the longest. Be careful though cuz the jumping around in l1 and l2 really started to give me shin splints and it was happening to many of the gals in the group. Many people had to start icing their shins before and after the workout. I just had to stop jumping around with the jumping jacks and jump rope and just lightly bounce up and down. My shins were just hurting way too bad and I've never had that problem with any other workout dvd's and I have a bunch including Turbo Fire and I attend a live Zumba class each week and I do lots of jumping around and I've never been in pain before until 30 day shred. I do lots of walking DVD's as well and never hurt my shins. Just pay attention to your body and be careful. I'm going to continue with the 30 Day shred through February and see what happens. Not seeing a big difference yet in weight but my clothes are fitting better. Good luck all!
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    Awesome Job Ladies... :wink: