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  • aodc909297
    aodc909297 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi! I'm Andrea, 48 years old with 3 children (23, 20, 15). MFP helped me drop 29 pounds last year but "fell off the wagon" and didn't do well with maintenance, so here I am again. I only put 7 pounds back on (which isn't too bad) but those 7 pounds feel like 50 to me! I have a tendency to put everyone else before me and that's why I get myself into these situations. For instance, 23 yr old fell off a 20 foot cliff September 1 and broke numerous bones including pelvis in 4 places. She was completely dependent on me for just about everything (including bathing) for almost 2 months. That's when I started the gain back. She's healed so now it's time for me to heal! I don't like this feeling of being "frumpy" so here I am... following all suggestions that MFP makes because I know MFP works!
  • Triciafk
    Triciafk Posts: 4 Member
    I am 42 and want to lose at least 30 pounds. I am married with two four legged kids (Standard poodles). I work way too much and tend to run out of time to eat or eat junk on the go. When I sit down to eat, I really enjoy health foods so I need to put me first and start taking more time to plan ahead and to get my body moving. I want to look better in my clotes, feel more energized and protect my health as heart disease runs in my family on both sides.
  • annievivino43
    annievivino43 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi....Annie here! I am 43 years and joined myfitnesspal a week ago. I joined a gym in November and hired a trainer for a couple of times per month (because I need someone to kick my tushy). Getting in shape has been an on-going struggle especially once I entered into my thirties....the forties have been even more challenging. Work and being rushed for time poses a problem and makes it very easy to come up with excuses for not working out and for eating foods that are grab and go. I am getting better at planning my meals for the week and making more of an effort to get to the gym. It would help me a lot to have a support system and people to encourage me and I would like to help you all too! I think getting in shape has to be a team event.....its hard to do this on your own! I am doing this one step at a time and my focus is getting fit and healthy. I don't care about being a stick anymore.....I think that way of thinking is what messed me up in the first place! I look forward to getting to know many of you!!!! :)
  • mawmawandlovingit
    mawmawandlovingit Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Fran, 47 and would like to lose 20 pounds. I have 3 children ages 27, 25 and 25 and 2 grandchildren ages 5 and 2. Like some of you, I am also showing symptoms of menopause. I have always been small and have been able to eat whatever I wanted......UNTIL NOW! I have a huge adjustment to make because I love sweets and hate vegetables. Although I don't think I will ever establish a liking for vegetables or salads, I am really going to try to focus on eating better without all the sweets and carbs! Please feel free to add me as a friend for support!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Hi. I am 48 but feel like I'm 28 - or at least I did until just recently - lol. Since my wedding to a much younger man - I have put on some pounds. Not sure what happened except that we have a busy social lifestyle and my working out and eating habits have suffered. Trying to balance it all has been hard. Plus I think my age has hindered my weight loss. I've never had a huge weight problem and always been very active. This year I have noticed more aches and pains than I have ever had. Feet and knees and now I have a persistent corn that keeps coming back. Seems little - but major pain! I am having no symptoms that I can tell from menopause such as hot flashes and have regular period still. But I just went off the pill last year and so I don't know if that has made a difference in losing either.

    So my goal this year is to work out to get this body back to feeling good about myself. Started New Rules of Lifting for Women and struggling to fit in my exercises because of our lifestyle. Going to schedule a physical and get my feet and knees looked at and see what the recommendation is. In the meantime, do what I can - I should be able to lift and do my weights even if I can't run like I used to.

    Feel free to friend me - looking forward to lots of motiviation on this journey.
  • traciejh
    traciejh Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, New to this group but not new to MFP. This app has been a god save but it seems I've platued and can't get over the hump. I'm a single mom of 2 teenages who keep me on my toes. I hope joining this group can help keep me encouraged. I'm just about to turn 43 next week. I have finally come to a point where I'm happy with my life and comfortable in my own skin but would love to loose another 40 pounds.
  • Rosiel2015
    Rosiel2015 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, ladies my name is Rosie and I am 41, I am new here and looking to lose weight and get the support I need after my 3 year old i went up to 168 and now I am down to 157 its a struggle everyday before my daughter i was Only 130 its been hard to lost this weight i do also have a 19 year old daughter. Anyone is free to add me as a friend and share thoughts and ideas
  • pugsrock4ever
    pugsrock4ever Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new to this group and excited to have feedback and encouragement from lots of other people. I'd like to lose 40lbs. I've lost 4 so far. I have to watch my carb intake because I've become insulin resistant . This is a new challenge for me. Any ideas are welcome :love:
  • luv4goats
    luv4goats Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, my name is Stephanie. I'm 43, the mom of 2 beautiful teenage girls and wife to a great man. Join MFP a couple weeks ago to try and lose 10-20 pounds. I do the insanity workout regularly. I've been a SAHM for 16 years and now I just want to figure out who I am and I want to look and feel good while doing it.

    Friend me if you like, I need all the support and motivation I can get.
  • jillsjourney
    jillsjourney Posts: 167 Member
    I'm Jill. I am a 44 yr old mom of four, married to my best friend for 24 years and a grandma to one little boy. I have been a stay home more for 23 years and I freelance write.

    I have always put my family's needs ahead of my own. I don't know what happened but it was like some switch turned on in my head right before Christmas. I decided it was time to lose this weight and make my health a priority. So far, I have lost 16.8 pounds and have 150 to go.

    I joined a gym a week ago and this morning found myself standing outside in the cold waiting for the gym to open. When I realized that, I was amazed! I can't wait to see where this journey takes me. I feel like my head is in front of my body. I feel like I am there already but my body is slower to catch up!:laugh:
  • Hi all, I am a 41-year-old Social Worker in Indianapolis. I am in a Biggest Loser comp at work, as well as a Diet Bet comp online, and decided to use MFP to keep me honest! I love how helpful this tool is and as long as you put in accurate info, you can really see some habits and trends. I started off strong but had a difficult time last weekend (wine, dessert, buffet, ugh!). I have just started Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred today and hope that will give me a kick to get motivated. Best of luck to everyone!
  • jdavis36
    jdavis36 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    i'm Jennifer - will be 46 in Feb...I lost 25 lbs last year and gained it back just in the past 6-8 weeks! I totally lost control ....Now i'm working hard to get my mental back and get back on track. All of your support is greatly appreciated...back to the gym where my trainer awaits tomorrow. Food for the week is all planned and just gotta do it! Thanks for listening everyone, looking forward to meeting others with similar challenges.
  • milliasmomma
    milliasmomma Posts: 14 Member
    Hi my name is Dawn. I am 40 years, been married 14 years. I have 3 wonderful boys 19, 9, and 3!! They keep me busy!! I have been on MFP for about 1 year... but really didn't use it to it's full potential! My husband and I are going on a cruise to Alaska in June and I would really like to drop 30 pounds!! I really need more ladies to help keep me motivated and I can do the same for you!! I work out 4 days a week.... I'm jumping it up to 6 days and being more strict about my calorie count!!! Thanks Ladies!!!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Welcome ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • robiesjoy
    robiesjoy Posts: 2 Member
    New to the group today. I am 47 years old and married to my best friend. I have one son (21) and two grown step sons and four grandchildren. Goals are to keep on straight path and continue exercising and eating right as I still have a lot of weight to lose.
  • Hi everyone! I am Nicole, a 44 year old mother of 2 girls 17 and 15 and have been married to my wonderful husband for 19 years. I have struggled with my weight all of my life and have not been a good example for my children. It is my girls who have become a major inspiration, as one is now a vegan and my other introduced me to MFP. For the first time in 20 years my husband and I are on the same page about wanting to get healthier. We are planning on a "second honeymoon". For our 20 th anniversary. My husband wants the Caribbean but i want northern Europe. Honestly, I would love to go to the Caribbean, but not at my current weight. I am hoping MFP will help me feel and look better so I can say "yes" to the beach and feel more comfortable in my own body.
  • LeahJB71
    LeahJB71 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello there! I'm new to the site and also new to this group. I would love to have more friends to help encourage and motivate me to stay on track!
  • sapulliam
    sapulliam Posts: 3 Member
    I am new here....41 and 300 pounds. I used to be a I am on the path to self-destruction. Looking for some folks to support and work the program together.
  • Hi Everyone, I am 39 turning 40 in May!!! I have 18 kilos more to lose. I live in Melbourne Australia and would love some support. Ive lost 3 kilos since New Years Day.
  • ashurstrena
    ashurstrena Posts: 4 Member
    Hi ya'll,
    This is new for me, usually not social about weight loss....not that its a secret that it needs to be done. Decided last week I was tired of feeling so tired and hurting so much from this extra weight..
    I did really good many years ago losing 200 pounds. But I was using phentermine and not taking care of myself. So now that I am 45 and wiser to the fact of what the pills do to a person, I have finally decided to go natural...( lol, sounds funny). I started lean cousin and lots of water. So far I have lost 7 pounds..yay. But im finding the cravings to have burgers and fries to be out of this world.
    Today I found myfitnesspal and hope I can find individuals like myself who may just need a little encouragement, and positive reinforcement.
    So thanks for listening...and have an awesome day