Protecting those knees!

mrskperry Posts: 24 Member
Hey everyone!

I have weak knees (I didn't know this before doing crossfit!) and after about three weeks of regular WODs my knees got VERY tender. Now, I am aware that tendons and ligaments do not toughen as quick as muscles, and it's possible that my knees are just in that phase. However, they are constantly just kind of sore and achy.

I'm a serious stickler for form, and I'm really good about not moving up in weight until I'm certain I'm ready. I've been doing the mobility WODs (not daily, though), stretching well, and massaging my knees. I consider these to be precautionary measures. What else can I be doing to protect the health of my knees and prevent injury while still getting stronger?

You guys motivate me!


  • Sasquatchrider
    Sasquatchrider Posts: 77 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I have weak knees (I didn't know this before doing crossfit!) and after about three weeks of regular WODs my knees got VERY tender. Now, I am aware that tendons and ligaments do not toughen as quick as muscles, and it's possible that my knees are just in that phase. However, they are constantly just kind of sore and achy.

    I'm a serious stickler for form, and I'm really good about not moving up in weight until I'm certain I'm ready. I've been doing the mobility WODs (not daily, though), stretching well, and massaging my knees. I consider these to be precautionary measures. What else can I be doing to protect the health of my knees and prevent injury while still getting stronger?

    You guys motivate me!

    Well it sounds like you're doing all the right things. What I struggle with is time. I don't give myself enough time to heal. I'm always kind of bumped and banged up from crossfit. Right now I have what feels like a connective tissue pull in my ankle that I think I hurt just pulling off my shoes after a WOD. SOOO frustrating. I'm gimping around for no "good" reason. So, maybe be better than me and be more patient, it'll get better and keep up with the stretching. Remember all that mobility stuff counts too as volume those joints are being worked.
  • mrskperry
    mrskperry Posts: 24 Member

    Well it sounds like you're doing all the right things. What I struggle with is time. I don't give myself enough time to heal. I'm always kind of bumped and banged up from crossfit. Right now I have what feels like a connective tissue pull in my ankle that I think I hurt just pulling off my shoes after a WOD. SOOO frustrating. I'm gimping around for no "good" reason. So, maybe be better than me and be more patient, it'll get better and keep up with the stretching. Remember all that mobility stuff counts too as volume those joints are being worked.

    That's a good point. I typically end my WOD with the mobility WOD. I can't hold the first one for ten minutes yet, but I do hold it as long as possible. My flexibility has certainly improved, but you're right. There's a load on my knees when I do them. I'm trying not to overwork. I took a solid week off from CF and did a lot of walking and stretching. That seems to have helped, but it's not 100% better. I am only going to CF 3x per week. I love it enough to go more than that, but I still have Army PT in the mornings and though it's not as hard as CF, I don't want to overdo anything. Gah. I wish I didn't have to treat my body like a raw egg sometimes! :)