How to adjust schedule this week

3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
I am in the first couple of weeks of marathon training. I also have a half marathon on Feb 24.
My running schedule this week is Tuesday 3 miles, Wednesday 6 mile pace, Thursday 3 miles then Saturday or Sunday 11 miles.
I am going away on a girls trip early Friday morning and will be back Sunday evening. I had planned on following my schedule and bumping my long run until Monday. While running my 3 miles today I realized I am working on Monday. It is highly unlikely I can do it after work due to the fact it's winter and will be dark, plus my shift is a 12 hour shift that starts at 5 am. I have done a 6 miler after Dayshift but it really depends on weather.
I am not sure how late we will get home on Sunday. I could get up super early Friday and do it, but that will make for a vey long day (5 hours travel in a car, plus shopping and going out. I am terrible for being tired)
Any ideas on how to make this work? Should I just skip the 6 miler and do 11 on Thursday? What would you do?

It would have been so much easier had I realized that BEFORE I ran today. I could have dropped the 3 miler and done 6 today.


  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Id swap the 6 miler for the long run. I dont think I've ever followed a training plan correctly, but i always remembered that as long as you get the long run in, you'll be fine. And its true. Do the long rung before you go away, then have a great weekend!.
  • cls_333
    cls_333 Posts: 206 Member
    No chance of getting it in over the weekend? Like a hotel room treadmill, or early morning run wherever you'll be? If not, just fit it in when you can. This is why I don't like schedules.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member

    11 miles on a treadmill would be impossible for me. I can barely get 5k in. I'm a little iffy running in the city we are to going to simply because I have no idea where to go for the run. And we will have one vehicle. I don't want to hold the others up. But mostly because I am a terrible morning person and we will be having a couple of drinks. I can't see me getting up to do it.
  • marikevr
    marikevr Posts: 389 Member
    A friend of mine (with 21 56-milers to date) always says you have to have a training plan. Not a programme, a plan. A plan you can adjust to suit your life and tweak as you need it. A programme becomes set in stone, and puts you under unnecessary stress.

    I would also get the long run in for the week and move on. Don't try to catch up with the missed miles. On the day you are working you could see if you could find a staircase and go up and down those a couple of times. That is a killer workout if you don't mind looking crazy. :)
  • awesomek001
    awesomek001 Posts: 167 Member
    A friend of mine (with 21 56-milers to date) always says you have to have a training plan. Not a programme, a plan. A plan you can adjust to suit your life and tweak as you need it. A programme becomes set in stone, and puts you under unnecessary stress.

    ^^ Love this attitude! ^^ Some time life intervenes, but you'll do your best.

    I've also heard that you should at least get your long runs in, BUT I ran a 1/2 last year without a single long run completed in my 12 week training programme (horrible, horrible stress about having no initiative to get out and get them done). Didn't finish well, but I finished.

    I have great faith that you'll do great, even if you happen to miss this one long run. . . .