Torn- baby shower or not...

mzjessicab Posts: 195 Member
Should I have a small intimate baby shower, being that i already have had 3 showers with 3 previous children. My best friend is pressuring me to do it, she loves planning them! I understand that every child should be celebrated, but part of me feels like I am being greedy. The last time we used any baby stuff was about 4 years ago when my son was born... Now everything is catered to young children, but Hubby and I are adamant on buying everything on our own- I feel like If I am going to have anything- it would be small intimate with about 5-7 friends. Nothing like I did in the past... Any thoughts?


  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    IF you dont need anything or dont want anyone to get anything, why dont you call it something different, like some type of gathering??? I have had the same struggle. We are expecting our second, but we gave all my daughters stuff away since she is 7 and we didnt think we could have anymore....But I feel funny asking people to get us stuff when this is the second go around....
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    I agree with a different sort of gathering. A lunch and spa day with the girls, or a mommy shower where they can bring you and the baby something small. Maybe a freezer meal thing where they can bring a meal for after the baby arrives and no one wants to or has the energy to cook!

    I was thrown a surprise shower for my 3rd (nothing for the my first two), and it was pretty horrid. :laugh: I mean, I appreciated the thought, but I just don't enjoy that kind of forced social experience. Plus, we prefer to select and purchase our own things. A small gathering with the moms, family members, and close friends would have been much nicer and up my alley.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    I think the freezer meal thing is an awesome idea!!! It would be so helpful to y'all and wouldn't require anyone to feel the need to spend a bunch of money :)
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    I third the freezer idea. Or a gender reveal party. If your friend still wants to do some type of party rather than an actual shower, she can host something where they all find out if it's a boy or girl. If Hubby and I were patient enough I would have had one of those, I heard a great idea about having the doc write down the gender but not tell you and then you have the baker back a cake with either pink or blue frosting in the middle so when it's cut is when everyone finds out the gender. Super fun and since they won't know the gender yet people will be less likely to buy gifts :)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    IF you dont need anything or dont want anyone to get anything, why dont you call it something different, like some type of gathering??? I have had the same struggle. We are expecting our second, but we gave all my daughters stuff away since she is 7 and we didnt think we could have anymore....But I feel funny asking people to get us stuff when this is the second go around....

    ^This. If you really don't need stuff, then tell your friend that your are uncomfortable with the idea of a shower. If people feel inclined to buy you gifts, then they will buy you gifts, and you can't tell them not to (asking them not to is technically improper because it says that you assume that they are going to).

    That said, I have heard of people having a "sprinkle" for a second or third child when the next youngest child isn't that old. I have also heard of people having a full-blown shower for another baby when their next youngest is not really little anymore (especially when, as mentioned, no more children were expected).

    Baby stuff is only good for so long with recalls left and right, plus there is always something newer and better coming out. Car seats have expiration dates (a good thing to follow, since they have a lot of plastic, which weakens after being in extreme temperatures and sunlight for so long), so I recommend getting new car seats since your youngest is already four. Since you have other kids, you know from experience what you need/don't need, and it sounds like you can handle getting the things you need.

    My opinion is to let people buy if they are going to do so (if they ask what you need, you should insist that you have it handled and only reveal if they press you on it), but if you are otherwise uncomfortable with a party where you are "asking" for presents, then you need to make that known to your friend. If she's really your friend, she shouldn't want to make you uncomfortable for her own gratification, and hopefully she'll still want to organize another type of fun gathering!
  • buffykaz
    buffykaz Posts: 50 Member
    With my first baby we had the traditional baby shower with gifts and games. Then with the next pregnancy we just went out to lunch with all my girl friends. This seems to be the norm in my circle of friends.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I think it would be nice to let your friend help you celebrate, but perhaps in lieu of gifts, you could request donations to a charity of your choice in your baby's name or non-perishable food items that your whole family can use.

    Edit: didn't see the frozen meals idea. LOVE this idea!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    One thing around here that is really getting popular is diaper parties. Instead of other baby gifts, the gifts are diapers and diapering accessories like wipes and lotions. That way you get to try a variety of brands in case there is one out there that you may like better than what you used in the past. When someone has too many diapers from these, or brands that they just aren't using or aggravating the baby, they donate to shelters or other groups that provide diapers to low income families.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Another ditto on the frozen meal idea. What we do for the women in our neighborhood is everyone that wants to come gets assigned an ingriedent or two (2 cans cream of mushroom soup or a 2 pound bag of cheese, etc...) and then we make 10 or so frozen meals that she can just pop in the oven. It's fun cooking with a big group of ladies.

    We call it a "Sprinkle" instead of a shower and we usually do treats covered in pink or blue sprinkles for everyone to munch on while they cook. Good luck!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Another ditto on the frozen meal idea. What we do for the women in our neighborhood is everyone that wants to come gets assigned an ingriedent or two (2 cans cream of mushroom soup or a 2 pound bag of cheese, etc...) and then we make 10 or so frozen meals that she can just pop in the oven. It's fun cooking with a big group of ladies.

    This is such a great idea! Next time I have a local friend having a baby, I am totally organizing this!
  • My husband's family is large and loves throwing baby-showers. That being said, most gifts are small, well meaning gift. My sister-in-law had a diaper shower for her second, where if you were inclined to give a gift, a small package of diapers was all that was needed.

    I threw her a shower for her third, since her mother passed away six months earlier and everyone needed something fun to gather around. I told all the family it was well-wishes only, just play some games, drink some wine and eat some food. Everyone had a blast. And yes, some folks brought gifts.
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    I like the frozen meal idea as well as the diaper party.

    My two littles will be exactly 2 years apart, so we have pretty much everything we need. (Not knowing gender - but if it's the opposite we will just need clothes). There are a few things that either need to be replaced or whatnot, so I did create a registry for those (small) items. I'm not telling people about the registry unless they ask. Like you, we can always go buy that stuff for ourselves, but if someone feels like they want to give us something - this would be a good way to steer.

    One thing you can have in lieu of a shower is a "Meet the baby" gathering. Guests can then come and meet the baby in a small window of time and celebrate your new bundle of joy. I might do that for myself (or have MIL do it) so everyone can come see the baby all at the same time and not have to spread it out over several visits). The diapers/frozen meals would go well with that, too.
  • kristapennie
    kristapennie Posts: 105 Member
    just saw an adorable idea on pinterest....

    asking your guests to being a baby book instead of a card
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm putting in a vote for the freezer meal idea! That's smart!

    I think it's nice to celebrate your pregnancy, and if you have a group of friends that want to plan something, go for it. Even if you just go out to lunch or have a "meet the baby" after baby is born. I'm sure you'll receive some gifts anyways, people love buying things for babies.

    But I'd really suggest the freezer meal idea to your friend :)
  • I had the same issue. I am pregnant with baby number 4 and decided to just switch it up a bit. Instead of a baby shower, I am having a pre birthday party exactly 1 month before her due date. Going to have cake and ice cream like a regular party. Snacks will all be baby related. Guest do not need to bring gifts if they want to. The only thing I requested was for them to bring something baby related that was white. Why? I've decided to have a tie dye activity going on during the celebration.
  • MzKrystle
    MzKrystle Posts: 74 Member
    I'm not going to have another shower however I was just thinking if I did it would be fun to have people bring a bottle of wine instead of a baby gift...stock up my wine collection so I have something to look forward too after the baby is born! haha Or Champagne...that would work too. :)

    I really miss wine...and champagne....:drinker:
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    All of the women in my family have always had baby showers for every child (my mother had 4 kids and I remember going to all of my siblings' baby showers!) family likes to celebrate everything....or it could be a southern thing, but most people I know also have multiple showers....I think subsequent showers were mostly family and close friends or people at church that don't mind giving gifts every time and really want to. I have heard of women on their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th pregnancies requesting gift cards and clothes instead of registering. Or you could always register only for items that you don't have already.

    If you do feel uncomfortable having another shower, I agree with the others that the frozen meal idea is great! That will save you so much time and stress....and you can call it a celebration of the baby's arrival....

    I love the book instead of card idea!! My aunt recently did that at her shower and I decided to do the same thing.....Cards cost up to $5 anyway...and people can write a message inside the book....I am not the kind of person that saves cards forever but books are something meaningful that I would use with future children and then save for grandchildren.