vegan weightloss how?

I was wondering if anyone had an ideas or good resources on losing weight on a vegan diet like websites or books. I've been struggling and I think one issue may be portion control but I'm not sure if that's all it.

I was wondering what my macros should be at. Right now I average 250 g of carbs of day so I was thinking maybe I should try reducing that by reducing some of the grained carbs I eat like switching from regular wheat tortillas to low carb ones. I eat tortillas regularly. I also eat beans which I thought were good for me? I'm also getting bored with my food. I want to try out some wraps or more tofu stirfrys but I'd like some resources that are dedicated to weight loss, not just vegan and I'm not finding much on that front.

I typically have a smoothie for breakfast which is pretty much always the same around 300-400 calories or sometimes peanut butter or jam toast with a soymilk. Then lunch and dinner are usually something simple like a bean burrito, bowl of beans, vegan sandwich, and dinner is usually something a bit more complex. I am really liking experimenting with tofu at the moment. I don't eat many processed vegan foods unless it's a tofurky slice or daiya cheese or occassional veggie burger but I'm burnt out on burgers. Snacks are usually a granola bar or fruit but I'm aiming to make that all fruit or nuts.

I also want to try more salads but no idea what to do about dressings or toppings. I'm just not creative.

It could be my weightloss isn't going well because I am sick and unable to exercise, but that seems to be the story of my life this season. Once I'm better, I'm okay for 2wks and then get sick again.

Also I'm not a fan of the appetite for reduction book as I really don't want to spend an hour and a fortune making something to eat. I like salads but making my own dressing out of 10 ingredients? I'll pass.


  • Bunnybeesweet
    Bunnybeesweet Posts: 165 Member
    I dress my salads with lemon juice or balsamic vinegar (1 TB per approx. 150 grams of mixed green lettuces) 8g nutritional yeast and a sprinkle of fancy lavender salt. I used to use olive oil, but it wasn't fitting my macros. I didn't want to give up healthy whole foods like nuts, seeds and avocado so I gradually reduced the amount of oil. I don't miss it at all. now if I have oil in a dressing it just seems greasy to me. for raw kale salads I love to "dress" it in a gourmet flavored raw kraut (currently obsessed with a lemon garlic dill) and the nutritional yeast. it's delish!

    I switch my macro settings around every few months, either 50:25:25 (when I feel I need more energy) or 40:30:30....but that's tough to achieve without protein powders and processed soy and seitan.

    helpful, easy recipe blogs: (she does plenty of cooked food too)
    and (not fatfree, but no oil!)

    good luck!
  • RawTriGal
    RawTriGal Posts: 190 Member
    Hi there... not exactly weigh loss blogs, but in case you haven't already, you may want to check out these books:

    Crazy Sexy Diet by Kris Carr
    Eat to LIve by Dr Joel Fuhrman

    and many like Skinny ***** although it didn't resonate with me personally.
  • RachMarie247
    RachMarie247 Posts: 26 Member
    I find that if I want to lose a little weight all I have to do is cut out all oils (including oil for cooking) and processed vegan foods. Hope that helps!
  • justinegrey
    justinegrey Posts: 59 Member
    I was mostly vegan, then when I started my journey here 2 weeks ago, I started adding in meat and dairy, along with some processed soy crap, to get my protein higher. And to be honest, while I felt great exercise wise (usually burning at least 400 calories, sometimes up to 1000 a day through exercise) I started to feel crappy food and stomach wise.

    So starting today I'm moving back to 95% vegan (along with wheat-free) and except for protein powder and bars (use sun warrior and the simply bars), I'm dropping all processed/convenience foods. The rest of the day will be veggies, salads and legumes.

    As for my macros, they are 30/30/40 (40 = protein) but I may have to change that up a bit once I see what things are like in a week or two now that I'm shifting back to vegan.

    Just play around until you see what's right for you.

    Oh - my favorite vegan recipe blogs are:
    --> this girl has lots of great salad and dressing ideas... she has a top salads post and there's a yummy lemon tahini dressing too.
    --> although this girl is mostly desserts, you can get some great smoothie/protein shake ideas from her drinks. like she had a chocolate cookie dough latte drink and I used similar ingredients and made myself a cookie dough protein shake with the sun warrior powder. So just play around, there's so many great things to eat/try/make as a vegan.
    --> oh and she supplies some calorie info for a lot of her recipes!

    best of luck!
  • VeganJamiOnAMission
    I find that if I want to lose a little weight all I have to do is cut out all oils (including oil for cooking) and processed vegan foods. Hope that helps!


    When I cut out oils and processed foods I lose weight rather quickly. When I cook I use a light coating of nonstick spray. I also limit my sugar as much as I can except for the natural sugar in fruits. I bought the Happy Herbivore Cookbooks and they don't use oil. I still eat larger portions and I take in 1600-1900 calories a day and I have been consistently losing weight. I typically average 60% carbs, 20% fat, 20% protein.
  • Evachiquita
    Evachiquita Posts: 223 Member
    Maybe you need to identify why you are getting sick. Maybe you need some animal protein in your diet? I don't think a vegan diet is right for everyone, and if your health is really suffering then maybe you should eat some eggs or cheese or something.

    As for weight's a gradual process. You need to figure what works for you, or what isn't working and then try something different. Try cutting out grains?
  • shellywillmann
    shellywillmann Posts: 22 Member
    Hi there... not exactly weigh loss blogs, but in case you haven't already, you may want to check out these books:

    Crazy Sexy Diet by Kris Carr
    Eat to LIve by Dr Joel Fuhrman

    and many like Skinny ***** although it didn't resonate with me personally.
    I agree. I recommend Eat to Live by Dr. Fuhrman, too. Excellent book. I'm reading it now for a 2nd time. Also, I'm not sure if you are a new vegan, but the 21-Day Kickstart diet (vegan) by Neal Barnard is good for an introduction to vegan weight loss dieting. Neal Barnard's plan may not be suitable for serious nutrition-minded people, but it's an easy transition because he suggests many processed foods that new vegans might feel more comfortable with for awhile. Also, I always recommend reading the China Study by T. Colin Campbell. Although, his book doesn't offer a particular diet program it is full of evidence that eating an Asian style diet is very healthy and leads to weight loss and longevity. That was the most influential book of this century that I've ever read.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Maybe you need to identify why you are getting sick. Maybe you need some animal protein in your diet? I don't think a vegan diet is right for everyone, and if your health is really suffering then maybe you should eat some eggs or cheese or something.

    I agree it may not be for everyone, but I don't think jumping to the conclusion that animal protein is why I'm getting sick. I have a long history of sinus issues. They have cleared up for the most part since I stopped having dairy as I used to take a hard antihistamine daily until I figure out it was dairy making my nose stuffed up and giving me post nasal drip. I think it may just be due to to the drought or season why I keep getting sick as it's not chronic allergies like I had before. Going back to eating cheese, even if I wanted to is not an option. I also have ibs and dairy is the biggest trigger of it.
  • vegandave
    vegandave Posts: 40 Member
    Maybe you need to identify why you are getting sick. Maybe you need some animal protein in your diet? I don't think a vegan diet is right for everyone, and if your health is really suffering then maybe you should eat some eggs or cheese or something.

    I agree it may not be for everyone, but I don't think jumping to the conclusion that animal protein is why I'm getting sick. I have a long history of sinus issues. They have cleared up for the most part since I stopped having dairy as I used to take a hard antihistamine daily until I figure out it was dairy making my nose stuffed up and giving me post nasal drip. I think it may just be due to to the drought or season why I keep getting sick as it's not chronic allergies like I had before. Going back to eating cheese, even if I wanted to is not an option. I also have ibs and dairy is the biggest trigger of it.

    Are you kidding me? Protein is protein. A vegan diet is absolutely optimal for everyone, although many of us have been so mislead in terms of dietary habits, we need the process of detoxification and re-education. The ticket is to eat by color, using whole, real foods. And yes, either Drs Fuhrman or McDougal are excellent sources to start with as you continue on your journey. I turn 51 this year (used to suffer from IBS), and two things: (1) just had a visit to the doctor for this FLU epedemic, and (2) last complete physical a year or so ago. Both doctors couldn't believe that I had the physical condition of a young man in his late teens, early twenties. Veganism is healthy for you, for all other animals, and the planet. Don't quit til the miracle happens!!!
  • VeganJamiOnAMission
    I think its really funny how often I hear "oh, you are feeling sick? you should eat some meat." or "you aren't feeling well? it's because you are vegan." I have never felt better in my entire life than I do right now as a vegan. I am stronger, healthier, and happier. Eating cheese or eggs will not magically clear up allergies or the common cold, in fact dairy has been proven to make most sinus symptoms worse. Keep up the great work OP. Just be sure you are getting a balanced diet, stay within your recommended calorie range, and get a bit of exercise and the weight will come off. Definitely don't cut out grains like one person suggested (unless you have been diagnosed with an allergy). They are so good for you and try not to get rattled by people who think meat, dairy, and eggs are the way to fix your problem. It is best to get your dietary advice from a physician that you trust and who respects your beliefs as a vegan.
  • Cannellini
    Cannellini Posts: 6 Member
    I have some Dr Barnard books. Low fat and sugar. Ironically, soon after I bought them, I changed my approach, and am now doing moderate protein and much higher fat so I haven't cooked much from them.
  • simplyeater
    simplyeater Posts: 270 Member
    Appetite for Reduction, by Isa Chandra Moskowitz is a great cookbook!! And the Furman, Barnard, and McDougall books are good reading fodder for the low-fat approach if you choose that path.

    edit: LOL, just reread your post, somehow I missed the part where you didn't like that book:) I do find that cooking takes up much more of my time than it used to. But I eat more well-rounded and varied meals now ( and so does my family) so for me it is worth it.
  • Evachiquita
    Evachiquita Posts: 223 Member
    I AM vegan. I'm just saying that I don't think it's the right diet for everyone. And I wasn't saying that if you're feeling sick you should just go eat meat and cheese. I've known of people who do end up getting very sick on a vegan diet. Maybe they didn't "do it right" but they recovered on a non-vegan diet.

    Has anyone tried a high fat diet (great than 40% calories from fat) for weight loss? I was at a nutrition seminar yesterday and they highlighted this very interesting diet that had about 80% calories from fat. So I started thinking about changing up my macros. I was thinking about the paleo diet which is basically high fat, moderate protein, low-ish carb (about 150g/day).
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I was on a high fat diet before being vegan and I can tell you right now it did not work for me. I ate so much dairy I looked like a bloated calf.
  • Cannellini
    Cannellini Posts: 6 Member
    Evachiquita, yes, this is me, although as I've said, my weight loss is not my primary motivation. I'm nowhere near 80% though.
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    Fill up on fresh fruits and veggies. Watch calories on oils, nuts, complex carbs. Minimize processed, packaged vegan foods. If you are low on calories eat a big green salad, measure the dressing.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Fill up on fresh fruits and veggies. Watch calories on oils, nuts, complex carbs. Minimize processed, packaged vegan foods. If you are low on calories eat a big green salad, measure the dressing.

    Normally that wouldn't be much of a problem but I hate cold snacks in the winter. I like fruit but not so much in the winter as a snack :/
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    Fill up on fresh fruits and veggies. Watch calories on oils, nuts, complex carbs. Minimize processed, packaged vegan foods. If you are low on calories eat a big green salad, measure the dressing.

    Normally that wouldn't be much of a problem but I hate cold snacks in the winter. I like fruit but not so much in the winter as a snack :/

    steam veggies
    set the fruit out to warm first
    It won't be possible to be healthier without changing something
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Fill up on fresh fruits and veggies. Watch calories on oils, nuts, complex carbs. Minimize processed, packaged vegan foods. If you are low on calories eat a big green salad, measure the dressing.

    Normally that wouldn't be much of a problem but I hate cold snacks in the winter. I like fruit but not so much in the winter as a snack :/

    steam veggies
    set the fruit out to warm first
    It won't be possible to be healthier without changing something

    True I think I just lack ideas. I seriously did not eat any vegetables before I went vegan aside from green beans, corn and potatoes. I really have no idea how to cook much else. I did get some bell peppers and squash to make some fajitias out of but beyond that I need a recipe book. Then half the time I look in a recipe book I end up not making anything from it because it would cost me like $20 just to get the obscure ingredients, and that's if I can even find them.