How about a weekly chat thread? Mon 1/28 to Sun 2/3



  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    If it came from beachbody it takes almost 2 weeks. For beachbody I think that is crazy!! They are usally so good about everything else. I had to wait for my CLX dvds for 2.5 weeks and I have a friend who waited 3 weeks for her les mills pump :( Hope you day isn't to bad tomro. Keep pushing play!!!! :)

    3 weeks! That's ridonkulus. I ordered mine from Groupon, free shipping, got mine in less than a week.
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    Hi, I'm Christel, or you can call me Stel for short. I am a 42 year old SAHM for my 7 year old boy/girl twins. I live in the far northern suburbs of Chicago. We are experiencing whacked out weather over here. It is wet, humid and 61! Go figure and the calendar still says January!

    Anyway, I'm just about to finish Week 8 of TF. This is the longest I've stayed with the same program. Last spring, I did 7 weeks of P90X and lost all motivation when summer started. I love Turbo Fire. I love the music and Chalean is so motivating that I actually want to go to our basement and work out.

    The only thing I don't love right now is 45 EZ. It's really not that easy. !st time I've done this since Week 3 and I don't remember it being this difficult.

    I will do the full 20 weeks of this program. I'm debating on doing Chalean Extreme afterwards cuz I don't want to have to buy another dvd program. I might just do P90X/TF hybrid cuz I already own it. I just don't like Tony's cheesy lines. My husband works out too. Last year he lost 40 lbs using P90x and Insanity. He has also now added Insanity's The Asylum and Body Beast to our collection of DVD's.

    Right now, I wouldn't even want to attempt to do Insanity. I get so nauseated when I see the promos and when I see my husband do it. I've tried Body Beast: Build Legs and liked it.

    I have 50 lbs to lose. I don't want to get to my GW and then have to start toning to get rid of the flab. I'm going to incorporate some weight training now to avoid that. Oh and I'm a shortie. I'm only 5'1".

    Good luck to all! Keep pressing play! Effort now. Results later!

    I'm thinking about doing the P90x and TF hybrid for the same reason - I own it!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Well, headed out to my car this morning.... no go... battery's dead. It's been doing this off and on with the cold weather since I don't drive it during the week. I bus commute to work, so I don't use my car very much- but I need to go grocery shopping today... so I need to deal with the car. It's only three years old though, and has like 43,000 miles on it.. so I'm going to go to the dealership first, just to make sure there's not a warranty that can help with the cost before I head to a car shop for a new one. *sigh* Why can't cars just be problem free and not cost money? LOL. Today's my rest day, so I'm not working out today. I need to go after work, find a jump form a neighbor... and then to the car dealership and check out the battery thing, then I need to go grocery shopping. Luckily I'm getting off work an hour and half early so that I don't have to deal with the battery after dark!

    @ vini/dym- yeah it's FINALLY on it's way here. At least it's in the same state as me now! I didn't order it from beachbody, i got it off ebay from a private seller but he shipped it 1/22, so it's usps's mistake that it get set from NY to WA, to CA, then back to WA so that it can finally come my way! Oh well, they should finally be here tomorrow I'd think, maybe Friday. woohoo! I can't wait to get started!!

    @liz, moving AND TF! Now that's some cardio. haha! I've always wondered why I don't get sore after TF/ my other cardio kickboxing dvds. Weird. Good for you for sticking with it!!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Ooo that sounds neat tawnie! I'm a daily weigher also. I actually do a lot better mentally with my weight when I watch the daily fluctuations. That way instead of one week seeing one number, and the next seeing a different higher number I don't freak out, because I've seen the daily fluctuations and understand what's going on!
  • BlestLiz
    Hi everyone, I've been mixing up turbo with chalean extreme for the past month. I can't say that I see any progress. I am a chronic weigh-er and I know I should go off measurements but I don't notice any difference there either. It's a bit fustrating, but I'll continue regardless. My question to you guys - is anyone else confused as h*ll about calories...I wasn't confused before, I just could never eat the recommended amount of 1200. Then I've read on net calories & 15% less than TDEE, eating calories back and bmr, lol, huh? So, I KNOW I'm eating too much, I'll just keep tweaking it until I get regular losses. Just venting, sorry!
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    Hi ladies, I pushed play today and did fire 45 ez and CLX abs burner. Love fire 45 ez. I have so much fun doing that and for those of you who have the advanced I love fire 60!

    @ blestiz Welcome!!! I am no pro when it comes to weight loss but I have followed two sites for my cals and I think they are right on the money. I treid to lose with to little cals mid sept trough dec and had no loss. Then I upped my cals and lost a lb but back to no loss. Sometimes I think our bodies just get used to what we do and we need to change it up. Here is the frist link and I am sure you have seen it on the boards alot of people use it: The other one is: I found this one easier to do but like i said they are about the same :) Hope this helps.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Well my car personal drama finally ended I got home from work and thankfully the person that parks next to me wasn't home, so my mom was able to park her car next to mine and give me a jump. I headed to O'rielly's auto store and was fortunate enough to catch a man working there that has the same car as me! He gave me advice about getting a bigger battery- the car comes with a 300 something amp battery, super small. The space for the battery is big though, so there's plenty of room for a hefty battery, so I got an 800 something amp battery. He said with that I won't have to worry about it dying from cold weather when I don't drive it for a week. I took advantage of him knowing so much about the car and asked a few more questions including how to fix the cigarette lighter ports- they stopped working a month or two ago so I haven't been able to use the car cell charger- it was as easy as popping a fuse out and replacing it. cheap! Can you imagine what a dealership would probably charge?! He was really nice, he was like "if you have any questions about the car or problems just come find me here, Ihad to rebuild the whole front end of my car after an accident so I know just about everything about it!". Successful (but expensive) day. After that I headed to fred meyer and got groceries I needed, picked out and card and present for my girlfriend's birthday this weekend and then wasted a good half hour TRYING TO FIND MAG CITRATE!! OMG. Where the hell is it?! I dont think Fred Meyer carries it. I looked ALL through the regular pharmacy stuff, looked ALL through the organic pharmacy stuff. No go. I ended up buying some ground flax seed to add to my oatmeal and a "colon health" supplement that is primarily psyllium. Hopefully it'll do some good. Stupid constipation issues. I went ahead and took a dose with dinner, luckily it's tasteless. No workout for me today, REST! :smile:

    @blestliz- i'd be frustrated too! I hope you find you magic number soon! Maybe you just need to eat a bit more?
  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member
    I'm Sara! 23 and a senior in college. My highest weight has been 199, I started Turbofire at 187 in October and in 6 weeks, lost 27lbs. I took some time off after that and started back to it this month. I've had some illnesses pop up but now I'm finally healthy and this week I'm on week2 of the schedule, so today I'll be doing Hiit15 and Sculpt 30! I recently increased my calories from 1200 to 1500 and find that I'm much happier at 1500, so I'm hoping I still continue to see results!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Hi sara! Welcome! Wow, you've made a lot of progress already! Impressive!!

    Hey guess what! My TF package is finally in the same city as me, woohoo! I sure hope it gets delivered today!!! If not, I'll just be doing my fire 45 dvd again :smile:
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Hello all! I'm 31, from England and a chronic Turbo Fire starter! I got it over a year ago and have only ever got to week 7 before letting life get in the way. My daughter (2 yesterday) has never been a great sleeper and I'd be able to exercise during the good patches and quit when she started waking again. At one point it was every hour for over 4 months! I have significantly more grey hairs and a bit more weight with all the comfort eating!

    I'm 5'6", around 140lbs and 29% BF (will weigh on Day 1). I joined MFP at 155lbs and 30% BF and managed to get down to 130lbs and 26% BF before losing my way. I'm really hoping to get down to whatever weight will put me at 19-20% BF. I think it'll be around 125lbs.

    Anyway, as wary as I am about stating in public that I'm starting yet again, I hope joining in with the weekly chat will keep me on track. I'm planning on starting on Monday 4 as I really want to stick with the scheduled days plus I have my mother-in-law over this weekend.

    I'm a SAHM (with a small apartment!) so my activity level outside exercise is pretty sedentary but can vary greatly also. I'm hoping that calculating my TDEE with 'sedentary' as an activity level - 15% to create a deficit, PLUS my HRM cals burned during exercise will mean I'm eating enough but not too much. I think I'll give it a go for a week or two and see what happens.

  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    Hi ladies I pushed play and did CLX burn circuit 2 and TF stretch 10. I enjoy this program so far, I forgot how much i like to lift weights. @ keikie I think we have all been there when it comes to starting over or even repeating a week. You know sometimes Life just happenes! You are here now, so we will make the best of it!
    @ starlage, Have you ever tried a probotic? A three layer one to target your whole gut system? My mother in law is on a prescription one that is two layers and I personaly take a three layer one by Qivana. My kids take what I do and it makes a big difference. Just wondred. :) Keep pushing play!!!!!!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    @kiekie, finishing 7 weeks is great! I'm JUST starting the 20 week plan, it looks so daunting posted on my wall! LOL. You're restarting soon, so we'll be around the same spot in the same spot in the schedule!

    @vini, nope never tried one! I eat greek yogurt daily, but yes- a probiotic may be next. HOWEVER. I have had an AMAZING 2 BM's today (sorry, tmi)- that's unheardof for me! I think I can attribute that to the psyllium powder and flax seed. The psyllium I got has a slight taste though, after it's gone I'm guna go for a flavorless one.

    Guesssssss what?! My TF came!! And super bonus- looking through the kit, I think it's like a bonus kit or an older one or something because it COMES WITH the advanced dvds! I've got the whole set of regular classes and all of the advanced classes! wow! That wasn't put in the ebay description (he/she coud have made more money!). What a pleasant surprise! So i printed off a 20 week schedule from this website: beacuse I liked it a little more than the TF website's 20 week plan (mostly beacuse she swapped out some of the stretch 10's for short upper or lower toning or ab workouts- perfect for me b/c I like to do my own stretch dvd- mtv yoga!).

    Since yesterday was my workday I crossed out week 1's rest day and started on day 1 workout today!I'm already used to working out 6 days a week- have been for the lasy month. I did the fire 30 stretch 10.... That was no joke ladies, hard work! Just as hard as the fire 45, just shorter! I didn't like the music as much though! the music on the fire 45 is so awesome! It was still fun though and I didn't fubmle as much as I expected. It was a lot of the same moves as the fire 45, just mixed up differently. Ooooh I'm so excited!! I tacked the schedule to my wall so that i can cross off the days as I go. That'll feel satisfying somehow- it did today!
  • MuireannM
    MuireannM Posts: 20 Member
    Thats great Starlage! Lucky you. I'm already planning to buy the advanced set and I haven't even started the proper schedule yet.

    Going to try Fire 55ez tonight for the first time eek!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Today's workout is a short little HIIT15, so I'll probably do 45 mins of yoga after that. I'm sure the HIITs aren't easy in any sense of the word, but I want to get myself up and moving today more than that. 45 of yoga should be a nice end!
  • MuireannM
    MuireannM Posts: 20 Member
    Fire 55ez wasn't what I expected really. I didn't feel it pushed me as much as 45ez. Anyone else find this?
  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member
    I did fire 45ez today along with stretch 10, and I'll do core20 tomorrow before I hit the road to see my brother in the morning. I'm supposed to try shaun t's rockin body program this weekend with my brother's girlfriend who has it, so we'll see how that goes!

    I weighed in tonight at my mom's, first time since thanksgiving break that i've weighed in, and I'm down another 7 pounds even with a month of not working out. Feels great to be back to working out and I'm more motivated than ever to kick some butt at turbofire and get in shape!
  • crystallight711
    crystallight711 Posts: 156 Member
    :bigsmile: 12 weeks of Turbofire done! I need to take measurements and progress photos this weekend and will be sure to post my results and pictures in here. Bring on the advanced classes and another 8 weeks!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    wow everyone's doing so awesome!!!

    I saw a NEW NUMBER on the scale this morning! I'm a daily weigher, so I see and know and am confortable with my fluctuations, but I haven't seen anything below 150 since august! I'm so amazed! Weighed in at 149.8 this morning! Totally made me smile :smile: I haven't lost any inches on my waist or hips since last month but I lost half an inch on my thighs and .25 inches on my upper arms, so that's exciting! I definitely see more definition in my stomach under the flub. it's PEAKING THROUGH!! So after one month of cardio kickboxing workouts I lost three pounds and a bit off my thighs and upper arms and defnitely feel stronger. I'm excited to be in the actual turbofire routine now though!

    Today's my fourth day (since I counted wed as my rest day) so I'm doing fire 30 stretch 10 again. The HIIT 15 yesterday was no joke! Definitely tough. Not too tough, but harder than I expected :smile: I've determined i'm a horrible jumper! I can't get my legs up very high at all. I'll get there.

    Tonight I'm going out to dinner and live music with girlfriends in downtown Seattle to celebrate my friend's birthday, i'm so excited! I'm saving calories, eating super light today. Today'll likely be my spike day though. I'm still going to try to estimate my food diary. I like to keep up the routine- if I let myself skip days it can lead to skipping more and more days for me, so it's important to keep it up even though it won't be super accurate.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Wow, no one here for Sunday huh?

    I didn't workout today! I had planned to- I was invited to a superbowl party but am not a football fan so I figured "go, hang out for an hour and head home, get my exercise in" but I ended up staying for 3 1/2 hours and by the time I got home it was already after 7pm! I don't workout after 7- I go to bed at 10, that's just too much activity that close to bedtime. So I decided to just skip it today, enjoy my food spike day and get back at it tomorrow! Unplanned rest day- second one this week. Oh well!
  • MuireannM
    MuireannM Posts: 20 Member
    I did Fire 55ez again yesterday, second time this week to see if I found it more challenging knowing the moves better, but I'm burning only about 20 calories more than fire45ez, which is my favourite of the lot. Will keep at it and see if I can up my burn though.

    I'm down another 1.5lb this week, but its time of the month so I always gain a couple of lb, but I had move in to another hole on my belt this morning so I'm definitely getting smaller, even if its not showing much on the scales yet.