
xomorganjc Posts: 106 Member
I'm so sad and disappointed in myself right now. I don't know what to do. I went to spend this past weekend with a friend out of state, and it was almost impossible to eat healthy because she just kept wanting to take me different places to eat and such! I've came back now and have apparently gained the 3 pounds I actually lost this past week, BACK. WHAT NOW?! I'm so sad... why did I do this? Ugh.


  • pili90
    pili90 Posts: 302 Member
    What now? Simple, go back to the old track, you'll see that they will go in no time. I know dieting is important, being healthy too, but sometimes we are allowed to have fun... Think about the time spent with your friend and keep going!

  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    Don't see it as disappointment, if you fall off the wagon just dust yourself off and get back on it :) you're allowed a few days off for fun!
  • Acp1010
    Acp1010 Posts: 62
    Just remember that you're not always gonna wan to be on a diet, Morgan. If you fall off a little, jump back on and keep going! Now, that doesn't mean you should pig out every weekend, but it just means you have to work with the lifestyle YOU want. Don't give up just yet, I know you can do this :)
  • GreekAmericanChrissy
    It's alright! Don't beat yourself up for it. Youve come a long way and youll continue making great strides of progress. KEEP GOING!
  • toodloo
    toodloo Posts: 58 Member
    ditto to what the other ladies said! I would also say that you most likely did not put back on 3 lbs. To gain 1 lb of fat, you have to eat 3500 excess calories! I really doubt you ate 10,500 extra calories in just a couple days. So relax, breathe, some of it is probably water weight. Work out hard this week and eat clean and you'll feel so awesome about yourself!
  • chelsiem87
    chelsiem87 Posts: 316 Member
    I agree as well. If anything it will reboot your metabolism :D You have to allow yourself sometimes to go "above and beyond" You'll learn to know your limits as you continue to eat healthy. It's all about the choices you make and how they make you feel both physically and physcological. You got this g/f!! Tomorrow is a new day and another chance given!!!
  • Katrina_F
    Katrina_F Posts: 21 Member
    Remember tomorrow is always a new day. Losing weight is more than dieting, it's a change in eating habits. Don't get me wrong, I know how hard it is to eat healthy when eating out. I've had to remind friends that I'm trying to lose weight and to not take me somewhere that's going to tempt me. And like mnnolen said, I doubt you put that back on as well. Remember that your body fluctuates 3-5 lbs a day. I weight my self religiously in the morning and at night (almost OCD really) and if I am up higher than I was in the morning I don't freak as I know I tend to weight heavier at night but in the am I am typically the same weight (well going down) as I was before. Keep your chin up, start fresh tomorrow :)