Starting Back For "Real"

My plan had been to start back full force on Monday but with it being a day off my "real" diet changes started back today (Tuesday) instead. How's everyone doing? So far so good here. Actually I was about burned out on junk food after the holidays and actually looking forward to some fruit and vegetables. Now to get myself exercising!


  • I have got to get back on the wagon. I'd gained 5 pounds between my last doctor appt and this one thanks to my lack of will-power through the holidays. Back to tracking calories today & getting down with the gang starting next week.
  • charlesredmore
    charlesredmore Posts: 4 Member
    I have tried to lose weight so many times it sickens me. This time I really have to just do it!
  • jkels91
    jkels91 Posts: 9 Member
    I was doing great until about the first part of November, then I had a bad two months and put on 8 pounds. I'm very disappointed in myself, but it's time to get re-charged and start doing it right. I know the weight will come off if I can get back into the right routines. Good luck to all of you. We can all do it!
  • New to this Group :) Recently, I rejoined MFP and I am looking forward to making this change :) I hope that we can connect so I can stay motivated!
    A few months ago I moved to Arizona, but I am originally from Central KY. . . nothing beats the Bluegrass!