week 2

fatyoga Posts: 207 Member
After 2 days off (with other cardio instead) tried week 2 today. Very tough. I think that mountain climbers are the running man of week 2. Had to do a lot of the modifications but I made it through. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.


  • mschleg
    mschleg Posts: 28 Member
    yeah I hate those and basically all those moves you do in the plank position. I start out trying to do the the real version and switch very quickly to the modified. But I'm moving!
  • jdlewis222
    jdlewis222 Posts: 9 Member
    It's unanimous, mountain climbers are the worst. I like the last circuit the best; probably because I know it will be over soon :happy:
  • fatyoga
    fatyoga Posts: 207 Member
    Day 2 done. Made it through all the plank jacks but still having to modify on mountainclimbers, crow push-ups and squat thrusts. I wonder if these will get easier if my belly ever goes away and gets out of the way?
  • fatyoga
    fatyoga Posts: 207 Member
    Day 3 in the books. Only had to modify the crow push-ups this time and not all of them. Getting stronger. Hardest thing today was actually getting off my butt and doing the workout. Good thing I have MFP to help me find my motivation!
  • jdlewis222
    jdlewis222 Posts: 9 Member
    I typically work out in the morning before getting ready for work. But I couldn't get out of bed this morning. I know I will really need to watch my calories today because I haven't burned any off :cry:
  • fatyoga
    fatyoga Posts: 207 Member
    I typically work out in the morning before getting ready for work. But I couldn't get out of bed this morning. I know I will really need to watch my calories today because I haven't burned any off :cry:
    I have always been a morning exerciser until last week. For some reason I find it much easier to do this workout in the afternoon. Day's not over yet and you may find time for a lunchtime walk or something. If not, give yourself a break and don't worry too much about the calories.
  • fatyoga
    fatyoga Posts: 207 Member
    day 4. Note to self--buy new sports bra. Apparently I haven't worn this one in the mountain climb position for a long time. Kept having to stop and put the "girls" back in. Glad to be working out home alone rather than in front of others. Other than that, no modifications today. Must remember to wear a bitter fitting bra tomorrow.
  • jdlewis222
    jdlewis222 Posts: 9 Member
    I really felt guilty about not working out yesterday so I over compensated today. I did more than an hour workout including Ripped - crazy!
  • fatyoga
    fatyoga Posts: 207 Member
    I really felt guilty about not working out yesterday so I over compensated today. I did more than an hour workout including Ripped - crazy!
    I'm impressed. When I do ripped, I can't do anything else. Good for you.
  • mschleg
    mschleg Posts: 28 Member
    started week 3 last friday and my legs and shoulders were so sore the next day. I thought I was done with all the soreness after the first week. today was my 3rd day of it and it's a little better but the cardio stuff is exhausting!!
  • ciru123
    ciru123 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm on moving to Day 3 of Week 2, so far its going well. Day 1 kicked my butt, but thats also I was just getting used to the moves and was taking all the modifications I could get. I am generally good with cardio but my ultimate worst one (more than mountain climbers) is crow-push ups grrrr.

    I typically do the workouts right after work in the evening, I tried the morning thing, but I found it hard to be consistent (warm bed calling in the winter). I log my work out as calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort for about 300 cal burn. I don't have an HRM but with the amount of sweat dripping, hopefully this is accurate.

    Good luck everyone! Transformation is happening now.