(Temporarily) Off the Wagon

Katey911 Posts: 80 Member
I had a healthy breakfast and a healthy lunch and then I ate about four helpings of crackers and about as many chocolate chips (it's the only chocolate in the house!). I've been doing really well lately and seeing progress, so I'm really mad at myself for this sabotage. I am so far over today's limit that I should only have a salad for dinner but I know that won't fill me up.

I'm working out tonight, both solo and with my personal trainer, so maybe I'll put some extra time in on my own to help minimize the impacts.

Booo. It so wasn't worth it. And I'm still hungry but now I'm disappointed with myself as well.


  • The best part about this is it's out of your system! I would suggest eating a salad maybe with some grilled chicken or fish - particularly so you don't wake up tomorrow morning starving, and start the cycle again? Also, if you're working out extra, giving your body protein to help build muscle afterwards is important.

    Good luck - I hate that feeling, and have been known to do it myself with spoonfuls of Nutella.

  • Katey911
    Katey911 Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks Sara! It IS out of my system. I did a good workout last night and came home and surprisingly wasn't super hungry, so just had a salad. Your suggestion of lean protein is a good one - wish I had thought of that last night! Oh well. Today I'm not super hungry - well, no more than usual!

    It's good for me to see I can not let one meal's slip-up ruin everything, and nice to know I'm not the only one. :)