When should I go public about the pregnancy?



  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I've had experience with miscarriages as well so this time I only told one or two friends (not even parents, I didn't want to get their hopes up or depress them in case I had another m/c) prior to 12 weeks. DH spilled the beans to his family early which kind of pissed me off.
    Then I told my parents and more friends, and told my boss at 14 weeks. Although he had already guessed since I had weekly appointments lol
    A friend announced her pregnancy on FB last week, only to be followed by a m/c announcement 3 days later. How sad and awkward.
  • musicgirl99
    musicgirl99 Posts: 252 Member
    My husband and I told my parents and grandmother who is not in good health as soon as we found out but waited until 14 weeks to tell everyone else. Some people were already suspicious way before that because unfortunately, I gained weight so quickly but the actual announcement didn't come until we felt it was right. I still haven't announced it on FB and I'm nearly 29 weeks! lol
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    I waited until 13 weeks for extended family, 16 weeks for coworkers and I still haven't told facebook and I'm 18 weeks now (but will be telling next week after the u/s)
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    I waited until about 12-13 weeks for both. The second time around I was much more casual about it. Yes, it's exciting, but I'm not as adrenalized (made up a word) as I was with #1.

    However, I did tell immediate family/closest friends a lot sooner. With strict instructions to my dad not to blab it off to everyone.

    If I WERE to make a piece of related advice-- your first question is going to be "When are you due?". I would recommend being vague with the due date. That was my mistake. DS#1 was due on February 27, and until he was born on March 9, I was flooded with "is he here yet?". Totally overwhelming at that point in the pregnancy when you want baby to be here just as much (if not more) than your well meaning friends.

    So this baby I have now is "due in April." :) Technically the due date is April 3, but April is vague enough since I'll probably deliver late again.
  • kekevela
    kekevela Posts: 83 Member
    I've had two miscarriages in the past so we waited to tell people this time. We had an u/s on Monday (10 weeks) and saw our little one's heartbeat! I told my immediate family after that. I want to wait until 13-14 weeks to tell people at work, but I'm not sure I can hide it that long. I'll tell friends and family on facebook after we find out the gender.

    I may take PP's advice and not tell my due date... Well, I already told immediate family, but for everyone else. I went 40wks 6days with my first son and 40wks 5days with my second. I'm due at the end of August, but could go into September. Maybe I should tell them around Labor Day...
  • mrskatie80
    mrskatie80 Posts: 133 Member
    I've just found out - well, test lines getting steadily darker over the last few days, AF not showing and even hubby could see the lines this morning!
    Off for bloods on Monday.
    I text my 2 best friends who have supported my through 3 miscarriages and told them.
    Now we'll wait until after having it confirmed by blood test next week before sharing with my parents next weekend - Mum and I are really close and I'd want her support even if we miscarriage.
    Every one else will be after the 1st trimester ends.

    Good luck ladies and H & H 9 months to you all x