Challenge--week of February 4

maggie027 Posts: 33 Member
Liz had a great idea
> Your assignment is to create a scrappy page or some form of art that relates to a motivational quote or saying. Pick a quote that spurs you on to success in your healthy goals.

If you're in search of a good quote, some websites are:,,

Have fun!

Share completed works at our Flickr group:


  • redcrystal
    redcrystal Posts: 19 Member
    Whoot! I've already got a couple of quotes I like :) Will get onto this over the next few days.
  • lcdreams
    lcdreams Posts: 54 Member
    this sounds like fun. i found some great quotes.
    i need to scrap my grandsons baptism page - so i'll do this also. i'll try to be creative...
  • maggie027
    maggie027 Posts: 33 Member
    Almost ready to post mine. How are you all doing??

    Can't wait to see!

  • redcrystal
    redcrystal Posts: 19 Member
    I finished mine just about straight away, and I've still not photographed it O.o Slack!! lol Will do it Sunday evening, am away until then :)
  • maggie027
    maggie027 Posts: 33 Member
    Sorry I'm so poky on this one! I'll get it uploaded tonight!!!

    How is everyone??

  • maggie027
    maggie027 Posts: 33 Member
    Hello! I got my page uploaded for our quote challenge. Better late than never! Can't wait to see yours, Liz!

    Here's the link to our group pool. Jump in, everyone. The water's fine! LOL

    Now to finish my VALENTINE! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • redcrystal
    redcrystal Posts: 19 Member
    Mine is up :)
  • maggie027
    maggie027 Posts: 33 Member
    I love it, Liz. That's terrific. I'll get my next page up when we get back from Texas. :)