New to Group, Looking for new Momma friends like me!

Hi All,
My name is Amy and Im 26 almost 27 in Feb. I have a young two year old son and currently am going through a divorce. My parents and family have been a huge support. I've always had a love/hate relationship with food and my body has shown it with going up and down in weight. I am now at my hugest and its humiliating 221 lbs,I've always been a litle thick but never like ths. I need to get it under control and get serious. I also work in a hospital and want to be a good role model for my patients. Please add me. I would love some encouragment. Also Happy Holidays!!


  • GoffGirl1029
    GoffGirl1029 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi! I am a 24 year old mom to a 9 month old, sweet boy and also work in a hospital! Good luck to you with everything! I also could use some encouragement...I usually do pretty well for a week or so, then fall off of the band wagon :(
  • l_morales8107
    Hi!!! My name is Lisa & I'm 23 years old with a 11 month old babygirl. Amy I know how you feel with being your biggest right now as I am in the same position :( I weigh 215lbs. which is very depressing because I have never been this big. It's very hard to try and get my weight down but I am trying and very determined. I will join you in this fight with you my fellow mami!!
  • alimarie53
    alimarie53 Posts: 102 Member
    My name is Ali. I'm 27. I'm a mother to two girls, 7 and 5. I'm prior Navy and now work full time. Finding time to work out and keep a steady diet is hard. I slacked for two years because my work demands go in the way. It wasn't until I switched jobs that I found the time to be healthy.
  • sarahcosta81
    Hi mommas! I'm 31 and I have two girls just turning 2 and 5. I'm a stay at home mom and freelance make up artist. I'm not really looking to lose weight but there are areas of my body that I'm just not happy with. Really, it's my confidence more than anything. I want the best body I've ever had. I don't have a lot of support from my husband. He used to be very fit and now he doesn't have time or energy to do it so I think he's a bit jealous. I look forward to getting to know some of you better and giving my support where I can!
  • jamidon08
    Hello Everyone! I'm a 31 yr old mother of a very active 2 year boy:) Since he was born, I've been so busy trying to balance work and home and spending time with him...which has left hardly any time for me to focus on myself. I've slowly lost over 50 lbs over a 2 year period but I need to knock off the last 15 or so to get where I really want to be. Looking for some extra motivation, Thanks!!
  • Pammy1205
    Pammy1205 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Ladies, my name is Pam and I have a 15 month old son. My goal is to lose 15 pounds by summer. I would love a little support along my journey and I will be your cheerleader to become a healthier you. Keep up the good work and let 2013 be your year!
  • Pammy1205
    Pammy1205 Posts: 3 Member
    Only 18 more pounds! Keep up the good work.
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Hii Mamas.

    My name is Megan and I'll be 27 next week. I am a Beauty Columnist and a SAHM to a very handsome 3 year old boy. I am looking to lose 50-60 pounds. I have been on this journey once and almost reached my goal. However last year I got in a car accident where I lost my sister and best friend. I fell into a depression and the weight came piling back on. So I am restarting this journey again. I also have PCOS so losing weight is incredibly important to me, as I would love to expand our family!!!
  • lolwutshannon
    Hello! I'm 22, and I have a 3 year old and 10 month old. Both are girls. I'm trying to lose 20-30 pounds and just change my eating habits overall. Feel free to add me!
  • jessie_lynn71929
    Hi im jessica. I am a mom to a wonderful boy that is about to be 15 months. I have joined this to hopefully gain some friends that are dealing with the same things as me. I would like to lose alot of weight in order to become healthier and happier.
  • mommiejohnsonof6
    mommiejohnsonof6 Posts: 217 Member
    Hi everyone Im a 34 year old sahm of 6 you can all add me.
  • loopylass1986
    loopylass1986 Posts: 7 Member
    hey im a mum too 3 beautifull children (6, 3, 1) one with lots of allergies one with autism and with hearing loss and have my own health worries but we cope and i like it very very busy lol
  • JennaGthtzMe
    JennaGthtzMe Posts: 18 Member
    Hi I am Loral and 31 a mom of 3 ages 14,8,3 I need to loose a good 20 healthy lbs, please feel ffree to add me.
  • StaceyMayfonz
    StaceyMayfonz Posts: 36 Member
    Hi All,
    My name is Amy and Im 26 almost 27 in Feb. I have a young two year old son and currently am going through a divorce. My parents and family have been a huge support. I've always had a love/hate relationship with food and my body has shown it with going up and down in weight. I am now at my hugest and its humiliating 221 lbs,I've always been a litle thick but never like ths. I need to get it under control and get serious. I also work in a hospital and want to be a good role model for my patients. Please add me. I would love some encouragment. Also Happy Holidays!!

    I am 23 and will be 24 the 25th of feb. I have a 3 year old girl and a 6 month old son. I used to be 210 and the only reason I am not still that big is because I got put on a restricted diet while pregnant with my son because I had gallstones. I work, go to school, and take care of 2 I am normally stressed and I could only imagine going through a divorce adds quite a bit of stress. I have learned that stress causes me to eat so losing more weight is difficult especially since I currently work in fast food. I think that we could help each other be motivated to lose weight and feel better about ourselves.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    feel free to add me!
  • Emily698
    Emily698 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello Im 23 mom to a 14 month old.... Enjoyed the first year of his life and worried about nothing but its time for me to get back in shape
  • LilBabyMama19
    I'm Edan! I'm 20 and mommy to a 10 month old little fireball named Justice! My baby boy! I am also a step mommy to a 7 year old lil man and a 2 year old little beauty queen! (My husbands 30 so I hope that makes more since.) I've got about 25 pounds to lose and I believe we all need some kinda support! I know I would LOVE SOME!!!
  • 30ismyyear
    30ismyyear Posts: 145 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me! I'm a mom of 3, in my 30s, looking at losing over 100. I log on daily, comment often, have an open diary and am very motivated!
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    Add me anyone who wants! I have three kiddos ages 7, 4, and just turned 1! I am on here everyday.
  • illipina
    illipina Posts: 15 Member
    feel free to add me...i have a few friends going through the same situation and i know it can't be easy esp with children.