
For those of you who have time to exercise could you tell me what you do?
I am trying to come up with a workout routine I can stick to that doesn't take more than 30 min. Right now I am lucky if I have that much time. I tend to come on here while doing school work so I am multitasking...lol


  • CLivingston722
    CLivingston722 Posts: 8 Member
    We are lucky to have a treadmill that's setup in our bedroom. I plugger 'er in and watch an episode of Law & Order on Netflix and walk for about 30-35 minutes. Then my husband takes his turn on the treadmill. While he does that I do some arm exercises with 5 lb free weights, crunches, side oblique crunches, side leg lifts using the weights (usually I do 2 sets of 15 each) and then I do 50 squats. All this usually takes me about a half hour and I stretch out too. So total, my hubby and I spend about 1 hour working out together and the time flies!
  • StaceyMayfonz
    StaceyMayfonz Posts: 36 Member
    That is awesome!!! The only time my husband works out with me is when we go on family hikes. Fortunetelling it is too cold to do that for now. I can not wait until warmer weather gets here.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I've been doing the Couch to 5K program. 3 sessions a week, 30 minutes a session for 9 weeks. I have a fitness center at work, so I can go during lunch one day a week or so. I can do it outside the rest of the time. I can put the kids in my double jog stroller and do it with them, if necessary. It's really worked for me.
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    If you are looking to do something at home there are of course alot of Home workout DVDs or grab a fitness/shape magzine. I get them and tear the workout out and put them in a big 3 ring binder book... That way I have already planned out workouts..

    I have a stack I need to go through at home now.
  • kini324
    kini324 Posts: 239 Member
    Check out YouTube- they have a ton of work outs on there. All different kinds too!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I love Shape Magazine for fitness ideas!
  • healthysista66
    I mix up my exercise routine. I love working out with DVDs. Kickboxing, Zumba, Tabeo, anything that keeps me moving and dancing. I also attend a dance or Zumba class a couple of times a week to mix things up, in addition to my strength training. You can also check out Amazon for DVDS too,
  • Mermaidyo
    Mermaidyo Posts: 125 Member
    I'm absolutely addicted to Zumba i've seen what great things come from it. I could barely do a 20min work out..an hour of zumba is wonderful and yes I sweat quite a lot!!. Also I have been doing 30dayshred with Jillian michaels. I try to do this during my sons nap time. If he doesn't nap well... I do it when he goes to bed. Either way I know I need to get it done!
  • bbhforevea13
    I agree. I just typed in workout and exercise and a ton of stuff came up. Fun stuff too! It is always different so it keeps my attention rather than a DVD I purchase and see over and over and over . . . .
  • reginaclay
    reginaclay Posts: 5 Member
    Try Jillian Michaels get ripped in 30(days) The routines are approximately 24 minutes in length and that includes warm-up and cool downs. It doesn't take a lot of time and they really give you a run for your money. Hope that helps! :smile:
  • StaceyMayfonz
    StaceyMayfonz Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks everyone for the tips and ideas.:happy: