Still fighting holiday weight in February?

Until now, I have never entered weight GAINS on MFP -- only losses. I hit my lowest weight in November, then put on a total of 7 during & since the holidays... Kept expecting it to fall back off since my weekly averages were never above maintenance -- and went up & down 2 or 3 pounds over the past month -- but finally after last week away on business, I had to concede that it wasn't going to happen without a concerted effort.

So I entered my current higher weight in MFP yesterday (ouch!) and started a mini-fast (just a few VLC days). I won't be satisfied until I'm moving to the far side of that November number!

Are you still in holiday mode? What are you doing to combat it?


  • gaj87
    gaj87 Posts: 53 Member
    I met my goal weight back in November and since then I have been sliding. With the Holiday's, a death in the family, and being sick, I have given up exercising.
    I've lost my motivation and do not know how to get it back. HELP!
  • AliceNov2011
    AliceNov2011 Posts: 471 Member
    You know, I just put a new stake in the ground. I revisited what worked the first time around, and am implementing those strategies anew. The magic is still calories in, calories out... sooooo.... ;c)
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    I met my goal weight back in November and since then I have been sliding. With the Holiday's, a death in the family, and being sick, I have given up exercising.
    I've lost my motivation and do not know how to get it back. HELP!

    ^This^ (not that I've met my goal yet but all else)
    I've been dealing w/3 deaths along w/the holiday bingeing & am finding it hard to get back on track as well. I'm starting off slow by cutting back on the grains again, doing my walking video every other day, drink more water & prepare healthy meals ahead of time to keep me from buying mess in the cafeteria. Baby steps forward.:indifferent:
  • docturtle
    docturtle Posts: 156 Member
    I used to only track losses and not gains as well, as I was going up and down by a few pounds and considered that maintaining...until the few pounds kept going up and not so much down. I don't know what it is, but I can give many excuses, I just can't seem to keep weight off these days. It's like taking one step forward and two steps back. Maybe I need to try harder to pay more attention to my food diary and eat what I want to eat instead of what everyone else is eating, which is stuff that I want as well, but not as often as it's happening. I gained 2.8 pounds last week, which I blame on the superbowl and wanting to enjoy it with my husband so I logged everything later instead of using my food diary as a guide. The week before that I gained 2.2 pounds, which I had an excuse for as well, a friend of mine died in a snowmobile accident and I just wanted comfort foods & drinks. I thought I would snap out of it but I'm still failing. I have a couple of good days after weigh-in gives me a reality check and the rest of the week just seems to go awry. I've been thinking that maybe for Lent, I will give up making excuses AND giving in to what others want me to eat and see if that really is what my problem is. Okay, I'll take my husband to McDonald's but I will make my own lunch at home! That is hard to do though cause my family and people I work with do not support my food diary. They all think I look great and have nothing to lose. I'm not overweight, but if I just don't try at all, I soon will be! Why does nobody get that? Why do I give in to them so much instead of sticking to what I know has worked for me in the past? I guess I try to please other people too much, so I guess that's what I'll have to try to give up for Lent! Thanks for the opportunity to say my peace! =) I feel better already!
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    I can find so many excuses to give up. The post holiday let down, the weather sucks, I'm on vacation, I'm at a party, I'm too old to exercise, I'm tired, I have a headache, etc., etc., etc.... but the bottom line is, although I can give myself a pass to over-indulge once in awhile or miss a day of exercise, if I don't get back on track, I'll gain all the weight I fought so hard to lose. Believe me, I've done it before. It just creeps up and before you know it, you weigh more than before you started. I don't want to live like that anymore. I want to be healthy. I want to be active. I want to enjoy life. And I want to look and feel good. So I continue to log and keep moving. I may not get instant gratification (like I do from, say, a big dish of ice cream), but the results are worth it in the long run. And I know this because I've been through it before. I keep in touch with people on MFP through the forums and get information and motivation to keep going. And I keep telling myself that "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels". Hang in there and continued success to all!:flowerforyou:
  • Time to put the fork down and get back on track. You can do it, you know you can!
  • Kitsada
    Kitsada Posts: 105 Member
    Yeah, I'm having a lot of trouble too. I've been up 4-5 pounds since I hit my 'low' weight in mid December. I didn't think I was 'that' bad... but I guess I have been. I'd hoped it would go away after New years... but no, I can't seem to get back in the groove of losing weight. Since I only lost 15 pounds to start with... to be up 1/3 of that... seems a very bad sign.

    I'm trying to control my eating, trying to up my protein and lower my carbs... trying not to drink too much...(alcohol)...failing a bit with that one but still usually within or near my calorie goals.

    I'm not sure what to do. I really can't bring myself to exercise. I realize I sound like a spoiled child just flat out refusing to do it, but I just have a lot going on... and while I know its the best thing, the healthy thing... I just can't seem to make myself do it.

    I'm trying to be more careful with my diet, and add even more protein, more veggies and fish. I seem to have a lot of trouble being consistent though.

    Kudos to you Alice for putting your stake down. :)
  • AliceNov2011
    AliceNov2011 Posts: 471 Member
    I'm with you, Kitsada, about the exercising. And the wine. Spend so much time thinking about the first while I'm partaking of the latter that it seems I should be burning some calories just in that effort alone! ;c)

    What I do know is that I need to spend a couple of days a week being "light," and do much, much more cooking at home. I'm backing off meat & poultry, which should help, too. And today I'm rethinking my daily yogurt.

    What I think I can say almost for sure, though, is that alcohol inhibits calorie burning -- so while it might not put me over my calories, it certainly stalls my weight loss. I need to hang out with some teetotalers for awhile...
  • Kitsada
    Kitsada Posts: 105 Member
    Yeah, I've had the sneaking suspicion for awhile now that *that* is my issue. Of course not wanting that to be the case, I'm trying to change every other thing I can think of first. :(
  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    I'm in a similar situation. I was at my lowest in Mid-November right before Thanksgiving and now I'm 10 pounds up. I also never recorded gains because they were always temporary but this time I had to do it. I just felt like I was lying to all my "friends" having my loss number be 10 pounds higher than I really am right now. I'm getting back to logging and forcing myself back into my exercise routine. Before the holidays I was consistently exercising 4-5 hours every week so I know I need to get that back. It's not easy but if I want to really look good then I know I have to put in the time.
  • espree70
    espree70 Posts: 41 Member
    I think recommitting and just getting back up and brushing off a bit helps, we have a program we know what works and we are all here for each other...
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    I am still trying to get in the mindset I had before the holidays and I did ok during them so I don't what is up with me. I know about choices and am working out at least 4 x a week but just not feeling the love of healthy choices. Not quitting-but if that damn pie is calling my name I am answering it's call. AAAAHHHH :grumble:
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    I replied before I read all of this thread-it so made me see/realize "We are not alone-we really are in this together" many of you are stating the same thing I am feeling-can't back into it, have this excuse-that excuse, not feeling like it, life is overwhelming me......"
    Wow isn't this site great-for so many reasons but the most important one is YOU.

    Thanks for being here and sharing your feelings-problems-solutions-examples.........

    I just have to remember I didn't get to this weight overnight-nor will I get rid of it overnight and I am worth it-lose or gain-I will still love myself and choose what is best for me.

  • Malteaster
    Malteaster Posts: 75 Member
    I have lost the 4lb I gained over Christmas but since have gained and lost the same 2lb. I start exercising on a Monday but by Wednesday I find some excuse. I am in much the same mindset as when I come back from vacation that I just can't get back into it.
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    I put on 4 lb between the New Year and coming back from holiday. But, I did do a lot of exercise on holiday and have now gone back to the gym and lost 2 lb. I did log the increase in weight because I wanted to be honest with myself. That said was that my NSVs on holiday were,
    staying underwater for 55 minutes scuba diving after a six month break from it. Normally I would last 35.
    Not getting cramp
    Enjoying water aerobics -the first time I have been brave enough to do this on holiday. I had great fun
    Still logging my food and wine, and setting the app for maintenance during the holiday time. It didnt quite work but I probably forgot to log the odd G&T or 2 or 3..............

    Anyway, trying to concentrate on getting back on track. My hubby is giving up alcohol for Lent so I will try and support him. that should help!
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    My weight inched up after the holidays, too. Finally I had to "reset" and post my actual weight instead of waiting for it to go back down. This time of year is hard because it's so cold out I can't be as active as I like. When we ski, that usually means nachos and beer, so kind of negates the exercise! Right now I'm battling some sort of coughing issue, so exercise just wipes me out. Usually I walk after work (I live in the hills - all up and down) and then do pilates or yoga for about 30 minutes. For the past week, by the time I finish my walk, all I can do is sit and rest I'm so exhausted. I'm having a CT scan tomorrow to see what's going on. On the plus side, the doctor's office scale had me 1 pound lighter than my home scale! That almost never happens!