Weekly chat thread Mon 2-4 to Sun 2-10



  • kisercrew6
    kisercrew6 Posts: 20 Member
    Today is my rest day and I really don't like it. I have never been a regular exerciser, but after completing the 9 week prep schedule and now half way through week 4 of the regular schedule I really miss TF on my rest days. My body needs it and I know that, but I just feel more sluggish on those rest days.

    Tomorrow is a HIIT 20 & Sculpt 30 day. I am really liking the HIIT workouts and finding that I am getting better and better at them every day.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I started a lifting routine this week, so have switched around the schedule a little to add the shorter workouts after my lifting on Mon, Wed and Fri and doing the longer ones on my 'rest' days in between then taking Saturday as my full rest day. This also means I'm not doing the Tone and Sculpt workouts but I am trying to fit in Core and Stretch 40 because I love 'em.

    I've had to adjust the schedule this week also, it's a recovery (?) week and there's no strength training, so I've had to add my own. Not crazy about the sculpt and tone workouts, because I prefer to use real (read: heavy) weights. My TF set came with a bonus Chalean Extreme Burn Circuit workout, though its mostly legs and back, so I mix it up with Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones and the strength training workouts from the Be Fit in 90 program.
  • crystallight711
    crystallight711 Posts: 156 Member
    I decided to adjust my schedule as well. I didn't really take the rest days after week 2, because Turbo became such a habit I felt like I needed to be exercising every day. Anyway, since I'm on the advanced schedule now and at my weight loss goal, I've decided to actually rest for 1 day a week (whatever day I'm busiest at work).

    I did order new hand weights and weighted gloves to hand some more resistance to my workouts and I plan to add in some short beginner strength training a couple days a week as toning and building muscle is my new focus. I am a complete novice when it comes to weights so I'm starting like and easy. I'd love to order Chalean Extreme when I finish 20 weeks of Turbofire and invest in a nice set of selecttechs or powerblocks, but I still need to convince to husband. He said if we're going to spend that kind of money, we should just get a bowflex which is still more money, we have no room for and I'm sure he would not use it anyway! Ugh, men!

    I ate so crappy today for lunch! :( I had made a lighter version of strawberry pretzel salad (strawberries, jello, cream cheese, cool whip, pretzels) a few days ago and planned on having one slice with dinner. Anyway, it was starting to look like it had been in the fridge to long and and all the layers were melting together. Now, I hate letting food go to waste so I had 2 full slices and then the top layers (no pretzels) of everything that was left... I added it to my diary as strawberry fluff and it came out to 666 calories! 666 the food of the devil haha, but seriously my stomach is paying for it and so did my workout. I had to take a break halfway through and ended up starting completely over when I felt a little better.
  • kisercrew6
    kisercrew6 Posts: 20 Member
    I am a complete novice when it comes to weights so I'm starting like and easy. I'd love to order Chalean Extreme when I finish 20 weeks of Turbofire and invest in a nice set of selecttechs or powerblocks, but I still need to convince to husband.

    This is me too! I was lucky enough to come across someone selling Chalene Extreme for $40 (barely used) online. I purchased it and plan to purchase some adjustable weights sometime in May. We also have no room for weights in our tiny house. Hopefully I run across a smoking deal on weights before I begin Chalene EXT. My last day of TF will be June 2nd, unless i skip a few rest days here and there. :)
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    I got the powerblock sport 24lb set and have quickly realised that it isn't going to be too long before I'm needing more weight on the lower body moves.

    The next set up - 50lb - is hideously expensive here in the UK and around the cost of 1 years gym membership with access to all the weights and barbell too. Hmmm...

    I'm also desperate to try Chalean Extreme and hope to be able to order it at the end of the month and do the hybrid schedule - sounds like the ultimate workout to me but I wonder how all the added cardio effects your strength gains?
  • meowkapow
    meowkapow Posts: 103 Member
    Some encouraging results so far

    Day 1 : 61.7 kg
    Day 20 : 59.5 kg

    I've lost cm around my waist and arms yay!

    I've also started drinking something called Vital Greens which i think is kind of like Shakeology, seeing how that goes!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Hello ladies! Yesterday was my rest day :smile: Love that day! Today will be day 7, core 20- it wants me to do stretch 40... but. I need (and want) cardio after a rest day, so i'm going to cheat and do a hiit 15 or 20 and THEN 40 mins of yoga. It's too early to be chatty (not a morning person!) so I'll check in later.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Looks like we're on the same day @starlage. I like Stretch 40, but not twice in one week, so I'm going to do 6 week 6 pack that way I get my core and some cardio and then of course some strength and then Stretch 10 and save Stretch 40 for Sunday. I can't believe I've been able to keep to the schedule for almost 8 weeks...damn, I think I just jinxed myself.
  • KKWilson
    KKWilson Posts: 68 Member
    I'm in the middle of week 5 and this morning was the TurboFire 30, plus TurboFire Tone. I have a form question. I have noticed when I am doing upper body with resistance bands that I am straining the muscles on both sides of my neck. They ache, especially when doing lateral or shoulder presses. I cannot figure out how to get those muscles to relax. Any suggestions??
  • sarah692
    sarah692 Posts: 136 Member
    I couldn't push through 55 ez today :( I just didn't have the energy or motivation. I don't think I'm ready for it yet, in the future I'm gonna replace it with a HIIT or Fire 30.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    holy baby jesus. I'm so friggin' bloated. TOM came today. BLAH! I'm miserable at the moment, so now I'm not sure about exercise tonight! I may just take it easy and do antoher rest day. We'll see how things go though over the next few hours. The first day's always the WORST for me, then I usually feel pretty normal after that. BOO!
  • crystallight711
    crystallight711 Posts: 156 Member
    I got my weighted gloves today and made it through fire 30 with them on. It is amazing how just 1.5lbs of extra resistance on each hand intensified the workout.
    I did upper 20 for the first time today and wow my arms are feeling the burn! I really suck at overhead presses with the resistance band. My set did not come with the one they use so I've been using my own "heavy" tube, but I probably should have purchased a lighter one. Oh well, I know I will power through and get better with time.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Well, I got myself to workout!! I didn't follow the schedule though, I felt like I needed a good dose of cardio to get my TOM blahs and bloat to go away so I did the fire 45ez for the first time. It worked, I feel a lot better! And the 45ez? JUST as tough as the regular 45! I loved it! I burned just about as much as I do with the regular 45! WOOHOO! I'm so happy I liked it, after doing the 55ez and not enjoying it very much I was hoping the 45ez wouldn't suck too. The music was great on the 45ez, I think that makes a huge difference for me. LOVE!!

    @butterfly- those weighted gloves are awesome aren't they?! I've got a pair- not beachbody brand, but some other brand for kickboxing and they're a pound each. I'm not using them yet but I've used them in the past with workouts and I know that they definitely add great intensity!!
  • kisercrew6
    kisercrew6 Posts: 20 Member
    I was supposed to do Fire 55 ez this morning, but woke up late. Only had time for Fire 30, but I killed it. I used my weighted gloves for the whole thing so got a little extra work out in. If you would have told me 5 months ago that I would be mad at myself for oversleeping and not getting my full work out in I would have laughed. Turbo Fire has been such a great addition to my life & it great to come on here and be motivated by other's hard work.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    ^^ nice job still getting a workout in!! It'd have been so easy to just give in and not exercise.

    I've got a little migraine a'brewin' today, boo. I'm still planning on working out after work though- sometimes it acutally helps my migraines when I force myself to workout :smile:

    I'm into week 5 of doing my current calorie level (remember, i eat a static amount which is a deficit percentage off the average of my BMF burns) and thankfully, over that 5 weeks along with exercising doing cardio kickboxing 6 days a week I've lost a few pounds! I think I should be able to continue with my static calorie amount (1800-1900) and continue to lose slowly, woohoo! I'm thrilled that I won't have to drop my calories lower. I think in part I have my active job to thank! It keeps my daily burn above/around 2400 a day, and then with exercise I end up around 2700-2900 a day. I've seen my low of 149.1 a few times this week (despite being on my period yesterday and today I've STILL seen that low number!), so finally a TRUE loss and I've broken past my "stuck" point of being in the low to mid 150's for the past most of a year. YAY!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Damn, I did jinx myself, pulled something in my back. Heading to Target at lunch to get one of those heat patches to see if that helps.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Well, I did the HIIT 30 and Core 20 today. I liked the HIIT 30 (one of the advanced dvds) - the more I do the HIIT workouts the more I like them. I like how fast they move, I like looking forward to only a minute of high energy, then a minute of rest. Awesome! The Core 20 wasn't as hardcore as I expected it. Super low calorie burn, and my stomach's not as tired as I expected. Hmm. Maybe I need to get a better cord thingie- mine's old. My kit didn't come with the bands and things, so I'll have to buy some. I think there are other toning workouts that use the resistence bands and I don't have any of those.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    yeah, agreed :smile: I am thrilled to have the advanced dvds. I think the regular schedule is a tad slow, so i'm happy to have more workouts I can add in. Like today, I was supposed to do Core 20 and stretch 40. I'm sure there's reasoning behind the way the schedule is set, but when I WANT to do cardio, why only do stretch? So I figured, screw it. I want to do the HIIT and I'm gunna do the HIIT! I'm also not doing the beachbody provided schedule, I got a schedule of some chick's blog.
  • tonyalenore
    tonyalenore Posts: 58 Member
    I got my bands from target. I got a pack of 3 lower body bands, light med and heavy, for about $10. I also got the cord with the handles at target as well for about the same price.

    I also kind of switch up the schedule based on what I feel like doing :) The hiit workouts are my favorite! I also have a few strength dvd's that I mix in.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    thanks tonya! I'm totally going to have to get some. The core workout was a waste of time almost without a good band!