Do you/would you ever ride without a crash hat?



  • VTLois
    VTLois Posts: 49
    I would never ride without a helmet. I value my life too much, and I value the feelings of those who love me too much.

    I view my helmet as an accessory, meaning I buy a new one fairly often just because I like a different style or color.
  • foxyninja398
    foxyninja398 Posts: 38 Member
    Don't ride anymore but I very rarely ever used a helmet. I used one when I first started gaming (about age 5) but only used it for showing, not at home. I swtiched over to pleasure horses after that and never used a helmet at home (and I broke most of my horses out myself). I used a helmet for english classes but primarly only a hunt cap as it made a prettier picture than a strapped helmet. If I were to take up riding again, I probably still wouldn't use a helmet and that's just due to habit at this point. I wouldn't even think about it until after the fact.

    I never use a helmet when I drive and those wrecks can often be much worse than riding accidents. From experience I can tell you I'd rather have a riding horse take off on me than a driving horse.

    And yes, I have come off at just about every angle without killing/maiming myself permanently. Call me lucky :)
  • Michelleszoo68
    Michelleszoo68 Posts: 12 Member
    When my daughter was 4 and started riding, I purchased both of us helmets. I felt like I couldn't very well expect her to always wear her helmet if I didn't wear one also. Living in rural Utah, we have regularly been the only 2 wearing helmets when on group trail rides or at Western shows and rodeos, so it's not always been easy. There have been times I didn't "feel" like wearing it, and I admit there have been times over the years that I went without a helmet when I knew my daughter wouldn't be riding with me <blush>. But I learned a very good lesson, when in 2007, I had a wreck on my "bomb proof" 20 year old mare, and have been forever grateful that I was wearing my helmet. It was a freak accident that happened while I was mounting--my mare got impatient and started to walk off just as I put my foot in the stirrup and her hind leg caught the edge of the chair I was using as a mounting block (dumb I know) and the chair went underneath her, hitting her in the belly and the rest is history. She took off running and bucking and since I wasn't yet in the saddle I did a jumping dismount thinking I could land on my feet and that would be better than waiting until I just lost it and fell off. I was in an indoor arena on soft dirt. My hip was the first to hit the ground, followed by my shoulder, then my head. Others at the arena came running to my aid and I could hear them, but I couldn't see anything but white for a minute or two. It rang my bell pretty good! Once I was up, I took off my helmet and saw the huge 4" crack going up the outside. The rest of my body (and my ego) were very bruised and battered, but I limped away with no serious injuries. I am so grateful that crack was to the helmet and not to my head.
    I was recently reminded again that going without a helmet, even for one ride, is not worth it. I watched a video a friend posted on FB of Courtney King-Dye (member of the 2008 U.S. Olympic Dressage Team) who suffered a traumatic brain injury in March 2010 while riding without a helmet. Courtney emphasizes that her horse did nothing naughty. They were just cantering nicely when her horse tripped and fell over his own feet. After 2 years of recovery and therapy she says her recent big accomplishment is being able to use the bathroom by herself. If that doesn't convince you that protecting your head when riding (a horse, a motorcycle, atv or bike) is the smart thing to do, I don't know what else would.
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    That sounds scary - glad you had a hat on!

    Speaking of, I had a similar incident and need a new hat. Can anyone recommend a comfortable model? Preferably adjustable, since I have a fairly oval head and they all seem to be round.
  • Michelleszoo68
    Michelleszoo68 Posts: 12 Member
    I've got the Troxel Sierra now and I love it! It's very comfortable and rugged looking. It has the CinchFit™ Pro System that incorporates elastic straps that self adjust to the size and shape of your head. $99 at Stateline Tack.
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    Thanks, I'll have a look whether they're available here.
  • salsa81
    salsa81 Posts: 68 Member
    Got very angry the other day.

    Was coming home from a day out and passed another rider at my yard. She's pregnant BUT WEARING NO HAT out on the roads on a horse that hasn't been out of it's stable for 3 weeks!!!

    Some people!

    Anyway, I was reading an article the other day (sorry can't remember where) that says even if you haven't had a fall or knock, you should change your helmet / hat about every 5 years as the polystyrine that is in it can start to decay so it's best to change to make sure you have proper protections - just thought I'd let you all know.
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    Yeep, how irresponsible can you get? Riding a horse that hasn't been out for three weeks, without a hat, on the road, while pregnant - even any two of those would be a really bad combination!
  • shandarr
    shandarr Posts: 9 Member
    I wear a helmet every ride because you only get one brain and it doesn't heal well. I used to work at a rehabilitation hospital for people with severe long term/permanent injuries so I would see first hand the results of head, neck and spine injuries.

    Wear a helmet.
  • shadowkat57
    shadowkat57 Posts: 151 Member
    As much as I like the visual of galloping carefree with my hair fluttering in the breeze - nah. Plus, my hair is short. I get twitchy even thinking about getting on without a helmet. And I've come off my big eejit twice, both times onto my head, so it's worth it. Although I'd like to not keep needing to buy new ones...
  • Very very very occasionally I'll get on without a hat and sit on them in the field for a minute or two, just to give them a cuddle and have an 'aaaaah' moment - but it has to be the right sort of day and they have to be relaxed for me to even contemplate it.

    No 'riding' though - did it once and felt horribly vulnerable just walking round the field. I'll happily hop up without any tack and play in the arena or field if I have my hat on, and laugh at how much they take the mickey while I work on my seat & weight aids, though. :D
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I used to ride in competitive trail and endurance, and I've never worn a crash helmet. My trail saddle is a Passier and Sohn dressage saddle, so my seat was pretty darned secure. My horse was a very responsive and athletic Arabian gelding, 15.2, very sure footed and fearless.
  • magicalpony
    magicalpony Posts: 18 Member
    I will NEVER get on a horse without a helmet- no matter how safe they are. My only exception to this is next year in my wedding pictures, I am planning to be mounted for some of them. However, even that makes me nervous.
    I've heard and saw about some gruesome riding accidents; even some without the horse even moving!
    English/western/ etc- you are sitting on a living,breathing animal who has it's own mind. There are also situations completely out of control; what if the horse has a stroke and falls out from under you? Your brain is the only one you have.
    Then again, I yell at my friends to put a seatbelt on even if they are in the backseat (we grew up like this and I never even knew people rode without them!), so I tend to be on the cautious side. But being safe never hurts.
  • Shadowfax44
    Shadowfax44 Posts: 38 Member
    I will just throw in my $0.02 cents to say I would never ride without a helmet or allow my daughter to ride without (luckily she would never consider riding without one).

    I am known at the barn for the one that will say to the other adults "oh did you forget your helmet?" or "your helmet is unbuckled". My trainer will sometimes get on a horse in the arena without a helmet, and I hate that. It will usually only for a lap or two but still. It's a bad example to the younger kids.

    One of my biggest pet peeves is seeing people on horse or bike that have the helmet on but unbuckled. It is completely useless if it is unbuckled. My second is when they wear it too far back, but I'm just glad they have it on at all.

    My kids call me the safety nut but I don't care. I'm glad actually, because when they have to make that choice on their own my voice will be in their head saying "wear the helmet!"

    I have the Ovation Protege and my daughter has the Troxel Dakota and they are both nice. Got them at a good price at statelinetack dot com
  • triplestepping
    triplestepping Posts: 27 Member
    Buckyhorsemom said:
    "When my daughter was 4 and started riding, I purchased both of us helmets. I felt like I couldn't very well expect her to always wear her helmet if I didn't wear one also."

    Shadowfax44 also.

    THANK YOU. Thank you for being a good example to your kid. You are amazing moms.

    Note to ALL Parents: WEAR YOUR HELMETS, TOO, for horses AND for bikes.

    I know parents value their kids' lives and safety more than their own, as every parent should, but what happens if YOUR always-reliable horse gets spooked and throws you onto the concrete or if you're the one who gets hit by a car on your bike?? How is your kid supposed to grow up without a parent, or how are you supposed to support your kid if you have brain damage? What is your kid going to think about your choices then?

    In my town I so often see parents out riding bikes with their kids, the kids dutifully wearing their helmets but the parent not wearing one. Sometimes even on the SAME BIKE (like on a bike trailer or toddler seat). When that kid grows up he's going to be the kid who wears his helmet when he leaves the house and waves goodbye, but then takes it off as soon as he's halfway down the next block. I see those same kids riding in traffic all over town, helmets swinging from handlebars or backpacks and hair blowing in the breeze.

    Helmets keep the brains on the inside, where they belong. Please put aside your own personal vanity or force of habit and set an example for your kids. You're already setting an example for them every day.

    I'm sorry for my negative tone, here. I don't mean to "tell you what to do" but I've just seen too many bloodstains on the road after the fact, and it's a point that I'm really passionate about. One of those bloodstains was only a couple of blocks away from the deceased teenager's house, (it doesn't rain much here in California) and next to it written in sidewalk chalk it said "Don't break your mother's heart. Always wear your helmet." I don't want parents to have to enforce "Do as I say, not as I do" but the more automatic "Do as I do" which is much more fair and easy to reason for kids as they grow up.

    *steps off soap box*

    And yes, I always wear a helmet when I ride a horse or a bike. Always always.
  • Stormygirl1111
    Stormygirl1111 Posts: 10 Member
    Helmet or no helmet? That is the question. Helmet! I started wearing a helmet with my first English lesson a few years ago. I have tried to carry that habit over to my Western World as well. To date have not needed the helmet with my barrel horse, but better to have it and not need it than the other way around. Yes, I have needed it on a couple of occasions with my warmblood. Even cracked one one a day when he fell, bad scene but I was very glad I had the helmet on! Had to go and buy another, but that is okay, helmets can be replaced, heads can not.
  • SandraJN
    SandraJN Posts: 305 Member
    I raised horses for a couple of decades. I started riding when I was eight (I am sixty). I never used a helmet, no one did. I can tell you working with horses on the ground is far more dangerous than riding them, yet no one advocates wearing helmets all day long. My injuries from horses have all come from the ground.

    The other thing is, a helmet will not stop a concussion. It likely would have prevented the cracked head of a previous poster, but not the brain injury of a serious concussion. Consider football players.

    I had a brain injury 2.5 years ago and no horse was involved, just ice and cement. In life, you place your bets and you take your chances.
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    I raised horses for a couple of decades. I started riding when I was eight (I am sixty). I never used a helmet, no one did. I can tell you working with horses on the ground is far more dangerous than riding them, yet no one advocates wearing helmets all day long. My injuries from horses have all come from the ground.

    The other thing is, a helmet will not stop a concussion. It likely would have prevented the cracked head of a previous poster, but not the brain injury of a serious concussion. Consider football players.

    I had a brain injury 2.5 years ago and no horse was involved, just ice and cement. In life, you place your bets and you take your chances.

    Well, actually, a stable where I used to ride made all their grooms wear helmets the moment they came in contact with horses, from the ground or otherwise. You might take your chances; I prefer to avoid the risks that *are* avoidable.
  • Terri_Wickwire
    Terri_Wickwire Posts: 149 Member
    I am SO glad I found this group!! To Wear or Not To Wear ... as an "old-timer" who wore no sunscreen, no hat, shorts, etc, I've watched the emergence of helmets with interest. As I begin to embrace getting in the saddle again, I must admit, I'm thinking a helmet is on the "to do" list. With menopause, I don't do heat well at all, so will need to find a really BIG hat to go OVER the helmet LOL I found the video Every Time, Every Ride on YouTube. Most certainly on my To Do list!
  • moss11
    moss11 Posts: 236 Member
    Taken a few silly risks in the past, learned my lesson like other poster. Quiet pony, dodgy electric fence cable! Concussion, hat had a dent, still don't recall accident 4 years later. Dread to think of consequences if I hadn't had my hat on.