Dating while GF

becfrogs Posts: 39 Member
I'm new to going GF for me personally, however my younger sister (who lives with me) has been GF for many years now so most of our meals at home have been GF. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia a year ago and now due to a sciatic nerve pain have been seeing a Chiropractor. She is strongly recommending I do a GF trial for 2 months to see if I feel any better overall.. Even though my celiac screen was negative, she feels like her fibro patients really respond well to going GF.

Now having been on MFP for a year and losing weight, I've started feeling more confident and finally a little interested in getting back out in the dating scene. It's been 8 years since my divorce so it's time :D

BUT.......I'm curious if there's anyone that has any tricks to dating while eating GF. I've noticed most big name restaurants offer GF menus so that's a no brainer.

Excited for feedback!


  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    I guess just let the guy know that you are GF? Don't go into great detail about it, but let him know you are GF for medical reasons so that he doesn't think you are a weird picky eater lol. And make sure you go to a place that you know you can eat at, especially for the first date.

    Get out there and have some fun!!

    And all the big name restuarants around you have a GF menu? I"m SO jealous. I've been to ONE place with a GF menu, and it's a 16 hour drive from here.
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    I wish I could find a gal who ate gluten free.... Ideally my perfect date will be lactose intolerant and have celiac. An inability to process modern foods is so sexy to me.
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    I wish I could find a gal who ate gluten free.... Ideally my perfect date will be lactose intolerant and have celiac. An inability to process modern foods is so sexy to me.

    C'mon over....Celiacs, dairy and corn intolerance and a peanut/tree nut allergy. I got em all covered. LOL!
  • becfrogs
    becfrogs Posts: 39 Member
    Great advice! :D I'm in Dallas so there's a big push for businesses to open up to things like GF. I just happened to google a place I was going to eat and all these other restaurants showed up too. So that's now the first question I ask and so far everyone has been able to pull something out.
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    I wish I could find a gal who ate gluten free.... Ideally my perfect date will be lactose intolerant and have celiac. An inability to process modern foods is so sexy to me.

    C'mon over....Celiacs, dairy and corn intolerance and a peanut/tree nut allergy. I got em all covered. LOL!

    Dairy and GF as well, LOL. People at work think I'm nuts. I've moved to a new building though and most of the ladies are on some sort of diet. They're curious and will bring food that everyone can eat. I appreciate that they try, even though they forget I really don't eat anything processed anymore. :)
  • I date...I just tell them upfront if they have any plans for lunch/dinner....or breakfast ::wink wink:: that I can't eat GF or processed foods. Nothing is more embarrassing than going to the restaurant and then your date find out when you don't order anything. So far nobody has made the slightest deal about it...they often think it's cool.
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    I guess just let the guy know that you are GF? Don't go into great detail about it, but let him know you are GF for medical reasons so that he doesn't think you are a weird picky eater lol. And make sure you go to a place that you know you can eat at, especially for the first date.

    Get out there and have some fun!!

    And all the big name restuarants around you have a GF menu? I"m SO jealous. I've been to ONE place with a GF menu, and it's a 16 hour drive from here.

    There's a program you can download to smartphones that will tell you what restaurants have gluten-free foods. I highly recommend it. It will make your life way easier. :)
  • jdlewis222
    jdlewis222 Posts: 9 Member
    I guess just let the guy know that you are GF? Don't go into great detail about it, but let him know you are GF for medical reasons so that he doesn't think you are a weird picky eater lol. And make sure you go to a place that you know you can eat at, especially for the first date.

    Get out there and have some fun!!

    And all the big name restuarants around you have a GF menu? I"m SO jealous. I've been to ONE place with a GF menu, and it's a 16 hour drive from here.

    There's a program you can download to smartphones that will tell you what restaurants have gluten-free foods. I highly recommend it. It will make your life way easier. :)

    What is the name of the app?
  • jillybeanpuff
    jillybeanpuff Posts: 144 Member
    The app I have is called "find me gluten free" its super helpful. It tells you which restaurants in the area have GF menus and it also has GF menus for major chain restaurants. My advice for dating would be to stick with what you know. Personally if I go to a new restaurant I'm a total ***** about the food being GF. I would let your date know that you have an allergy, and that you just can't eat certain foods. My BF eats whatever he wants, but he knows that we can only go to certain restaurants because I can't. He's very supportive and helps me find foods that I can eat. If you're going to be dating someone, you want them to know what's going on. And if he doesn't understand or can't handle it, then he's not the right guy. Good luck!
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    I find that at any restaurant, I can find something to eat that is GF... Maybe it's a baked potato or a burger.. grilled chicken,,,or a steak...fresh veggies.....then there's always a salad....just choose your GF dressing.....if in doubt, oil and vinegar....
  • I met m boyfriend before I knew I had Celiac, but we go to the movies a lot, bowling, golf. I never go out to eat because I am paranoid <.<