Twin Mommy Looking for Friends and Motivation :)

Hi all,

My name is Morgan and I gave birth to twin boys in November 2012 - they are 3 months old this week! I've been on MFP before with just a few friends to inspire and motivate me, but I was only ever looking to lose 10lbs or 15lbs. Now I've got some SERIOUS weight to lose even after the initial dramatic loss (I was down 65lbs 3 weeks post partum but nothing has changed since - I still want to lose 50lbs!). I'm partially breastfeeding my twins so I don't know exactly how many calories I should be consuming, but I do know I've developed some bad eating habits over the course of my pregnancy. I also haven't really exercised since a couple of months into my pregnancy. I would love to make some friends and I hope that this is the way to do it! Please add me if you're looking for the same thing. Perhaps a few more people watching my food diary will help :)




  • Aiiryfairy
    Aiiryfairy Posts: 35 Member
    Hey Morgan! :)

    My names Nicole and I have a 3 month old and a 2 year old. I'm trying to shed the lbs before my wedding in May, but I'm also still ebf my little girl. Well done you for nursing twins!! There are options on the food diary which allows you to add breastfeeding to your daily calorie allowance. Do they nurse frequently?

    I'm kind of new to this site and always looking for more mummy friends who are also trying to loose weight. Feel free to add me if you want :) xx
  • CaliSteph
    CaliSteph Posts: 142 Member
    Welcome Morgan! Congrats on the twins and breastfeeding.

    As previously mentioned, be sure to add those calories from breastfeeding for your 3 month old. It'll help you figure out how many calories you really need to maintain to lose weight and have enough milk to continue to feed.

    I have a 4 month old and a 2 year old ready to turn 3 so I can understand the recent bad eating habits. I'm slowly getting out of that.

    Feel free to add me and anyone else who needs some support!
  • skinnymorgs2013
    skinnymorgs2013 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm nursing almost every feeding and then supplementing with formula (so 5 to 6 times per day?) but I really don't know how many extra calories I'm burning :( I think I'll leave it out for now and just track. I'm on day five and I have not been doing terribly well but at least I'm tracking and not eating a ridiculous amount of snacks/desserts after dinner! That's my WORST time of the day.
  • Hi! I'm new here, but I am also a mother of twins--1 month old. I gained 70 pounds during my pregnancy! Luckily, I lost 40 of those pounds within the first week of giving birth, but I still have 30 to go. I am exclusively breastfeeding my babies, and from what I have read, this can burn anywhere from 400 to a thousand additional calories a day. That's a pretty big range. I don't know how many I burn, so I just keep tweaking my numbers, hoping I'll find that sweet spot where I'm eating enough to keep a good milk supply, but still losing weight. I want out of my maternity clothes!