Eating a sandwich

I had my RNY surgery August 16, 2012. I don't usually eat bread but this afternoon I wanted a toasted ham and cheese sandwich. (Not grilled...toasted 1 slice of bread in the toaster and then made the sandwich and put it in the mircowave). I couldn't eat the whole thing. Who would have thought I couldn't eat a 1/2 a sandwich. :noway: But the good thing is no more craving for a toasted ham and cheese sandwich.

Are you surprised at how little you eat?


  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Yes, even when I think I am eating too much, if I compare it to what I used to eat it really isnt much at all. When I got the taste for a grilled melty cheese sandwich I took a piece of lean ham and rolled a cheese stick in it then put it in a skillet with cooking spray. It came out all toasty and melty cheesy...yummy! Really fixed that craving and no bread.
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    That sounds really good. I will keep that in mind...and ditch the bread. Thanks so much
  • 13turtles
    13turtles Posts: 183 Member
    Today I made a "Philly cheesesteak" sandwich sans bread. I took one of those beefsteak packets 13 g protein per serving, and added frozen bell peppers and onions and then topped it with a piece of low fat provolone. It was divine! Cheesy, warm and yummy! Oh, and 190 calories and 18 g of protein.
  • rumplesnat
    I am surprised and it frustrates me as well. I'll be a year out post-op next month and I'm still trying to wrap my brain around these changes. I'm so used to being able to finish my plate...and then some! Hoping it gets easier, but I think it will be a lifelong struggle for me. There are some days, however, that I am able to eat and eat and eat if I don't control myself...scary stuff, especially breads, crackers, pretzels...they go down really easy and don't fill me up at all. I need to really, really limit my consumption of stuff like that.
  • MCunliffe
    MCunliffe Posts: 29 Member
    I am surprised and it frustrates me as well. I'll be a year out post-op next month and I'm still trying to wrap my brain around these changes. I'm so used to being able to finish my plate...and then some! Hoping it gets easier, but I think it will be a lifelong struggle for me. There are some days, however, that I am able to eat and eat and eat if I don't control myself...scary stuff, especially breads, crackers, pretzels...they go down really easy and don't fill me up at all. I need to really, really limit my consumption of stuff like that.

    I have the same problem. It is a daily struggle for me. I went way off plan for a while. I am happy that I didn't gain any weight but I have not lost any weight in over three months and I know it is because of the food choices I have been making. I fear that I have stretched out my pouch because I can eat a lot more than I should be able to. I never really experienced dumping so I can eat anything I want and now almost as much as I want,. I need to get back in control again!!
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Me too. At 9 months out now I find that I can eat a lot. Well..again...not a lot like in comparison to me a year ago...but you get the idea. My weight loss crawled to stop and I was actually gaining a bit. I increased my calories and protein and the scale finally started to move again. Its hard though...I am at a point where I have to struggle now with making sure that I make good choices. I rarely dump unless I eat something really high in carbs. I also find that crackers and such go down WAY too easy so I have to really monitor my intake of them. Once that honeymoon period is over it is really up to you to maintain that progress!