Ladies who have lost fat wt strong lifts?success pics pl

Hi everyone,
I am going to start strong lifts 5*5 from this week.but I am just so so nervous.i have seen so many beautiful ladies' pics here ..all lifting heavy n having such awesome bodies. I am convinced about this programme yet I am little anxious.i have to lose around 30 pounds( my body fat percent is 32). Is this programme along with a good diet enough for me knock off my excess weight. What about cardio? Also has anyone lost weight doing only this programme with little cardio? Would request you all to post some pics please. will just give me so much reassurance which is what I need so badly
Thank u so very much..


  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    Unfortunately, I never took any "starting" I don't really have comparisson pics for you. Mostly because I never thought to and wasn't too sure I would stick with the lifting. Little did I know how hooked I would be....hahahaha!

    What I'm doing is....doing SL MWF and a small bit of cardio (running). The cardio usually falls after lifting (non dead lift days) or T/TH/SAT. The cardio is really only because I love's my mental vacation and I miss it when I don't do it. I started at about 25% BF and my goal is 20%. I think I'm around 21-22 right now....not due to measure for another week ;)

    I'm eating at a small deficit. My TDEE is around 2250-2300 as far as I can tell and I'm eating 1900 cals each day. i don't eat back my exercise cals because of this though. body fat % is going down. It's a very slow process, but it's working. The scale can be stubborn when you lift heavy, so I suggest you go more by measurements every month rather than weighing only.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Well, I don't have a fab body yet, but it's a start. Here's my progress since January:


    That's four weeks of SL and eating at TDEE-30% (because I have so much to lose).

    I hate cardio, so I was doing 15 minutes of cardio warmup before lifting, and 45 minutes on an off day. I have been getting more hungry, so I've added another 45 minutes on a non-lifting day just to increase my TDEE so that I can eat more. But that's it; I'm drawing the line. That puts me in the gym 5 days a week, and I'm not going to do more than that!
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    You can find pics in my blog...just click on my profile and it's in there. Welcome!
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    I've only started doing StrongLifts recently, so I can't comment on this program specifically. However, prior to this I had been doing Olympic lifts with a trainer twice a week. Two other days, I'd do about a half hour of some sort of cardio, but aiming to keep my heart rate lower since I'm pregnant... so it wasn't very hardcore. Usually after that, I'd do some pull ups, core, or tricep work or something to complement the lifting I was doing on other days (I'd ask my trainer for suggestions for these things).

    We've been doing a body comp every three weeks or so just as a precaution to make sure that baby's progressing well and whatnot, and even since the beginning of January I've gained 4 lbs of lean muscle mass and lost 1 lb of fat. I've lost centimetres off my shoulders, upper abdomen, hips, and thigh... only gaining around my stomach (which is a good thing in my case). I've been working towards more weights/less cardio for a little while now, and while my weight hasn't moved much (I have a really stubborn body type for sure), my body has noticably tightened up (I get comments on this often).
  • newjourney2015
    newjourney2015 Posts: 216 Member
    I am only in my 3rd week of stronglifts. I have been gaining and losing the same 5 lbs for months flucuating between 168 - 173. Since SL's, I finally broke the platuea and went below 168 to 166. I don't have any before and after pics yet but will post some when I see true visible progress. But SL's made the scale move and I'm looking forward to weighing and measuring this weekend. I am now hoping that I don't continue to flucuate with the 5lbs and go back up to 171. Just remember, I have read here that lifting can cause weight increases due to the water retention it takes to repair muscles from lifting. It should only be temporary so if you do see the scale go up, don't get frustrated. Give it time level out.
  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    I also have 30+ pounds to lose and I'm starting at 38% BF. I'm 167lbs and 5'3". I just took before pics so not ready to post until a couple of more months. I started with a crossfit type bootcamp 5 days a week for three months. Then started Insanity. Now I'm doing Insanity and Stronglifts and so far haven't had much conflict. I'm eating at a low deficit at 1800cal per day. I started at 1400 but I wasn't losing anything. Once I increased my calories my body started to change. I've lost around 40 inches total and 10lbs. I prefer to lose slow because a few years ago I lost too quick and gained it back because I wasn't mentally ready to be that size. Ive been the same size for a long time and since my weight never changed before I had kids I was comfortable hope I get smaller in the process. My goal isn't necessarily to lose weight. . .I would like to try to be a size 8 by May. I have clothes in a box and if I don't fit in them by May they are getting tossed. The time is ticking and I AM getting smaller. I guess it just depends on your timeline.

    I read somewhere in the forums that if you are weightlifting to gain muscle and trying to lose weight its sort of counter intuitive because eating at a deficit loses both fat and muscle. I think thats why I got stuck for over 6 weeks eating 1400cal per day. I tried 1600/day for two weeks with no results and now I'm seeing more progress and have stayed steady at 1800 per day for the past four weeks. When I lose another few inches and a few more pounds I'll take another picture and post in about 3 weeks. sound good.

    BTW I love Stronglifts!!!! I can't wait to progress into the 100's with my squats and show my husband.
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    Sorry I don't have pics. I've been doing stronglifts plus a small calorie deficit, walking and periodic cardio. I've lost about 1/2 an inch off my thighs/butt in the last 2 weeks - I'm very happy.
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    I have DEF lost fat since starting stronglifts - it was the best decision I ever made. All of my after pictures are in pink bikini top in my profile :)
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I have DEF lost fat since starting stronglifts - it was the best decision I ever made. All of my after pictures are in pink bikini top in my profile :)

    I wouldn't mind looking like your before pictures :laugh:
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    I'm not taking +1 month pics till the 24th, but I can tell you I've lost an inch from my waist and hips since I started two weeks ago. An inch! And it's not like I have that many inches to lose!
  • mrskchris
    mrskchris Posts: 28 Member
    I have been doing SL for a month now. My new profile pic is a comparison pic of my progress from Dec - Feb. A month of this has really changed my body. My weight has stayed the same, but I have lost an inch off my wasist. I'm a believer!
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    My photos are in my profile... the clothed pictures are before I joined MFP; you should be able to see the progression in the bathing suit pics. The bikini is the most recent. ;) I do a fair amount of cardio - I run between 5-20 miles a week - but I have definitely seen the same/better progress when I started focusing more on lifting.

    I've lost a ton of inches and I've lost weight while I've been lifting. I've lost around .75 pounds a week since I started lifting and eating more (around 1800 a day).
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Oh! And another good measure is to use the various calculators to figure out an estimated body fat percentage based on your measurements. I have lost about 7% in five months!
  • carrie197618
    carrie197618 Posts: 34 Member
    Thank u so much everyone..I am definitely in.Will start SL as soon as I from this cold. thanks again. Really appreciate all yr responses:)
  • caleo2006
    caleo2006 Posts: 22 Member
    Well, I don't have a fab body yet, but it's a start. Here's my progress since January:


    That's four weeks of SL and eating at TDEE-30% (because I have so much to lose).

    I hate cardio, so I was doing 15 minutes of cardio warmup before lifting, and 45 minutes on an off day. I have been getting more hungry, so I've added another 45 minutes on a non-lifting day just to increase my TDEE so that I can eat more. But that's it; I'm drawing the line. That puts me in the gym 5 days a week, and I'm not going to do more than that!

    Wow! I can really see difference! Great job! I just started and your post totally inspired me!
  • rachelilb
    rachelilb Posts: 179 Member
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    Well, I don't have a fab body yet, but it's a start. Here's my progress since January:


    That's four weeks of SL and eating at TDEE-30% (because I have so much to lose).

    I hate cardio, so I was doing 15 minutes of cardio warmup before lifting, and 45 minutes on an off day. I have been getting more hungry, so I've added another 45 minutes on a non-lifting day just to increase my TDEE so that I can eat more. But that's it; I'm drawing the line. That puts me in the gym 5 days a week, and I'm not going to do more than that!

    great job!!! you're looking great!

    i found that if i did what people would consider ACTUAL cardio, i would get really hungry ( especially if over 30 min of it) and i don't really want to be hungry, because that kind of hunger i have a harder time making the right eating choices, LOL. so, i don't do true cardio anymore.

    i walk, 5- 6 days a week, and not at a fast pace. like 3.0 or what you would if you walked your dog. if i'm on the treadmill sometimes i'll set the incline at like 8, but that's it for for "cardio" walking is great for you and for me, it doesn't increase my hunger or desire to eat things that might not be the best choices, LOL!

    i have some pics somewhere, mostly they are comparisons of body parts. like biceps and calves......... i'll see if i can find them.

    the thing i have found with doing SL is that people always guess me as smaller than i really am....... which is flattering, i suppose, but annoying too because i really do want to lose pounds too, ya know? life insurance premiums are based on a number. i want the number to go down along with the inches and dress size :-)
  • holliwood97
    holliwood97 Posts: 138 Member
    Bump to read later. :) i'm starting this week too :)