
Hi, just though I would introduce myself. Here is a bit about me, up untill July 22nd 2012 I was an able bodied person and was training to be a student midwife, I was living life to the full and loving every second of it. Since July my world has been turned upside down. I had always had issues with various parts of my body but as they were not serious I paid the no attention, turns out they were the start of everything.
I have been diagnosed with a neurological condition called Dystonia, it is currently incurable and there is very little known about it. It can affect anyone at any age. For me it affects my eyes (causes me to go blind frequently), Jaw (spasms so I struggle to talk or eat), right arm and hand (does random and painful spasms) and my right leg and foot (can no longer walk so I am in a wheelchair). My symptoms have improved thanks to botox injections and medication however I still struggle a lot and am wheelchair bound.
At the start of this year i weighed 196 pounds, the heaviest i have ever been and realised I needed to diet. I am now down to 189 pounds so things are going good so far.


  • kamillathunder
    kamillathunder Posts: 4 Member
    welcome to the group. So sory to hear about your illness. I can't walk eather feel free to add me if you like
  • lionplate
    lionplate Posts: 2 Member
    I just joined the group and wanted to introduce myself. I have slowly lost abilities and fatigue easily. I often have to choose what I do or what will cause less pain.(changes day to day) I am lucky enough to stand and use the car to put a rolling walker in the trunk. I do water aerobics (Hubby suggested) so if I fall I can swim away. I like to focus on what I can do even I have to start over.