Getting ready to have a revision to my RNY. Anyone else?

Hello All,
On Friday I will have a surgery to revise my RNY gastric bypass from 12 years ago. I have many apprehensions about this, and anxiety at the prospect of returning to eating tiny portions and focusing on protein, after living a "normal" life...but I've regained 40 lbs from my lowest weight, and I'm not the main reason for surgery - I have developed a small complication called a "blind limb pouch" that needs removed. Have any of you had revision surgery?



  • Kim061865
    I haven't had a revision, but good luck with yours!
  • XxMarcella85xX
    XxMarcella85xX Posts: 30 Member
    What do they do during the revision? Just fix the blind limb pouch???? What is a blind limb pouch?