
  • Janie_May
    Janie_May Posts: 51 Member
    Week 6 02/012/13 Down 0.4

    Total since 01/01/13 -7.4
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    1/2/13: 153.8
    1/8/13: 152.2 loss: 1.6
    1/15: 150.8 loss: 1.4 total: 3.0 (oh, that makes me feel excited)
    1/26: 148.8 loss: 2.0 pounds (I posted Friday instead of tuesday because I missed last week)
    2/3: 147.8 loss: 1 pound

    L/W: 147.8
    T/W: 150.8 +3 POUNDS THIS WEEK ( i used a 5-day weekend due to 2 ft of snow as an excuse to just eat, eat and watch movies!)

    total so far in 2013: Lost 3 pounds

    next week goal: Get back to 148 or less!! --I AM SORRY TEAM! THIS HURT US THIS WEEK!
    Total Goal: 135ish
  • suzy1220
    suzy1220 Posts: 118 Member
    Ugh, I only lost .8. I'm back on Exile Island!
  • chellie47
    chellie47 Posts: 97 Member
    Sorry last week should of been:

    0.2 pounds

    This week is:

    0.6 pounds

    WEEK 1 4
    WEEK 2 1
    WEEK 3 0 .6
    WEEK 40 1.8
    WEEK 5 0 .2
    WEEK 6 0 .6
  • DterMined2012
    DterMined2012 Posts: 540 Member
    177.6 down 1.2lbs
  • kpierce169
    kpierce169 Posts: 54 Member
    down .8 this week- 168.0
    total loss 35.0lbs so far :smile:
  • srcantgiveup
    srcantgiveup Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, I was 'hoping' for a real loss. I read your posts and see that many of us are asking 'where is it' ?
    Well, I am not giving up and am examining where to make a changes - keep going too MFP friends.
    Don't give up.. thanks for posting your thoughts, they are important and helpful to the group.
    You biggest losers, are Awesome & Inspiring.. well done this past week !!
    Thanks Gals for doing a great job managing this group - it is appreciated very much.
    Let's make week 7 a good week, Till then, SR

    Last week : 252.8
    This week : 252
  • doin_it
    doin_it Posts: 414 Member
    weeeeeeeeeeeeeee I made it...was scared for a bit with it being the TOM...
    I was actually down lower on Saturday and thought that it was going to be a good loss
    this week but its up this morning...showing only 1lb but I'll take it...I'm still in....

    1lbs lost this week...

    Hoping next week will be a much better week....

    Jan. 1 210
    TW 196.4
    Total loss so far this year 13.8 lbs..very happy about that :)
  • Scrappymom67
    Scrappymom67 Posts: 15 Member
    Up 3.2 lbs this week. Weekends and snowstorms are my downfall!
  • AshleyLo_44
    AshleyLo_44 Posts: 206 Member
    Sadly it is only half a pound lost this week, but I am very proud of myself for this half a pound since I only was able to go to the gym once and had to eat out the whole week being at a conference and all. So happy I didn't gain any weight and I tried making the best choices I could. But I lnow I'm gonna have to bust my butt off and maybe on the chopping block for not losing a whole pound.
  • chichi128
    chichi128 Posts: 83 Member
    1/2 202.8
    1/8 201.6
    1/15 198.9
    1/22 195.1
    1/29 194.0

    2/5 193.0
    2/12 191.9
  • karen_golfs
    karen_golfs Posts: 377 Member
    1 pound - 208
  • jc1231
    jc1231 Posts: 67
    2 pound gain this week. :(.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    SW: 209.4
    LAST WEEK: 200.2
    CURRENT: 198.8

    This is so exciting for me! Now that I've lost 10 pounds I'm buying myself a pair of new jeans!
  • littlemzkitty
    littlemzkitty Posts: 137 Member
    1/1 - 215
    1/29 - 206.2
    2/5 - 205.2
    2/12 - 204.2 --- I've just barely been making the pound goal, but I am glad to be down almost 11 pounds in 6 weeks :happy:

    Since 1/1 - 10.8 lbs
  • SW: 172lbs
    CW: 147lbs

    Weigh in Dates:
    01/01 = 147.5lbs
    29/01 = 147lbs
    05/02 = 147lbs
    12/02 = 147lbs

    Total weight lost: 0.5lbs
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    143.0 up 1 lb! :sad:
  • gdneff
    gdneff Posts: 279 Member
    263.2 Down 2.4 yeah.

    Hope everyone had a good week. Time to start a new day and a new week.

    Good Luck to everyone.
  • tinatatertoes
    tinatatertoes Posts: 100 Member
    I'm down 1.4 lbs this week :) Suprised me - Had a bad cold and haven't been really active.
  • GrandmaLynn1
    GrandmaLynn1 Posts: 25 Member
    SW: 235
    CW: 210
    GW; 140
    LW: 210
    TW: 210