Feb 2013 Exercise Challenge

bmoregan Posts: 109 Member
28 days. 28000 calories.

Anyone else want to set a goal?


  • bmoregan
    bmoregan Posts: 109 Member
    No, I havn't disappeared. Been offline for a bit.

    Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon were (1079 + 1134 + 1065 + 1115) = 4393.

    Goal is 28000 but "stretch goal" is 28 days in a row over 1000.
  • bmoregan
    bmoregan Posts: 109 Member
    The last 7 days have clocked in at (1116+1262+0+1260+1260+1008+1014) for a total of 11311 in Feb to date
    Had to break my run of "days over 1000" - the body needed a rest day last Thursday.
    But still averaging >1000/day so I'm on-track.

    Annoyed that I'm losing/gaining the same 3 lbs since before Christmas - but I've been here before; need to be patient and keep logging...
  • fin_like_a_fish
    fin_like_a_fish Posts: 9 Member
    That's fantastic, well done!

    Annoyed that I'm only seeing this now, I definitely would have joined you in the challenge. I'm not sure that Pancake Tuesday is the best day to start but maybe I will join you in doing a similar challenge for Lent starting tomorrow.
  • bmoregan
    bmoregan Posts: 109 Member
    Hi Fin. No reason not to set a goal now for the end of Feb :-). For me 1000/day is "pushing it" so that's just what works for me. Set whatever you think is best for you. Whatever you log, you're better off than everyone on the sofa!

    I find it great to have this kind of mid-term goal when my legs are suffering and I think "maybe I'll just walk the rest of the way home" - and then think "yeah, but if you don't hit today's goal, you'll just have to make it up over the next few days". Keeps me going.
  • bmoregan
    bmoregan Posts: 109 Member
    Tue/Wed/Thur have clocked in at (1077+1072+1077) for a total of 14539 in Feb to date.

    Anyone doing/watching Operation Transformation? Was a great help getting me kick-started last year and I still find it good to keep an eye on. Though -watching the leaders weigh in - I'd love to be back in the days of losing 3lbs a week! Then again - I wouldn't like to be back in the XXL section either.
  • bmoregan
    bmoregan Posts: 109 Member
    Fri/Sat/Sun came in at (1028 + 1128 + 1303) = 17998 for the 17 days of Feb so far.

    The Operation Transformation roadshow was in Blanchardstown Shopping Centre. I just happened to come upon it. I went over and congratulated the leader, Gavin (the guy with the beard originally from Tallaght) and told him I'd lost 3 stone since watching the show last year.
    Also spoke to the nutritionist that was there about breakfasts if trying to avoid oats and wheat; suggested Rye toast so I'll try that.
  • bmoregan
    bmoregan Posts: 109 Member
    Got a new goal. I started last year on 13/April/12. So kind of an anniversary coming up in 8 weeks - 12/April/13 will be 52 weeks exactly. So my 1 year anniversary goal is to be 200lbs (or less :-).
    As of today (18/Feb) that's 7.25lbs in just under 8 weeks. I've not been losing a pound a week for quite a while so this will be tricky. If I get this done I'll be damned impressed with my good self!
  • bmoregan
    bmoregan Posts: 109 Member
    Ok. So now it gets interesting...
    Got 1152 done on Monday but then got knocked out with a bit of a bug so Tue/Wed/Thur were "0-days" and I'm not fully 100% yet.
    I've worked out that to hit my goal I have to do 8222 in 6 days, 3 of which I'll be travelling.
    That's a lot of exercise...
  • bmoregan
    bmoregan Posts: 109 Member
    Last 7 days clocked in at (1152+0+0+0+860+1765+1377)=23152
    So 4848 to get done in the last 4 days of Feb.

    This is where having a goal helps, though. Got 2 good days done Sat+Sun.
  • bmoregan
    bmoregan Posts: 109 Member
    Done! 28000 in 28 days!
    Last 4 days were (1677+ 1054+737+1518) for a total in Feb of 28138.

    Will I do another one in March? It definitely helps to keep momentum, but burning this many cals takes a LOT of time. I wonder sometimes if I spent half as much time building muscle would I be better off in the long run?

    Its a bit of a bummer too that I don't see the same results on the scale as I used to 6 months ago for this amount of exercise.

    Anyway, glad to have set a goal and hit it.