
  • GrandmaLynn1
    GrandmaLynn1 Posts: 25 Member
    SW: 235
    CW: 210
    GW; 140
    LW: 210
    TW: 210
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member
    UP .2 pounds.... :explode: :mad: :grumble:

    I know this isn't much of a gain but it's a gain and NOT a 1 pound loss! I feel like I'm a hamster on a wheel and spinning yet not really going ANYWHERE!! Now that life seems to have calmed down I am KICKING IT INTO HIGH GEAR!!!!! I'm going to watch EVERY morsel I put into my mouth & workout like a mad woman..... :devil:

    If I don't, I just don't seem to lose weight. The "make small lifestyle changes" isn't getting me anywhere. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to be healthy about it but time to CUT THE PROCESSED JUNK!!! Oh, and take on a part tme job.... as a YMCA GYM RAT!!!! :laugh:
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    229 this week. down 1lb from last week
  • TLL09
    TLL09 Posts: 125 Member
    1/1: 171
    1/8: 168.2
    1/15: 166.2
    1/22: 165.8
    1/29: 166
    2/5: 166
    2/12: 168

    Up 2 pounds.
    Okay time to get re-focused! I WILL lose this weight!
  • 1/01 ~ 170.2 SW
    1/08 ~ 169.4 (-0.8)
    1/15 ~ 168.2 (-1.2)
    1/22 ~ 169.4 (+1.2) *PMS*
    1/29 ~ 172lbs (+2.6) *PMS*
    2/05 ~ 168.8 (-3.2)
    2/12 ~ 167.4 (-1.4)
  • keeky03
    keeky03 Posts: 33 Member
    1/1 262
    1/8 259.8 (-2.2)
    1/15 257.2 (-2.6)
    1/22 255.2 (-2)
    1/29 251.4 (-3.8)
    2/5 250.4 (-1)
    2/12 249.4 (-1)

    Barely safe........... again
  • poll09
    poll09 Posts: 549 Member
    222 last week 219 this week 3 pound loss
  • I unfortunately gained 1 lb this week
  • That 1lb gain was for 2/6 I didn't post.......I actually lost that 1lb this weeks weigh in 2/12 so I am back at a total of 7.2 lbs total loss
  • trina33
    trina33 Posts: 58 Member
    Last week: 169.4
    This week: 168.4

    Total this week: down 1 pound!!!
  • Suewags
    Suewags Posts: 57 Member
    Sadly it is only half a pound lost this week, but I am very proud of myself for this half a pound since I only was able to go to the gym once and had to eat out the whole week being at a conference and all. So happy I didn't gain any weight and I tried making the best choices I could. But I lnow I'm gonna have to bust my butt off and maybe on the chopping block for not losing a whole pound.

    That is something to be proud of!! In the past, I have always gained while on business trips. This time I really tried to stay focused, packed healthy snacks, worked in some exercise in my room and didn't give in to a weight gain just because I was traveling. And it worked. I lost a pound that week and was SO MUCH MORE PROUDER of that 1 pound loss than some of those 3- or 4-pound losses.
  • unfortunately up 3 lb this week after all inclusive vacation :sad: :sad: :sad: :mad:
  • TKKeith
    TKKeith Posts: 21 Member
    no weight loss this week:(
  • jsb76
    jsb76 Posts: 35 Member
    1/1/2013 203.2
    1/8/2013 201
    1/15/2013 201
    1/22/2013 198
    1/29/2013 196.8
    2/5/2013 194.2
    2/12/2013 193.6

    Lost 1/2 pound- I'll take what I can get!! :happy:
  • Kaddyshack21
    Kaddyshack21 Posts: 225 Member
    sorry I am so late posting. I have lost 1 lb this week. Keeping on track super happy.
  • Brit1283
    Brit1283 Posts: 22 Member
    No loss but not gain and I have been doing a lot of strength training so it might be another couple weeks before I start losing again.
  • henryvg2
    henryvg2 Posts: 33 Member
    down 2!

    259 today
  • karphl
    karphl Posts: 15 Member
    2.8 lbs lost this week. Hee Haw!
  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member
    2 lb gain this week..... Too much junk and a couple days of not tracking....still have not been able to figure out how to get exercise into my life.


    Only a 2.5 lb loss since jan1.... But I'm not gaining
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 780 Member
    I lost 1.4 lbs this week. Started Tae Bo today though so I'm hoping if I keep it up I can get back on track LOL