Knocking on one year smoke free

MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
I quit smoking January 16th of last year. Yay! Gained almost 40 pounds. Not yay. Anyone else in the same boat? I started back with martial arts to keep the weight at bay, but now I'm having to watch what i eat ( I NEVER had to do this in the past) and drag my happy butt to the gym...alone...all by myself since no one else goes. (sigh)
Friend me if you're in the same boat. :happy:


  • goofyrick24
    goofyrick24 Posts: 125 Member
    I quit Smoking 4/1/12.. I have gained 50 lbs since, now finally starting to attempt to take some of it back off....
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Congratulations to you! It is an incredible accomplishment to quit. I smoked for 33 years. I did the Chantix, but it made me really loopy! I had to get off it early and just tough it out. Cinnamon sticks helped. So did food, hence the weight gain.
  • Congratulations to you!! I quit 4 mos ago and am tapering off my doseage of Chantix. It has really been a blessing for me. I smoked for 20 years. I am too young to have done anything for 20 years, and that is why I quit! And my kids and my health! So yes, let the weight gain begin. I held off the lbs at first by using MyFitnessPal and watching my food intake. But then I fell off the program and ate my way thru Nov, Dec and here is Jan. I am getting married in June and I dont want to gain another pound! And I can always use more motivating friends!
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Wow! Congrats on quitting AND the upcoming nuptuals! The wedding plans alone would be enough to make me want to smoke again...Hahaha
    Seriously, that's great. I'm happy for you!
  • When you quit smoking it decreases your metabolism and also wakes up your tastebuds. I too never had a major weight problem until I quit(4 years ago) Even though I have gained weight I know I am so much healthier for quitting. My doctor told me 50 pounds of weight does not do the harm that i cigarette does.
    Congratulations and don't ever give in to the nicodemon!!
  • boylec
    boylec Posts: 3 Member
    I quit 2 years and 3 months ago and yes I have a weight problem. I gain allot of weight in the beginning and have lost some. I am in my fifties and it seems to take a long time just to lose one pound. My Doctor also said the same about weight and cigarettes. I also have diabetes and COPD. It really takes me some time to feel like exercising. I am eating better now and haven't gain weight for a while. It is definately worth quitting. I just wish I could shake it into the heads of the younger generations. Thanks for listening. Good luck with your journey. Congratulations to you and everyone that has quit because it is not easy.
  • Hi! I am new to the fitnesspal and new to quiting smoking!
    I am 2 days shy of one month smoke free, I feel like I have gained at least 5 lbs over the past month. Finally started a gym membership and am going to kick both butts! SMOKING AND MY OWN! :)

    I am really out of shape, gaining weight seems like something I would be really good at, and now that I am not smoking I think I could be an expert.

    I am proud of you all for not smoking! It is hard, I dream about it almost nightly.