
Hi everyone!! I'm Isabel.

As we're all in the same boat, hopefully we can encourage and motivate each other through the tough times. :happy:

Feel free to add me.


  • stackah
    stackah Posts: 9 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Staca, and I live in Tucson, AZ. I'm married and have a spoiled cat (no human children).

    I've struggled with weight and food most of my life, and although I did lose 60 pounds over the past few years, lately I've been eating a lot of unhealthy food and eating too much (bingeing on the weekends and in the evening), and I'm starting to see the number on the scale go up. And my pants are getting tight. Not a good thing. I'm hoping that joining this group will challenge myself to make better choices when it comes to food while also giving me the support of others.
  • sassy15241
    sassy15241 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi all!
    My name is Sharon and I am 25. I work full time and take 3 classes at my local college. I am looking to be in a bikini at the end of the summer for our beach trip!

    Good luck all!

  • GreenLaura22
    GreenLaura22 Posts: 110 Member
    Hello! My name is Laura. I am 28, I have a six year old daughter and a four year old son and a wonderful husband. I have struggled with my weight since I have had my children. I joined this group for two reasons....When I am depressed, or down, or anxious, or angry, or tired...I tend to swallow all of the negative feelings down with whatever food I find. I will wait until I'm alone and I will eat too much and always carbohydrate filled food. The second reason I joined is that when I am dieting....I go to the extreme and eat as little as possible for as long as I can and then all of the sudden I'll binge and feel absolutely awful.

    I had controlled my weight for the last 3 years and then I recently (in the last 6 months) went through a hard time and gained 25 pounds. I am on the right track again but when I saw this group I thought that this may be just the thing to help me get healthy and change my relationship with food. Thank-you to all of you in the group, this is the first time I've admitted that I have this bad habit.
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    Hi im Tina and I stumbled on this group and decided to give it a try. Binging has been a real problem for me for a long time, especially at night when I am bored, anxious and/or depressed. Lately, I haven't lost any weight due to this miserable problem I have. Hopefully, I can learn to kick the binging habit and finally start to lose weight again and keep it off.
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    Hi my name is Katie. I am a long time binge eater who eats extra food to squeeze my calories in even when not actually hungry. I am joining in this challenge to help me on this. I am currently 182 pounds and 5"4 inches tall. working to get to my goal of 134 pounds. anyone can add me
  • AradiaStone
    AradiaStone Posts: 132 Member
    Hey ppl. I am 29, soon to b 30 year old stay at mom of three kids. I never had a weight problem till i had my babies. Now I do not know how to gain my control over my cravings and stay active. I am so not an active person....not that that is an excuse. I am 5'8" 151 pounds
  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    Hello everyone! I am new to this group. I've been using MFP for a few months now and find the support brilliant. If I have a good day I get loads of positive comments and it really helps. But, and this is a bit but, after a couple of days of being "good" I feel the need to reward myself?! I start off so well and then have a major binge. I can honestly eat so much that I can hardly breathe. I have put on 28lbs in a year doing this. I need to lose around 30lbs. Just as I think I've got this I have an overwhelming desire to binge on anything fattening I can find. Which is closely followed by a feeling of complete disgust. I then feel so miserable that I continue stuffing my face for a few days.

    I would love to be friends with people in the same boat so please feel free to add me.
  • Jumping on board with you all. I binge way too often and want to stop! It's never soft drinks, just junk food like chips or chocolate, or just way too much when I should enforce smaller portion sizes.

    Anyway, about me. I'm a 21 yo female from Aus who is looking to slim down, particularly over the next three months while my man is away, and then work to maintain
  • viktorijandz
    viktorijandz Posts: 72 Member
    Hello everyone! It seems that I've joined the group pretty late as 19 days of the challenge have already pased. Anyway, I'm here with the same issue as everybody else. I didn't eat any sugary food until Christmas but once I came back to my home country for holidays, all that food was all around me. I thought I will manage to get back on track as soon as I'm back in Scotland but no. I usually crave for unhealthy food every 3-4 days. I really want to get my old eating habits back and not to be that sugar-sensitive so I really hope that this group will encourage me not to give up when I feel like craving is going to occure. Wishes! xx
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    Hello everyone! It seems that I've joined the group pretty late as 19 days of the challenge have already pased. Anyway, I'm here with the same issue as everybody else. I didn't eat any sugary food until Christmas but once I came back to my home country for holidays, all that food was all around me. I thought I will manage to get back on track as soon as I'm back in Scotland but no. I usually crave for unhealthy food every 3-4 days. I really want to get my old eating habits back and not to be that sugar-sensitive so I really hope that this group will encourage me not to give up when I feel like craving is going to occure. Wishes! xx

    nope, not late!! we are all on different days...different starting days. :) Welcome! You can do it!
  • Thelxinoe
    Thelxinoe Posts: 32
    Hi everyone! My name is Aleks (short for Aleksandra) and I just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm a PhD student and I'm passionate about languages and linguistics. I was overweight most of my life, but about three years ago I managed to lose about 25 pounds, with the help of a personal trainer. I have done a great job at maintaining my desired weight and keeping an active, healthy lifestyle, until about a year ago, when I got lazy, started paying less attention to the nutritional content of my diet and - worst of all - started to devour sugar-heavy foods whenever stressed/bored/sad/etc. With the weight slowly creeping up and with my favorite pair of pants barely fitting anymore, I decided to take charge of my life again and to hold myself accountable with the help of this website. I hope that this group will motivate me to stick to my goals and take control over my life again. From now on, I'll try to take part in the current challenge - the more the merrier, right? :-) Nice to meet you all!