Day 1 _ why are you doing the 50 day binge free challenge?

Day 1: Why are you doing the 50 day binge free challenge?

I have a real problem with binge eating, especilly late at night. I would binge as I have often found comfort in eating, but I always feel terrible after I do, both physically and emotionally. I hate that I am not able to take control of my actions when I have these cravings.

I am taking the 50 day binge free challenge to break out of my bad habit, to know that I have the strength and self-control to eat what I choose, and to feel better about myself.


  • NinjaTheGinger
    NinjaTheGinger Posts: 89 Member
    Day 1: Why are you doing the 50 day binge free challenge?

    Binging is what caused me to be very unhealthy growing up. I would sit around in my bed and eat all day, just to get away from the depression that I experienced. Which, it actually just caused me to feel worse about myself. Entering this challenge just fires up the competitive side of myself, and gives me reasons to get rid of the mindset that "This won't hurt me if I just binge for today.." and ruin all the progress I've made.
  • stackah
    stackah Posts: 9 Member
    I had lost about 60 pounds but then I hit a plateau with 20 more pounds to lose until my goal weight. For a long while, I at least managed to stay within a 5-pound range (140-145), so I was maintaining. But, feeling discouraged, I lost motivation and returned to some bad habits, including eating a lot of sweets and unhealthy food on the weekends and eating more fast food. I tend to be an emotional eater and a stress eater; I also eat when I'm bored. When don't I eat, lol. Lately I've been seeing my weight slowly creeping up (to about 148-150).

    I've been having a hard time regaining that motivation I once had and keeping my eating on track. I really thought 2013 was going to be the year I'd finally shed the last of the extra weight, so I'm hoping this group will help me do that.
  • daggoneit
    daggoneit Posts: 34 Member
    I also do the challenge to get away from this bad habit. The past 2 weeks were the worst ever I really need to stop my late night binges...
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    Day 1: Why are you doing the 50 day binge free challenge?

    First and foremost, I really want to kick the binging habit. I no longer want to use food as a comforter (stress, depression, anxiety and/or boredom) I want a normal relationship with food. I want to begin losing weight again. To feel good about myself! (My self esteem goes in the toilet after a binge). To eat healthier and be healthier. To develop self control when it comes to junk and sweets.

    BTW, I binged on really high cal chips tonight before I found this group and went over on my daily cals. Tomorrow, I will start clean!
  • star_sprite
    star_sprite Posts: 10 Member
    My binge eating had become worse and worse recently and I decided this week to do a 58 day challenge to keep track of my food intake and be more mindful of my eating and my emotional state. This challenge will coinside quite well with my goal to track all my food for the next two months.


    and ps. breathing exercises is such a great tool to subside the binging.
    I just finished this book and I highly recommend it:

  • KairielNadari
    KairielNadari Posts: 10 Member
    Late joining! I have a binging problem.. to an eating disorder level. Trying to maintain my weight and health and find a mindful way through anxiety!!!
    When i don't binge i overeat, and i am sick of making myself feel awful about me.
  • I am partaking in this challenge because I need concrete support to stop my overeating. I was anorexic a few years ago, and now I am the complete opposite. I believe this is the emotional rebound from depriving myself for almost a year. I would really like to have a normal relationship with food again, and to lose the weight I have gained from this stressful experience. If I can do that, I will be able to fully enjoy my hobbies running, playing with children, and fashion.
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    I am taking this to break my obession with calories and binging on extra food to get the right calories in. I need to break these two habits. eat only when i am hungry.
  • AradiaStone
    AradiaStone Posts: 132 Member
    I'm an early riser. Up at six am. I am a stay at home mom and run my own business. I work hard all morning and by 1 in the afternoon I get bored. I take a break from work and I am bored. Whether I am hungry or not I wander the house and look for something easy to eat, if there happens to be chips or chocolate I will eat it. If there isn't I manage to hold out till round 7 in the evening. Then I watch my fav shows and make excuses for snacking, I will go out to the store down the street and get snacks. Feel so mad at myself the next day even after snacking when I feel gross. I need to gain my control back.
  • KimLoan325
    KimLoan325 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm challenging myself to:

    * commit to a more healthy lifestyle
    * stop using food as a crutch
    * practice moderation with treat/splurge foods
    * pace myself and enjoy the foods I'm eating
    * manage my cholesterol
    * exercise and get my cardio levels up - be more active in general
    * eliminate junk food and refined sugar from frequent rotation
    * eat more fresh fruits and vegetables
    * fit in the clothes I wore last year

    I also use food to comfort myself and indulge my senses too often.
  • I am eating well, and beginning to exercise, and bingeing is holding me back.
    I'm tired of lying and feeling so full I could throw up.

    Someone said to me "If you can't control your cravings, you are basically a crack head" and that really hit me.
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    Day 1: Why are you doing the 50 day binge free challenge?

    I just found this thread, and it's 9:18pm on my day 1 of being binge free! So perfect timing!!! I'm very excited to do this, awesome idea!

    I joined MFP to lose a few pounds, get into shape. After a few months I had lost all the weight and was starting to see some good results from lifting. Then the holidays came... And I baked more than I ever have in my life, and ate and ate what I baked. And then the Christmas candy. I started binging for the first time in my life. It was the end of Januray before I went more than a day or two without binging. And now after two good weeks, I'm currently at the tail end of another week of binging.

    I know I have an addictive personality, I know I can kick this, I've kicked other addictions, I have used my own sheer willpower to get over them and I can do that with this addiction too. I want to examine myself and figure out why I started doing this and how I can stop doing it. My husband thinks I just always need something to be addicted to. So I feel like I know why I started, but am still figuring out how to stop. I hate the guilt, I hate that I sabotage all my hard work. I hate the way my brain feels when I'm having a craving. I've beat cravings before, I will do it again! Good luck to everyone, see you tomorrow, after another binge free day!!
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    Day 1 - Why are you doing the 50 day binge free challenge?

    To try to break the cycle of binges. I gain and lose the same 4 pounds of water weight over and over again. Until I quit with the binges, I'm never going to actually lose fat. I've got exercise into my's eating that I need to get control over.

    This is actually day 2 for me and I really am committed to the 50 days. I've never gone that long and I'm hoping it will build NEW lasting habits.
  • Day 1 - Why are you doing the 50 day binge free challenge?

    I've always been a binge eater - and only recently figured out (with some help from another MFP member) that excessive carb consumption, not emotional eating, is my problem. Now that I know WHY I binge, I think I can stop.

    I don't like protein, but I'm making myself eat it and it's working. Today is my third day without binging AND keeping my carb intake under the recommended 55%!
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    Day 1 _ why are you doing the 50 day binge free challenge?

    I am doing the binge-free challenge because after losing 100 lbs, I've relapsed HARD into binge eating. I've always been a binge eater and have led a generally unhealthy & sedentary lifestyle but things have recently gotten way out of control. I've gained 45 lbs in the past year. (after losing 100! how disappointing.) I am looking to change my habits once again because I know I can, I've done it before - but this time for good.

    I've also been reading Brain over Binge and it is a great compliment to this challenge. If anyone is looking for some reading, I recommend it.
  • viktorijandz
    viktorijandz Posts: 72 Member
    Day 1 - Why are you doing the 50 day binge free challenge?

    I had a very big craving last night. I couldn't sleep last night because of horrible stomach ache. I'm really worried about it because I haven't eatten any sugary foods or other unhealthy food for like 3 or 4 years and used to feel great without it! When I came to study in Scotland, it became a huge challenge for me. Sugar is EVERYWHERE! And as a result, I face huge cravings lately regularly. It makes me feel bad and sick in all the ways. I really want to get back on track again and get my self-confidence and high energy levels back.
  • Thelxinoe
    Thelxinoe Posts: 32
    I'm late to the party, but here it is: I'm doing the challenge because I want to be held accountable for my actions. I have gotten into the bad habit of devouring large amounts of sweets, especially in the evenings. I hope that, by participating in the challenge, I can be more conscious of these urges and to curb them when they strike. Not to say all sweets are out of bounds - I will use them as a reward/motivator for my daily accomplishments, but within reason.
  • Hello I just joined without knowing if I could or not! Someone send me a link to the group on one of my posts, how does this work?
  • I am doing the 50 day binge free change because I am sick of how binging has such a control over my life. I can be having a good week and really be feeling good about myself and all the sudden the binge sneak attack happens and I feel like I failed...again. It also makes me tend to have unhealthy habits like extreme exercise and fasting to counteract the binge. It shatters my confidence and I don't want it to have anything to do with my life again. I want my self confidence and healthy lifestyle back! I can't wait to take the challenge and beat the cycle.
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member
    Day 1: Why are you doing the 50 day binge free challenge?

    It's been a few weeks since my last binge and I wanted to reinforce that. When I had lost 60lbs in the past, I binged the whole way down. This time around I wanted to do it a healthier way and binging less. I had seen that in the past binges were due to low calories or I was looking for something I wasn't getting in my foods - mostly iron. I started MFP just for tracking the iron and when those levels are up, I haven't had the desire to binge. Or so I've noticed thus far.