Anyone following anti-inflammation eating plan?

Would like to connect with others following anti-inflammation plans. I have been experimenting with recipes (gluten, dairy, sugar free) for the past few months and am interested in chatting with others doing this. I am not at 100% (more like 75%) but serious about making this change over time. It will be a real life change. I'm new to this online community and looking to connect with a few others to check in 1-2times a week. Friend me if you are interested.



  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    Yup I eat paleo that's anti inflammation, I love it it's really helped me lose
  • libertygirlfla
    libertygirlfla Posts: 184 Member
    I'm interested, too. Someone suggested that I try eliminating wheat to see if that helps. I just finished day 1....

    Would love some friends who are doing the same thing. I also try to eat clean/organic when possible, but I'm not fanatical about it.

    Friend me!
  • Xelace
    Xelace Posts: 18
    Just got serious about it a week ago, but I'm already feeling better and I couldn't be happier with it!
    I would say I eat very close to paleo, but I have my own take on it. However, I do not eat grains, dairy or sugar, except small amounts once a week...

    Feel free to friend me!
  • b_ray_73
    b_ray_73 Posts: 110 Member
    I've been doing paleo for the last few weeks and the biggest thing I've noticed (other than losing cravings for breads/sweets/etc) is that I can sleep at night if I forget to take my neurontin and my fibromyalgia seems to flare up less than half as much as it used to! If I slip up and eat wheat/sugar (like last night's little piece of valentine's cake) my nerves start acting up and my muscles are much more touchy.