Shakeology: Day 1

I received my 1st shipment of Shakeology today.

I mixed 1 scoop with 8 ounces of water and about 7 ice cubes, it came out of the blender SUPER THICK!!

I tried a few sips and it was disgusting!!!! I tried to dilute it with some more water which made it a tad better, but it still had a very strong after taste. I decided to add a little honey (1/2 tbsp) which made it more bearable. I was at least able to finish the cup. I drank it as a snack around 3:30 pm, it is now 6pm and I am still stuffed.

Anyway to make it taste better? I was thinking about using 1/2 a scoop tomorrow and mixing it with some peanut butter.


  • ablissabby
    ablissabby Posts: 56 Member
    Hi there! I used to be super loyal to Shakeology, but they changed the formula for the chocolate kind and I didn't like it as much so I stopped (although I've been thinking about trying the Vegan Chocolate). Anyway, I had the same problem and this worked --> use 2 cups of unsweetened almond milk and a tbsp or two of vanilla extract (the vanilla extract is CLUTCH). It made a WORLD of difference :)

    Good luck!!
  • astheygrowup
    astheygrowup Posts: 188 Member
    I always use mine as a meal so I put in 8oz unsweetened vanilla almond milk and a frozen banana. I have never tried it mixed with just water. Mine comes out thick but I actually like the taste
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I've been drinking shakeology for over a year, and just became a coach to get the discount. I also was not happy with the chocolate change, but I now add a banana to it, and blend for a Long time (several minutes) and I like it a lot better! Adding a TBS of peanut butter is a good mix also. I also use a lot more water than that. Sometimes I put in a dash of skim milk.

    If you don't like either of those, google shakeology recipes, there are Tons out there, and you can change up the flavor the way you like it. hopefully after a few more tries, you will find something you like

    And again, MORE liquid!

    Also - look down the list of discussions here, there is another thread with some other recipes.
  • BrideToBe101212
    Thanks for the suggestions! I have found a few recipes that I enjoy. I am going to finish out this bag but I doubt I am going to get any future shipments, it is so super expensive!!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Glad you found some recipes.

    How long have you been drinking it?
    Do you feel any better? Any changes?

    I originally thought 'expensive' also. But, its a Meal, not an add-on for me, so at $4 a meal, it fits in the budget just fine. Its just getting use to it coming in different than going to the grocery store or lunch fast food places, etc.

    I do feel better, so its worth the investment in me. If its still new to you, give it a chance and see how you Feel.

    Congrats on your wedding!
  • BrideToBe101212
    Glad you found some recipes.

    How long have you been drinking it?
    Do you feel any better? Any changes?

    I originally thought 'expensive' also. But, its a Meal, not an add-on for me, so at $4 a meal, it fits in the budget just fine. Its just getting use to it coming in different than going to the grocery store or lunch fast food places, etc.

    I do feel better, so its worth the investment in me. If its still new to you, give it a chance and see how you Feel.

    Congrats on your wedding!

    Thank you for your feedback! I did end up finding a few shake recipes that I really like.
    As far as price, I see time and time again, the whole it is just an exchange in the budget. It is simply not true for me and many other people. My grocery budget is $300 a month for 2 people. If my husband were also on it, that would be $240 a month going to Shakeology and we would only have $60 left a month to pay for other groceries. It is something we are currently discussing how we want to deal with it and if I should try to find one a little less expensive.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I see the budget issue for sure. Do you eat out at all? where it could cut into that budget vs grocery budget?

    I'm probably not being very helpful, darn.
  • scottbruso
    scottbruso Posts: 4 Member
    I just received my Shakeology (Greenberry)and today will be Day 1. I started Day 1 of Power 90 and just had some Whey. So today for lunch I will try Shakeology for the first time.
  • I totally understand the budget thing. It's hard. We're on one too. I must say though, a cheaper shake is not half of shakeology. Shakeology has changed my life, fixed my mood, curbed my cravings-- nothing else has done that. Worth every penny.

    Back to your tasting better thing, In my opinion, it's an acquired taste that takes some getting used to. My first shake experience was very similar to yours. So originally I mixed it with skim milk and banana. Now, I only use ice and water to mix with it. can get thick. I just add a lot of water. But if I can go from being highly disappointed and adding fruit like crazy to basically shaking it with water, then anyone can.

  • coachmjfitness11
    Hi there! I used to be super loyal to Shakeology, but they changed the formula for the chocolate kind and I didn't like it as much so I stopped (although I've been thinking about trying the Vegan Chocolate). Anyway, I had the same problem and this worked --> use 2 cups of unsweetened almond milk and a tbsp or two of vanilla extract (the vanilla extract is CLUTCH). It made a WORLD of difference :)

    Good luck!!

    They have since then changed the formula again to be both healthier andddd more delicous! So theres that. I've been using it about a year (long enough to know what the original was like- and THIS is better!) As for the shake combo- i would definitely use LESS ice, and a milk base to make it more chocolatey and less...water tasting.
  • CoachChrisD
    CoachChrisD Posts: 207 Member
    i use 1 scoop of shakeo chocolate
    1 banana
    1 spoon of pb
    8 ounces of almond unsweeten milk
    and 4 spoons of fat free vanilla yogurt with a cup of ice
  • adsaylor
    adsaylor Posts: 36 Member
    I use 3/4 cup of water
    1/2 cup of unsweeetened almond milk
    5 or 6 cubes of ice
    1 tablespoon of powdered peanute butter.

    the less ice you put in it won't be as thick.