What are your distractions from stres eating?

lazieats Posts: 185 Member
Hi, I'm new to the group. I have a 13-year old son with Autism/ADHD who is on Independent Study.
We're having a really tough time of it right now because he has been assigned a research paper and does.not.want.to.do.it. The teacher broke it down to very small steps, I tried helping him be organized and helped him arrange time, but he just didn't want to do it. Four weeks later and the final due date is this week and he has only one page written. He's stressing out, arguing with himself over doing it, fighting with everyone, especially me who has said he can't have his DS until he gets the thing done.

TL;DR version: It's WWIII in the house and all I want to do is dive face-first into all my comfort foods. If I could crawl into a box of Oreos, I'd be a very happy girl. What are your favorite distractions from stress eating? (It's just him and me during the day, so I can't get out for a walk, unfortunately.)


  • Oh man, I wish I had more than I do - reading a book usually is better for me than watching TV, since I have to at least HOLD the book, so any mindless eating would have to be strictly single handed ;)

    I have another app called My Diet Coach (http://www.ollapp.com/app/my-diet-coach-weight-loss/iphone) that has a "Panic" button where you can scroll through fairly helpful motivating stuff to help you avoid stress eating or other roadblocks, you can choose your panic category - like cravings, no motivation, don't want to exercise. There's also a "Cravings Timer" because IN THEORY most cravings only last 20 minutes, so you fill in I WILL NOT EAT THAT __________ and it starts counting down. I wasn't sure it would help but it actually does.

    And I'm thinking of getting my friend to teach me how to knit! Would love to have something to productive to do with my hands, and I love big knit hats/scarves/etc. Painting my nails sometimes helps too. I'm really awful at it so it takes a while :)
  • asdandme
    asdandme Posts: 72 Member
    I found that I feel a lot better when I replace stress eating with exercise(walking while listening to favorite tunes) Works 3 ways 1. gets me away from stressful situation...2. helps me lose weight ....3. endorphins feel great!!!! After a good walk(4 miles works for me) I feel happy and like I could take on the world!!!! When I can't get away to walk right away I drink some water slowly (20 oz usually) Works by 1. fills me up....2. gives me something to do that does not involve calories....3.gives me time to calm down. In the evenings after a stressful day I make a lovely tray for tea with 0 calorie sweetener and light a pretty smelling candle then bring it into the living room and watch my favorite shows while sipping my tea. By doing these things I have not stress ate in 7 months and have lost 40lbs. Hope this helps and good luck:smile:
  • Cdn_Dot
    Cdn_Dot Posts: 53 Member
    Knitting is great and I do it while we watch tv, hands are busy, no eating. There are some great youtube tutorials and the community at ravelry.com is great. Check to see if there is a knitting guild in your area, folks are friendly and helpful.
    Exercise is great too, must go more of it. And the water suggestion is awesome, I find I am more likely to eat junk when I am dehydrated and "weak".
    My Mom's group is great and have been really helpful. Mom's are our best resource for support and knowledge. ;)
  • MissySchwab
    MissySchwab Posts: 529 Member
    sounds silly but i try to think of 5 things that are going right.Then I jump in help my son so he is not stressed to get organized using timers to complete stuff timely.I also say 5 to 10 reasons I won't stress eat like I want to fit those smaller jeans,I want to be healthy,i am worth it...ect. good luck
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    Well, he has ADHD! LOL. I have one EXACTLY like that. Puberty is a nightmare with these kids and you are smack in the middle of it. Their brain chemistry is working against them. For distractions I like running, gardening (digging in the soil is very therapeutic), reading, baking. When my Autism/ADHD kid was that age I used to actually play video games with him (non-violent fun ones like Mario Golf) and we'd relax together. And he also liked walking and jogging with me too. Take HIM out with you. Mine also liked to put on music and dance with me.
  • Delldgm
    Delldgm Posts: 27 Member

    I second the knitting, and add some gum. I put a video on, the knitting keeps my fingers busy, but I added in the gum to relieve the want to chew, ( yes I think I caught oral fixation of my kids lol) and a big bottle of water and I'm set to go.

    If its daytime, I go for a walk and take the kids with me if there isn't a chance to go by myself. They find it calming to.

    I did have a particularly bad night one night and told myself if I wanted to snack I had to do squats or sit-ups for that amount of cals first. Would have been really funny to be a fly on the wall, I kept jumping up and doing sit ups and squats and then I would sit and have one measly piece of chocolate, after about 3 goes of this, I was trashed and all cravings gone. Wouldn't recommend it to often but some days there is just no getting around it so It was a good compromise and taught my brain a good lesson in the process lol

    Hope this helps