Blood pressure meds ?

angelcop74 Posts: 82 Member
Anyone out there have any info on the prices of bp meds WITHOUT health insurance?? I havent had health insurance for a few years and my bp is still high with diet and exercise so i need to figure out some options.


  • idahopacker
    idahopacker Posts: 66 Member
    A 30 day supply of the three BP medicines I currently take would cost $46.21 through Costco Pharmacy. I use generic equivalents and it saves me a lot.

    Costco Pharmacy has online drug pricing available at the following:
  • angelcop74
    angelcop74 Posts: 82 Member
    I know walmart has good deals on meds too if they're generic.. i guess i just have to make sure they prescribe generic stuff?
  • idahopacker
    idahopacker Posts: 66 Member
    Name brand prices are ridiculous.
  • Yup! Just ask your doctor for the generic brand, it's rare that they would fight you on it.
  • Back2MeDiva
    Back2MeDiva Posts: 24 Member
    Genetics for Walmart, Target, and a few other are $4, but all Rx companys have patient assistance programs for those without insurance. This is a great site to find the application for meds that your doctor will have to fill out, but it will give you a 3 month supply for free (if you meet their qualifications) You can look meds up by brand name, generic, or manufacturing Rx company. Also ALWAYS ask your doctor for samples, because most companies leave them for the doctors when they visit. Hope this helps.
  • idahopacker
    idahopacker Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks for sharing this information Back2MeDiva
  • My meds cost me 5.99 a month at Costco.
  • ecka723
    ecka723 Posts: 148 Member
    What I take is about $14/month at Costco, a warehouse store where I live. I take Losartan HCTZ, and it's one of the more expensive ones I've taken. I would highly recommend talking to a doctor and letting them know you have no insurance. My doc and I tried a few different ones to find one that would work for me, and didn't cost an arm and a leg. Or look for sliding-scale clinics and pharmacies in your area.