Hello fellow Hoosiers :)

Hey all :) I'm a 43 year old Mom of a 20 year old Marine. I just joined MFP a week or so ago but I'm a year and a half into my weight loss journey. Almost 70 lbs down so far. I kind of stalled around the holidays but my employer is sponsoring a 'biggest loser' type event so I thought it the perfect time to buckle down and finish it out!

To be honest I'm not in it to win it. Some of the girls I'm working with are doing Atkins, fasting, all kinds of crazy stuff. I just want to use it as a opportunity to continue to make changes to my lifestyle that are sustainable and healthy.

One of the changes I'm most proud of right now is Pepsi. For the last 25 years I've been a pepsi addict. No diet pepsi for me, no way. A full 900 -1200 calories a day. Last Friday I decided I was drinking my last one, and I haven't had once since. I'm having a hell of a time figuring out my calorie and macro intake to keep my energy level up at work, but I refuse to drink another one. Out to lunch with friends yesterday I ordered unsweetened Iced Tea and it felt so good! I was really afraid I'd grab one of the other girls glasses and start sucking like a fiend but I didn't lol

I'm finding even on just 1200 calories I'm having to force myself to eat all my calories for the day. (unless I binge, like yesterday) I'm just not used to eating this much food. I'm used to a cereal bar in the mornings, a payday bar or bag of chips if I'm hungry at lunch, then some sort of heart attack in a sack on the way home. The only reason I've lost the first 60 lbs is my job. I went from an extremely sedentary lifestyle to warehouse work and the first 20 lbs just kind of fell off. I made a few small changes (small fries instead of large, grilled chicken instead of fried, no deserts, that kind of thing) and dropped the other 40.

So now the work begins... I know I should be taking in more calories, especially if I finally get off my *kitten* and use the Y membership I just signed up for, and my son suggested protein powder and chia seeds to add to different foods, so thats my next step.

Anyway, thats my story! Thanks for the invite, hope to get to know you all better :)


  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member
    Great to have you here Cindy! I'm in a biggest loser contest right now also (although that's not really a motivating force in my fitness quest). I've been on here for a bit over a year.
  • kathyazach
    kathyazach Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome Cindy! sounds like you are doing well in your journey, hopefully MFP helps you get to where you want to be. I find it's easier to stay within my calories if I add exercise on that day. Also try eating a substantial meal for breakfast or lunch, then eat a light dinner, switch things up a bit and you might find your body will be "confused" and thus kickstarting your metabolism again.
  • MamawChristy
    MamawChristy Posts: 30 Member
    Way to go Cindy! You will feel so much better off of the Pepsi! And you will find so many other healthy drinks to try out. Get some lemons and put some in your water every day, really refreshing and good for you.