10-12 lbs by Easter WEEK 1 WEIGH IN

Good morning! Because I am rubbish, I forgot to start the challenge on saturday. So, if everyone could please weigh in today and record your weight here!


  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    Hey, I'm totally new here, hope you guys don't mind!

    CW: 211.6lb

    I'm hoping for 12lb by easter to get me in the 100's!
  • jessiica_xo
    jessiica_xo Posts: 25 Member
    I'm new also (: I'm Jessica

    My SW was 274lbs

    My CW is 199lbs (my actual weigh ins are on Tuesday, so that'll change tomorrow hopefully to a lower number lol)

    I'm hoping to get to 190lbs by Easter, so fingers crossed!

    Good luck everyone.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I actually did happen to weigh myself this morning! I was at 263.6.

    SW: 288.6
    GW: 170

    Easter Challenge SW: 263.6
  • BrightonBelle
    BrightonBelle Posts: 57 Member
    SW 168lbs
    Easter GW 160lbs

    (Overall GW 145)
  • ScreamingUnicorn
    ScreamingUnicorn Posts: 83 Member
    CW: 156
  • magdalen13
    magdalen13 Posts: 62 Member
    Start Weight: 238

    Easter Challenge Start Weight: 219.8

    so my goal is going to be at least 209-210, that would be 10 pounds down by Easter.
  • Well I'm going to attempt this again, didn't do so hot last time. I've been losing inches and going back and forth on the same two pounds. Hopefull I will do better for this challenge.

    Easter challenge starting weight: 146.8

    Honestly, I will be happy if I can just get down to 140
  • minikhan95
    minikhan95 Posts: 52 Member
    Okay eeek so excited!! :)

    SW: 135.8 lbs.

    GW: 123.8 lbs.

    That makes me so excited. I haven't been down in the 120's in quite a while :)
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    i'm taking on the challenge again even though the Valentines one was a bit of a let down.

    Week 1: 233 (gained 3 pounds this weekend due to drinking/bad food choices)

    i'm hoping to lose 10 pounds by Easter!
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member
    My name is Samantha, I am currently 185, my goal weight is about 150! I would love some supportive friends and I love to support others, feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Naptownbabi
    Naptownbabi Posts: 256 Member
    hey all i'm new too.

    CW: 215
    GW(by Easter):203
  • Eabec
    Eabec Posts: 53 Member
    Hi all! CW is 159, GW for challenge is 153 with overall goal of 135. Let's get it done!
  • peace_frog21
    peace_frog21 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi all! I'm just joining. I changed my diet for Lent (no meat, no sugary coffee drinks and more exercise) so this is a good group for me as I'm hoping to get over my plateau!

    SW: 265
    CW: 216 I've been here since November :-(

    I'm hoping to see at least 209 by Easter. 205 would be fantastic though :-)
  • skinnyjess6
    skinnyjess6 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi y'all! :) I've been overweight for a few years now, and have been putting off getting back in shape. I have 31.2lbs to lose from my starting weight, and so far I've lost 16.6 since the beginning of January. I'm excited to join this group and hopefully have more friends for motivation and support! My Fitness Pal has been the #1 thing keeping me on track the entire time. Please feel free to add me if you like!

    SW: 166.2
    CW: 149.6
    UGW: 135
    Easter Goal Weight: 137.6

    So excited! Thanks luceeleanor for starting this group.

    *Edited because I accidently pressed enter before I was done entering my info! Haha.
  • df1982
    df1982 Posts: 147 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Great that we are continuing on, and welcome new people!

    SW (before Valentine's Day challenge): 144
    GW: 125

    Easter goal: 130-128

    Good luck!

  • murphoo
    murphoo Posts: 31 Member
    Hi all! I'm excited to join the group..
    I've gotten stuck weight loss wise so I'm hoping this gets me motivated,,,

    SW: 158
    GW: 135
    Easter goal weight: 152
  • cyoka13
    cyoka13 Posts: 288 Member
    Hello All-

    I am new to the group : ) I would like to loose about 6-7 pounds by easter (roughly 1.2 lbs per week).

    CW: 139.2
    GW by easter: 133/132
    UGW: 130-125ish

    I enjoy shorter term challenges like this. It helps keep me focused. About my routine: I use an elliptical about 4x per week, and include a 20 minute calisthenics/stability ball workout with it. About once a week, I up the intensity level on my elliptical program. I eat roughly 1300-1400 cals per day. I normally eat back about half my exercise cals.

    I am looking forward to the group! Feel free to add me :)
  • There are effectively 6 weeks to Easter, and I'm going home for it (and will see people for the first time since Christmas). I'm taking my weight loss slowly, but I'd like to have reached into the next stone down, which is 8lbs away. So...

    CW: 162
    Challenge GW: 154
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Hello! I'm so thrilled to have found this group. I think it will help me get the results I want by March 31st.

    3/31 GW: 175-177
  • robynw143
    robynw143 Posts: 65 Member
    SW: 228